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Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting – November 5, 2020 – 5:30 p.m.
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building – First Floor
1. Call to Order.

Please turn your cell phone to the vibrate, silence, or off setting.

The Board of County Commissioners allows any person to speak regarding an item on the Agenda. The speaker is limited to three (3) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the Chairman, to allow sufficient time for all speakers. Speakers shall refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, protests, or other conduct which interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting. Upon completion of the Public comment period, discussion is limited to Board members and questions raised by the Board.
2. Invocation – Commissioner Bergosh.
3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
4. Are there any items to be added to the agenda?

Recommendation: That the Board adopt the agenda as prepared (or duly amended).
5. Commissioners’ Forum.
6.   Proclamations.

Recommendation:  That the Board adopt the following Proclamations:

A. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Andrew Huffman, a Veteran's Service Officer in the Veteran's Affairs Department, on his selection as the "Employee of the Month" for November 2020;

B. The Proclamation calling upon citizens to observe the entire week of November 8, 2020, through November 14, 2020, as Veteran's Week, in tribute to those who have thus added strength to the Nation and in renewed dedication to their work, building peace with honor among all nations; and

C. The Proclamation, commending and congratulating Lieutenant General Duane D. Thieesen for his many years of service and upcoming retirement.

C. to be distributed under separate cover.
7. Did the Clerk’s Office receive the proofs of publication for the Public Hearing(s) on the agenda and the Board’s Weekly Meeting Schedule?

Recommendation: That the Board waive the reading of the legal advertisement(s) and accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the certified affidavit(s) establishing proof of publication for the Public Hearing(s) on the agenda, and the Board of County Commissioners – Escambia County, Florida, Meeting Schedule.
8.   5:31 p.m. Public Hearing for Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance Creating Volume 1, Chapter 18, Article VII, Sections 18-351 through 18-355 of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances.

Recommendation: That the Board adopt and authorize the Chairman to sign an Ordinance creating Volume 1, Chapter 18, Article VII, Sections 18-351 through 18-355 of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances, providing for regulation of the sale of motor vehicles unless conducted by a business within Escambia County.
9.   5:32 p.m. Public Hearing for Consideration of Amendments to Volume 1, Chapter 18, Article VI, Sections 18-314 through 18-324 of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances.

Recommendation: That the Board adopt and authorize the Chairman to sign an Ordinance amending Volume 1, Chapter 18, Article VI, Sections 18-314 through 18-324 of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances, providing for additional consumer protections related to itinerant vendor sales occurring in Escambia County.
10. Reports:
Backup Not Included With The Clerk's Report Is Available For Review In
The Office Of The Clerk To The Board
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building, Suite 110
I.  Consent Agenda
1.   Recommendation Concerning  Acceptance of TDT Collection Data for the August 2020 Returns Collected in September 2020

That the Board accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Tourist Development Tax (TDT) Collections Data for the August 2020 returns received in the month of September 2020, as prepared by the Finance Department of the Clerk and Comptroller's Office; this is the twelfth month of collections for the Fiscal Year 2020; total collections for the month of August 2020 returns was $938,397.86; this is a 22.34% decrease over the August 2019 returns; total collections year to date are 20.61% less than the comparable time frame in Fiscal year 2019.
2.   Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of the September 30, 2020, Investment Report.

That the Board accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the Investment Portfolio Summary Report for the month ended September 30, 2020, as required by Ordinance Number 95-13. On September 30, 2020, the portfolio market value was $316,863,867 and portfolio earnings totaled $259,958 for the month. The short term portfolio achieved a yield of 0.57%. The long-term CORE portfolio achieved a yield of 0.18%.
3.   Recommendation Concerning the Acceptance of Documents Provided for Filing with the Board's Minutes

That the Board accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, Closing Documents for the sale of surplus property at 3722 James Street, based on the Board's action on July 10, 2014, CAR II-7, authorizing the surplus and sale of real properties and authorizing the Chairman to sign all documents related to the sale.
4.   Recommendation Concerning Minutes and Reports Prepared by the Clerk to the Board's Office

That the Board take the following action concerning Minutes and Reports prepared by the Clerk to the Board's office:

A.  Accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Report of the Committee of the Whole Workshop held October 8, 2020;

B.  Approve the Minutes of the Attorney-Client Session held October 15, 2020;

C.  Accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Report of the Gary Sansing Public Forum held October 15, 2020; and

