May 6, 2014

:01 A.M. – 12:58 P.M.)
Present: Wayne Briske, Chairman  
  Tim Tate, Vice Chairman  
  David Luther Woodward  
  Dorothy Davis  
  Robert V. Goodloe  
  Karen Sindel  
  Alvin Wingate  
  Stephanie Oram, Navy (Non-Voting)  
Absent: Patty Hightower, School Board (Non-Voting)
Staff Present: Ryan Ross, Assistant County Attorney
Horace Jones, Interim Director, Development Services
Andrew Holmer, Senior. Planner, Planning & Zoning
Juan Lemos, Senior Planner, Planning & Zoning
Allyson Cain, Urban Planner, Planning & Zoning
John Fisher, Urban Planner, Planning & Zoning
Denise Halstead, Sr Office Assistant
Temeka Mallory, Sr. Office Assistant
Debbie Lockhart, Administrative Assistant
Attendees: Griffin Vickery, Urban Planner
1.   Call to Order at 10:01 a.m.
2.   Proof of Publication.
3.   Approval of Minutes.
  Motion by Robert V. Goodloe, Seconded by Tim Tate 
Motion was made to approve the minutes from the April 1, 2014 Planning Board Meeting.
  Vote: 6 - 0 Approved
Other: David Luther Woodward (ABSENT)
4.   Public Hearings.

Mr. Woodward returned at 10:06 a.m.
A.      LDC Ordinance Article 13.11.00, "Swimming Pools"
  Motion by Karen Sindel, Seconded by Tim Tate 
Motion was made to recommend approval to the BCC.
  Vote: 7 - 0 Approved
B.      Minimum Lot Size and Distance Standards for Stables
  Motion by Tim Tate, Seconded by Dorothy Davis 
Motion was made to recommend approval to the BCC with amended changes.
  Vote: 7 - 0 Approved
C.      Amendments to Development Agreement for UWF Campus Master Plan
  Motion by Tim Tate, Seconded by Karen Sindel 
Motion was made to recommend approval to the BCC.
  Vote: 7 - 0 Approved
5.   Action/Discussion/Info Items.
A.      Cinerators as an Accessory Use, presentation by Juan LemosStaff to present an Ordinance modifying multiple definitions in Articles 3, 6, and 11 of the Land Development Code, and establishing permitted and conditional use criteria for activities related to funeral, cemetery and consumer services throughout the County.

The Planning Board gave direction to bring back as conditional use adding definition for direct disposal to Ordinance.
B.      Land Development Code RewriteContinuation of Land Development Code Review.
6.   Public Forum.
7.   Director's Review.
8.   County Attorney's Report.
9.   Scheduling of Future Meetings.
  The next Regular Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at 8:35 a.m., in the Escambia County Central Office Complex, Room 104, First Floor, 3363 West Park Place, Pensacola, Florida.
10.   Announcements/Communications.
11.   Adjournment at 12:58 p.m.