January 25, 2016 - 4:00 p.m.
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
BCC Meeting Room, First Floor
221 Palafox Place
Pensacola, FL 32502
1. Call To Order
2. Proof of Publication
3. Attendance
4. Approval of Minutes for 01-11-2016 RESTORE Meeting
5. Old Business
6. New Business - Applicant Presentations

Application Project Name POC First Name POC Last Name Estimated Presentation Time
076 Englewood-Northeast Brownsville-West Moreno Urban Revitalization Project CLARA Long 4:00
096 Brownsville Redevelopment Initiative Max Rogers 4:10
094 Escambia County Offer Your Shell To Enhance Restoration (OYSTER) Project Gwinn Corley 4:20
059 South Dogtrack Drainage- Coral Creek, Hampton Lake, Three Waters Green (aka, Mariner Village), Liberty Church Steve Geci 4:30
030 Tarkiln Bayou Preserve restoration of Big Muddy Dan Hoffman 4:40
045 IHMC Community Meeting Hall Expansion Julie Sheppard 4:50
093 Escambia County Heritage Trails Elizabeth Benchley 5:00
028 Ashland Park Sewer Expansion/Stormwater Improvement Tim Haag 5:10
029 Pensacola Beach Reclaimed Water System Expansion - Phase IV Tim Haag 5:20
004 Eleven Mile Creek Stream Restoration Chris Curb 5:30
043 Woodlands -UWF Scenic Hills–St Luke’s Church Neighborhood Partnership Stream Restoration & Flood Protection Chris Curb 5:40
039 Hollice T. Williams Park -Stormwater Management/Recreational Faclities Project Rebecca Ferguson 5:50
050 Port Pensacola Maritime Infrastructure Berth 6 Restoration Rebecca Ferguson 6:00
047 Maritime Sports Tourism Development Project/ Maritime Infrastructure Project Rebecca Ferguson 6:10
061 General Daniel "Chappie" James, Jr. Memorial Park Low Impact Development and Stormwater Treatment Project Rebecca Ferguson 6:20
7. Public Comment (limit 3 minutes each)
8. Adjournment