D.  Approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held October 15, 2020.
I.   Public Hearing
1.   Recommendation Concerning the Review of the Rezoning Case Heard by the Planning Board on October 6, 2020

That the Board take the following action concerning the rezoning case heard by the Planning Board on October 6, 2020:
  1. Review and either adopt, modify, or overturn the Planning Board’s recommendation for Rezoning Case Z-2020-07 or remand the case back to the Planning Board; and
  2. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Orders of the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners for the rezoning case that were reviewed.
  Case No.: Z-2020-07
  Address: 900 BLK Dog Track Road
  Property Reference No.: 25-2S-31-1302-000-001 and 25-2S-31-2402-000-000
  Property Size: 20.43 (+/-) acres
  From: MDR, Medium Density Residential district (10 du/acre)
  To: HDMU, High Density Mixed-use district (25 du/acre)
  FLU Category: MU-U, Mixed-Use Urban and MU-S, Mixed-Use Suburban
  Commissioner District: 1
  Requested by: Joe A. Rector, Jr., Mullins LLC, Agent for Bellview Development Company, Inc. / Linda O'Neill
  Planning Board Recommendation: Approval
  Speakers: Joe Rector
2.   5:45 p.m.  A Public Hearing for Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map

That the Board adopt an Ordinance to amend the Official Zoning Map to include the rezoning case heard by the Planning Board on October 6, 2020, and approved during the previous agenda item and to provide for severability, inclusion in the code, and an effective date.
3.   5:46 p.m. - A Public Hearing Concerning the Review of an Ordinance Removing a Parcel from the County DSAP and Assigning a Compatible FLU - OSP-2020-01

That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) review and transmit to the Department of Economic Opportunity, (DEO), an Ordinance amending the Escambia County Mid-West Sector Plan, Final Land Use Plan, Figure 2.01.A, removing a parcel within Section 03, Township 1N, Range 31W, Parcel Number 1302-000-001, totaling 10.05 (+/-) acres, located on N. Highway 29, from the Escambia County Mid-West Sector Plan; further amending Part II of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances, the Escambia County Comprehensive Plan: 2030, as amended; amending Chapter 7, "The Future Land Use Element," Policy FLU 1.1.1, to provide for an amendment to the 2030 Future Land Use Map, assigning a Future Land Use category to a parcel within Section 03, Township 1N, Range 31W, Parcel Number 1302-000-001, totaling 10.05 (+/-) acres, of Mixed-Use Suburban (MU-S).

This hearing serves as the first of two public hearings.

Please note that the October 1, 2020, GMR Consent Item included an inadvertent reference to the "Muscogee Detailed Specific Area Plan." It should have read "Jacks Branch Detailed Specific Area Plan."
4.   5:47 p.m. - A Public Hearing Concerning the Review of an Ordinance Removing a Parcel from the County DSAP and Assigning a Compatible FLU - OSP-2020-02

That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) review and transmit to the Department of Economic Opportunity, (DEO), an Ordinance amending the Escambia County Mid-West Sector Plan, Final Land Use Plan, Figure 2.01.A, removing a parcel within Section 03, Township 1N, Range 31W, Parcel Number 3401-000-000, totaling 19.34 (+/-) acres, located on Pine Top Lane, from the Escambia County Mid-West Sector Plan; further amending Part II of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances, the Escambia County Comprehensive Plan: 2030, as amended; amending Chapter 7, "The Future Land Use Element," Policy FLU 1.1.1, to provide for an amendment to the 2030 Future Land Use Map, assigning a Future Land Use category to a parcel within Section 03, Township 1N, Range 31W, Parcel Number 3401-000-000, totaling 19.34 (+/-) acres, of Mixed-Use Suburban (MU-S).

This hearing serves as the first of two public hearings.

Please note that the October 1, 2020, GMR Consent Item included an inadvertent reference to the "Muscogee Detailed Specific Area Plan." It should have read "Jacks Branch Detailed Specific Area Plan."
5.   5:48 p.m. - A Public Hearing Concerning the Review of an Ordinance Amending the Future Land Use Map, LSA-2019-05

That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) review and approve an Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 7, 2030 Future Land Use (FLU) map, LSA-2019-05, changing the FLU category for two parcels located on Pine Forest Road, Parcel Number 24-1S-31-4230-000-020, totaling 10.28 (+/-) acres, and Parcel Number 24-1S-31-3140-000-000, totaling 3.66 (+/-) acres, from Commercial (C) to Mixed-Use Urban (MU-U).

This serves as the second of two public hearings.
6.   5:49 p.m. - A Public Hearing Concerning the Review of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 7, Policy FLU 1.1.1 and FLU 5.1 to Provide for an Amendment to the 2030 Future Land Use Map - LSA-2020-02

That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) review and approve an Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 7, 2030 FLU map, for the specific parcel 25-2S-31-1303-000-000, located on Dog Track Road, requesting to change the existing FLUM designation from Commercial (C) to Mixed-Use Urban (MU-U) of 88.24 (+/-) acres.

This hearing serves as the second of two required public hearings. 
II. Consent Agenda
1.   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of Public Hearing

That the Board authorize the scheduling of the following Public Hearing:

December 10, 2020

5:45 p.m. - A Public Hearing - Morgan Cemetery Road Land Clearing Debris Disposal Facility

Summary: Review and approve, modify or deny the  permit for Morgan Cemetery Road Yard Trash/Land Clearing Debris Disposal Facility located at 1950 Morgan Cemetery Road.
I.   Technical/Public Service Consent Agenda

Recommendation Concerning Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes, September 3, 2020 - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board accept for filing with the Board's Minutes, the September 3, 2020, Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) Meeting Minutes, prepared by Lily Blackburn, CRA Redeveloper 1.


Recommendation Concerning Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes, October 1, 2020 - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board accept for filing with the Board's Minutes, the October 1, 2020, Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) Meeting Minutes, prepared by Lily Blackburn, CRA Redeveloper 1.

3.   Recommendation Concerning the Renewal to the Memorandum of Understanding and Infrastructure Funding Agreement with CareerSource Escarosa and the Department of Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Memorandum of Understanding and Infrastructure Funding Agreement:

A. Approve the renewal Memorandum of Understanding between CareerSource Escarosa and Florida Department of Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Public Law 113-128 requires that Local Workforce Development Boards, with the agreement of the Chief Elected Officials, develop and enter into MOU with the local Board and the one-stop partners. The MOU renewal will become effective the date of the executed signature through June 30, 2023;

B. Approve the Infrastructure Funding Agreement (IFA) for the One-Stop Career Center System between CareerSource Escarosa (formerly Workforce Escarosa, Inc.) and Department of Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. The IFA is made pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014. The IFA will become effective the date of the executed signature through June 30, 2023; and

C. Authorize the Chairman to sign the renewal Memorandum of Understanding and Infrastructure Funding Agreement and any additional documents associated with the process.
4.   Recommendation Concerning the Renewal of Memorandum of Understanding and Infrastructure Funding Agreement with CareerSource Escarosa and the Florida Department of Education, Division of Blind Services - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Memorandum of Understanding and Infrastructure Funding Agreement:

A. Approve the renewal Memorandum of Understanding between CareerSource Escarosa and Florida Department of Education, Division of Blind Services. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WOIA), Public Law 113-128 requires that Local Workforce Development Boards, with the agreement of the Chief Elected Officials, develop and enter into MOU with the local Board and the one-stop partners. The MOU renewal will become effective the date of the executed signature through June 30, 2023;

B. Approve the Infrastructure Funding Agreement (IFA) for the One-Stop Career Center System between CareerSource Escarosa (formerly Workforce Escarosa, Inc.) and Department of Education, Division of Blind Services. The IFA is made pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014. The IFA will become effective the date of the executed signature through June 30, 2023; and

C. Authorize the Chairman to sign the renewal Memorandum of Understanding and Infrastructure Funding Agreement and any additional documents associated with this process.
5.   Recommendation Concerning the 2021 Board of County Commissioners' Meeting/Committee of the Whole Schedule - Janice P. Gilley, County Administrator

That the Board approve the 2021 Board of County Commissioners' Meeting/Committee of the Whole Schedule, as submitted.
6.   Recommendation Concerning the Approval and Adoption of the 2021 Holiday Calendar - Janice P. Gilley, County Administrator

That the Board approve and adopt the 2021 Holiday Calendar.
7.   Recommendation Concerning Modification #1 to the Subgrant Agreement Between the Division of Emergency Management and Escambia County - Jason Rogers, Public Safety Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Modification #1 to the Subgrant Agreement between the Division of Emergency Management and Escambia County, regarding Escambia County Fire Rescue’s request to extend the Agreement for 10 months, ending June 30, 2021.
8.   Recommendation Concerning a Memorandum of Understanding Between Escambia County Fire Rescue and the United States Special Operations Command - Jason Rogers, Public Safety Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by and between Escambia County Fire Rescue and the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), that identifies parameters, roles and responsibilities for the unpaid developmental internship program to provide educational experience and learning opportunities that will enable them to develop their technical skills and business knowledge, to expand their understanding of Escambia County Fire Rescue, and to learn about different career paths that may be available.
9.   Recommendation Concerning the Revocable License Agreement with the District Board of Trustees of Pensacola State College, Florida, and Escambia County - Patrick Johnson, Waste Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the Revocable License Agreement with the District Board of Trustees of Pensacola State College, Florida, and Escambia County, to access a portion of the school's property for a hurricane debris management site; and

B. Authorize the County Administrator to sign the Agreement and any subsequent documents related to acceptance, execution, reporting, no-cost time extension, and amendments to this Agreement, subject to Legal review and approval, without further action of the Board.
10.   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of a Public Hearing for Adopting the Uniform Method of Collection for Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments Resolution - Amber McClure, Chief Budget Officer, Management and Budget Services

That the Board authorize the scheduling of a Public Hearing on December 10, 2020, at 5:31 p.m., to consider adopting a Resolution establishing its intent to use the Uniform Method of Collection for Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments, as provided in Florida Statutes 197.3632.
11.   Recommendation Concerning the Contract for the Florida Department of Health for Operation of the Escambia County Health Department - Marie Brady Mott, JD, MS, RDN, CSSD, LDN, Administrator, Florida Department of Health in Escambia County

That the Board take the following action concerning the Contract for the Florida Department of Health in Escambia County:

A. Approve the Florida Department of Health in Escambia County Contract, providing for an effective date for the Contract year of October 1, 2020, through September 30, 2021; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Contract.
12.   Recommendation Concerning Amendments to Standard Construction Contracts - Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing
That the Board approve Amendments to the Standard Construction Contracts, as follows:

1. Form A: A/E Designed - Exhibit A, General Terms and Conditions, Progress Payments, E-Verify and other non-substantive revisions;
2. Form B: Construction - Exhibit A, General Terms and Conditions, Progress Payments, E-Verify and other non-substantive revisions;
3. Form C: Design/Build - Exhibit A, General Terms and Conditions, Progress Payments, E-Verify and other non-substantive revisions;
4. Form D: Road/Drainage - Exhibit A, General Terms and Conditions, Progress Payments, E-Verify and other non-substantive revisions;
5. Form F: Consulting Services for Task Orders - Exhibit A, General Terms, E-Verify and other non-substantive revisions; 
6. Form G:  Consulting Services for Stand-Alone Projects - Exhibit A, General Terms, E-Verify and other non-substantive revisions;
7. Form H: Consulting Services for Study - Exhibit A, General Terms, E-Verify and other non-substantive revisions; and
8. Form I: Bridges/Docks/Boat Ramps - Exhibit A, General Terms and Conditions, Progress Payments, E-Verify and other non-substantive revisions.
13.   Recommendation Concerning the Limited Waiver of the Escambia County Noise Abatement Ordinance for the Soundside Merchants 2020 Lighted Boat Parade - Tim Tolbert, Building Official/Director

That the Board approve the following "Special Event Permit Application" for a limited waiver of the noise restrictions imposed by the Escambia County Noise Abatement Ordinance regarding Pensacola Beach, allowing the number of sound decibels to exceed 70 dbA (sound level measured by taking four sound readings over a continuous 15 minute period, with the four readings taken at approximately equal intervals at or within the property boundary of the receiving land use) for the Soundside Merchants 2020 Lighted Boat Parade Fireworks Display, to be launched from a barge off Quietwater Beach on December 5, 2020, from 8:00 p.m., to 8:30 p.m.
II.  Budget/Finance Consent Agenda
1.   Recommendation Concerning Residential Rehab Grant Program Funding and Lien Agreements - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board ratify the following November 5, 2020, action of the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, acting in its capacity as the Escambia County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), concerning the Residential Rehab Grant Program Funding and Lien Agreements:

A. Approving the Residential Rehab Grant Program Funding and Lien Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Property Owner:
Property Owner Address Fund Cost Center Improvement Amount Homestead
Tracey L. and Kimberly T. King 311 Southeast Baublits Drive 151 Warrington-370114 Roof Replacement $6,000 YES
Katherine K. and Jimmie D. Langham 6533 White Oak Drive 151 Oakfield-370121 Window Replacement $6,000 YES

B. Authorizing the Chairman to sign the Funding and Lien Agreements and any related documents necessary to implement the Grant awards.
2.   Recommendation Concerning the Cancellation of Residential Rehab Grant Program Liens - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board ratify the following November 5, 2020, action of the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, acting in its capacity as the Escambia County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), concerning the cancellation of the Residential Rehab Grant Program Liens:

A. Approving the following cancellations of 17 Residential Rehab Grant Program Liens, as the Grant recipients have met their one-year of compliance with the Residential Rehab Grant Program:
Property Owners Address Amount
James M. Barnes and Constance R. Barnes 6534 White Oak Dr. $5,095
Fred and Phyllis Diane Campbell 202 Saint Cedd Ave. $4,060
Belinda E. Dansby 428 Norris Ave. $3,675
Vincent Distefano, Jr. 221 Carolyn Way $3,350
Virgie M. Dortch 4120 Erress Blvd. $3,960
Mark Furay 3800-B Ward Blvd. $2,662
Glenda A. Gainey 8768 Hollingsworth Ave. $5,020
Larry J. and Jaqueline D. Gibbs 1357 Mazurek Blvd. $5,860
Barbara L. Larkin 2324 Grundy St. $3,157
Gwendolyn D. Pellet 6215 Vicksburg Dr. $4,455
David E. Rivers 1317 Dexter Ave. $6,000
Markus Saage and Juelee E. Riesau 129 Brandon Ave. $4,495
Richard A. and Karen G. Schrock 8601 Chisholm Rd. $6,000
Karen Summerville 600 Pelham Rd. $3,028
Cynthia R. Thornton 9345 Chisholm Rd., N3 $1,183
Joseph and Phyllis M. Tranchina 8457 Meliaceae Dr. $6,000
Justin T. Williams 6537 White Oak Dr. $6,000

B. Authorizing the Chairman to execute the Cancellation of Lien documents.
3.   Recommendation Concerning Residential Roof Program Funding and Lien Agreements - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board ratify the following November 5, 2020, action of the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, acting in its capacity as the Escambia County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), concerning the Residential Roof Program Funding and Lien Agreements:

A. Approving the Residential Roof Program Funding and Lien Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Property Owners:
Property Owner Address Fund Cost Center Improvement Amount
Leva M. Cook 6490 Bull Run Court 151 Oakfield CRA- 370121 Roof Replacement $11,900
Ida L. Dubose 186 Overlook Drive 151 Oakfield CRA- 370121 Roof Replacement $7,795.32
Diane Melton 2500 West Godfrey Street 151 Brownsville CRA- 370113 Roof Replacement $8,977
Evelyn Pate and Samuel Pate 1136 Medford Avenue 151 Palafox CRA- 370115 Roof Replacement $11,483

B. Authorizing the Chairman to sign the Funding and Lien Agreements and any related documents necessary to implement the Grant awards.
4.   Recommendation Concerning the Contract Award for State Housing Initiatives Partnership Housing Rehabilitation Services for 23 Sandalwood Street - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Contract Award for State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Housing Rehabilitation Services for 23 Sandalwood Street:

A. Authorize the County Administrator to sign the SHIP Housing Rehabilitation Services Program Agreement, between Escambia County, Florida; Design Homebuilders, Inc., Contractor; and Wiley Reese, Owner; per the terms and conditions of NED S-R-2020-19, NED SHIP Housing Repair for 23 Sandalwood, for $34,355; and

B. Authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order.
Vendor/Contractor Funding Amount Contract Number
Design Homebuilders, Inc. Fund 120/2020 SHIP, Cost Center 370207 or 2021 SHIP/Cost Center 370208 $30,000

Fund 124/Affordable Housing, Cost Center 370290 $4355
5.   Recommendation Concerning the Conveyance of Tangible Personal Property from Escambia County to Escambia Community Clinics, Inc. d/b/a Community Health Northwest Florida - Cassie C. Boatwright, Facilities Management Director

That the Board adopt and authorize the Chairman to sign a Resolution for the Conveyance of Tangible Personal Property as shown on Exhibit A from Escambia County to Escambia Community Clinics, Inc. d/b/a Community Health Northwest Florida.
6.   Recommendation Concerning Street Name Approval of “Via Celeste" and “Via Azzurro” - Horace Jones, Development Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning two street names requested by David Tiller, P.E.:

A. Approve the street name “Via Celeste,” for a private road running south off the 7100 block of N. Blue Angel Pkwy, approximately 1000 feet west of Pine Forest Road; and

B. Approve the street name “Via Azzurro,” a private road running west, then south and looping back around, off the 6900 block of Via Celeste, approximately 140 feet south of the 7100 block of N. Blue Angel Pkwy. 

One hundred percent of the property owners signed the petition. The streets are in Commission District 1.

[Funding Source: Fund 175, "Transportation Trust Fund," Cost Center 211201, Object Code 55201]
7.   Recommendation Concerning a Derelict Vessel Removal Grant, in the Amount of $10,600, from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission - J. Taylor "Chips" Kirschenfeld, Director, Department of Natural Resources Management

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the State of Florida, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Agreement No. 20158, relating to the Derelict Vessel Removal Grant for Fiscal Year 2020, which provides up to $10,600 in Grant funding from FWC. There is no County match required under this Grant Agreement.

Note: The County Attorney's Office has requested that the Board be made aware of the following language:

Paragraph 29, SEVERABILITY, CHOICE OF LAW, AND CHOICE OF VENUE, (page 17 of 20), last sentence, "Any action in connection herewith, in law or equity, shall be brought in Leon County, Florida, to the exclusion of all other lawful venues."

Paragraph 31, JURY TRIAL WAIVER, (page 18 of 20), "As part of the consideration of this Agreement, the Parties hereby waive trial by jury in any action or proceeding brought by any party against any other party pertaining to any matter whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with this Agreement, or with the products or services provided under this Agreement, including but not limited to any claim by the Grantee of quantum meruit.”
Vendor/Contractor Amount Contract Number
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
There is no County match required under this Grant Agreement
Fund 110, Other Grants and Projects
Cost Center 220339, Derelict Vessels Grant Fund 110, Other Grants and Projects
Cost Center 220807, Vessel Registration Fees
$10,600 FWC 20158

[Funding Source: Fund 110, Other Grants and Projects, Cost Center 220339, Derelict Vessels Grant; Fund 110, Other Grants and Projects, Cost Center 220807, Vessel Registration Fees. There is no County match required under this Grant Agreement.]
8.   Recommendation Concerning the Surplus and Sale of Two County-Owned Parcels of Real Property Located Along Innerarity Circle - Cassie Boatwright, Director, Facilities Management

That the Board take the following action concerning the surplus and sale of two County-Owned Parcels of Real Property Located Along Innerarity Circle:

A. Declare surplus two County-owned parcels of real property located along Innerarity Circle, located in District 2; specifically, Lot 3, Blk G, The Cove, 5600 Blk Innerarity Circle (Ref#: 15-3S-32-1102-003-007), and Lot 3, Blk H, The Cove, 5600 Blk Innerarity Circle (Ref #: 15-3S-32-1102-003-008);

B. Add a stipulation that both parcels must be sold together, as one (Property), and that the Property is conveyed subject to the restriction that Grantee use the Property solely for right-of-way purposes and construction of a cul-de-sac or other road structures that facilitate egress from Innerarity Circle; this restriction will run with the land and be binding on Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, and may be enforced by Grantor or any owner of a lot in the Cove subdivision, Plat Book 9, Page 97 of the public records of Escambia County, Florida;

C. Authorize the sale of the Property to the bidder with the highest offer received at or above the minimum bid, which will be set at the combined total of the Property Appraiser's assessed values;

D. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to prepare and the Chairman to sign all documents necessary to complete the sale of the Property, without further action of the Board; and

E. Upon a determination of Default, allow the County Administrator to authorize retention of any bid deposit that may be paid, and allow the parcels to be put back out for sale, without further Board action.
9.   Recommendation Concerning the Authorization for Cumulative Expenditures Over $25,000 in Fiscal Year 2020-2021, for the Department of Natural Resources, for Demolition or Lot Clearing Services - J. Taylor "Chips" Kirschenfeld, Director, Department of Natural Resources Management

That the Board authorize cumulative total expenditures over $25,000, in Fiscal Year 2020-2021, to contractors performing demolition or lot clearing services for the Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Enforcement Division, for individual projects of less than $50,000, based on competitive quotes. The request is being made in advance of the cumulative total of expenditures exceeding $25,000 this Fiscal Year for the following vendors:
  Vendor Name Vendor No. Approval Amount
1. Alfred Morris LLC, dba Morris & Morris Landscaping 426848 $40,000
2. Andala Enterprises, Inc. 422299 $80,000
3. Beach Bum Renovations & More, LLC 426916 $40,000
4. Bellview Site Contractors, Inc. 022702 $50,000
5. BR Bonner's Hauling, Inc. 020229 $150,000
6. Castellani Hauling, Inc. 031326 $50,000
7. Common Area Solutions, Inc. 034266 $40,000
8. Demolition Pros, LLC 013673 $150,000
9. Emerald Coast Demolition, LLC 426548 $50,000
10. HHH Construction of NWF, Inc. 080060 $50,000
11. Larry Gates Construction 423827 $150,000
12. Meadows Maintenance, LLC 423915 $100,000
13. Site and Utility, LLC 420683 $40,000
14. Southern Girl Botanicals, LLC 194119 $60,000
15. Carl J Sulaiman, dba Sula Energy Enterprises 426653 $40,000
16. Welt Demolition, LLC 426655 $40,000
17. William T Collins, dba Collins Family Land Services 426847 $40,000

[Funding Source: Fund 103, Environmental Code Enforcement Fund, Cost Center 220110, Object Code 53401]
10.   Recommendation Concerning the Issuance of Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Purchase Orders, in Excess of $25,000, for the Department of Natural Resources Management - J. Taylor "Chips" Kirschenfeld, Director, Department of Natural Resources Management

That the Board approve the issuance of blanket and/or individual Purchase Orders, in excess of $25,000, for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021, based upon previously-awarded Contracts, Contractual Agreements, or annual requirements as provided, for the Department of Natural Resources Management as follows:
   Vendor/Contractor Amount Contract Number
  Blue Arbor Staffing & Employee
Screening, Inc.
Vendor Number: 023818
Employment Services, Term

Fund:  001 General Fund
Cost Center 220105 - General Fund RESTORE
Cost Center 221001 - Water Quality

Fund:  101 Restricted Fund
Cost Centers: 220310 - Tree Fund Ordinance
220334 - Tree Mitigation Fees
221018 - Nat'l Pollutant Discharge System

Fund:  108 Tourist Development
Cost Center:  220805 Marine Resources

Fund:  110 Other Grants and Projects
Cost Centers: 221011 - Urban Forestry Grant
221026 - EPA Jackson Lake
221028 - NFWF Living Shoreline

Fund:  117 Perdido Key Beach Mouse Fund
Cost Center 220335 - Perdido Key Beach Mouse

Fund:  118 Gulf Restoration Fund
Cost Centers:  222002 - NFWF #45910 Bayou Chico
222004 - FWC15153 Artificial Reef
222007 - FDEP#RES04 Beach Haven II
222008 - EPA Bays Estuary Program
222009 - P&P Bays Estuary Program
222010 - EPA MX Trash Reduction
222030 - RESTORE Planning Assistance
222044 - NRDA Carpenter Creek Headwater DH006
 $150,000 Original Contract
PD 17-18.055
Approved by BCC 8-2-2018

2nd Renewal Through 8-16-2021
Approved by BCC 8-06-2020

[Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 220105 and 221001; Fund 101, Restricted Fund, Cost Centers 220310, 220334 and 221018; Fund 108, Tourist Development Fund, Cost Center 220805; Fund 110, Other Grants and Projects Fund, Cost Centers 221011, 221026, 221028; Fund 117, Perdido Key Beach Mouse, Cost Center 220335; Fund 118, Gulf Restoration Fund, Cost Centers 222002, 222004, 222007, 222008, 222009, 222010, 222030 and 222044]
11.   Recommendation Concerning the Single Patient Agreements for Fresenius Kidney Care for Dialysis Services and Delegation of Signatory Authority to Dr. Rayme Edler, Escambia County Medical Director - William R. Powell, Director of Corrections

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the additional paragraph that Fresenius Kidney Care has requested to add to the previously approved Single Patient Agreement for Dialysis Services Agreement required by treating facilities; and

B. Authorize Dr. Rayme Edler, Escambia County Medical Director, to sign the Single Patient Agreements for Fresenius Kidney Care.
12.   Recommendation Concerning the Issuance of a Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Purchase Order, in Excess of $25,000, for Replacement of a Walk-In Freezer at the Work Annex, for the Corrections Department - William R. Powell, Director of Corrections

That the Board, for Fiscal Year 2020/2021, approve the issuance of a blanket and/or individual purchase order, in excess of $25,000, under for the Corrections Department:
Vendor/Contractor Lynn A. Berky d/b/a/ Johnstone Supply
Fund: 111 Detention/Jail Commissary
Cost Center: 290406
Contract Number
Quote & Vendor Registry (No response)
13.   Recommendation Concerning the Acceptance of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Justice Assistance Grant Countywide Program Subgrant, in the Amount of $41,133, for the Federal Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Jail Alternative Initiative Project and Corrections Tactical Response Team (TRT) - William R. Powell, Director of Corrections

That the Board take the following action concerning the Justice Assistance Grant for the Federal Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Jail Alternative Initiative project:

A. Approve the acceptance of the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Countywide Program subgrant award, in the amount of $41,133, related to the Federal Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Jail Alternative Initiative and Corrections Tactical Response Team (TRT) Officer Training and Supplies Project;

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Acceptance of Federal Funding Assistance; and

C. Authorize the Chairman, as the County's authorized official, to execute any amendments or other related documents as may be required for the Jail Alternative Initiative and Tactical Response Team Officer Training and Supplies Project.
14.   Recommendation Concerning the Employee Leave Incentive Program/Leave Buyback - Jana Still, Human Resources Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Employee Leave Incentive Program:

A. Approve the employee buyback program for this fiscal year for eligible participating employees of the Board of County Commissioners and other elected officials; and

B. Waive the BCC Annual Leave Incentive Policy - Section II, C27 and the Human Resources Policy found in Section 9.3(d)-(e), which states that the amount of hours remaining after the sale of leave must be a minimum 240 hours and the maximum amount of hours sold back annually not exceed 40 hours, and allow eligible employees to sell back a maximum of 80 hours of qualifying leave with a minimum remaining balance of 100 hours of combined qualifying leave.

[Funding Source: Various Funds]
15.   Recommendation Concerning Group Medical Insurance - Jana Still, Human Resources Department Director

That the Board takes the following action concerning Group Medical Insurance:

A. Approve the renewal action with Great Midwest Insurance Company as the County's Stop Loss Carrier from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021; and

B. Authorize the County Administrator to sign the Great Midwest Insurance Company Health Benefit Plan Excess Loss Coverage Signature Page.

[Funding Source: 501, Internal Service Fund, Cost Center 150108, Object Code 54501]
16.   Recommendation Concerning a Purchase Order, in Excess of $25,000, for Drug, Alcohol, and Nicotine Testing Program - Jana Still, Human Resources Department Director

That the Board approve the issuance of a blanket Purchase Order, in excess of $25,000, for Fiscal Year 2020/2021, based upon the previously awarded or approved annual requirement Contract or Contractual Agreement for the Human Resources Department.
Vendor/Contractor Amount Contract Number
Drug Free Workplaces, Inc.
Vendor Number: 042368 Cost Center: 150101
Object Code: 53101
$30,000 PD 18-19.020

[Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center150101, Object Code 53101]
17.   Recommendation Concerning Group Medicare Advantage Agreement - Jana Still, Human Resources Department Director

That the Board authorize the County Administrator to sign the Blue Medicare Group Master Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., d/b/a Florida Blue and the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners for Escambia County’s Group Medical Insurance.

[Funding Source: 501, Internal Service Fund, Cost Center 150108 Object Code 54501]
18.   Recommendation Concerning the Approval of a Change Order to Purchase Order #210361 to Butler Animal Health Holding Co. LLC., d/b/a Covetrus North America, for Veterinary Supplies for Animal Services - John Robinson, Division Manager, Animal Services

That the Board approve and authorize Animal Services to execute the following Change Order #1, adding funds to the Butler Animal Health Holding Co., LLC, d/b/a Covetrus North America, Purchase Order #210361, to fund animal care and veterinary medical supplies. Covetrus is our main supplier for animal care and veterinary medical supplies. They provide all of our vaccinations, surgical equipment, medications including post-surgical pain meds, gloves, masks, cleaning chemicals, microchips, and many other medical items as needed.
Department: Building Services
Division: Animal Services
Type: Addition
Amount: $125,100
Vendor: Butler Animal Health Holding Co., LLC,
d/b/a Covetrus North America
Contract: Virginia Tech Contract # UPG-TG-025-09
Purchase Order #: 210361
Change Order #: 1
Original PO Amount: $24,900
Change Order Amount: $125,100
New PO Total: $150,000

Covetrus North America
Products Expenses
Vaccines, Wormers & Flea Treatments $53,750
Non-Surgical Medical Supplies $15,000
Surgical Supplies $18,750
Cleaning Solution (Rescue) $7600
Feline Combo Tests $7500
Heartworm Tests $3750
Rabies Vaccinations $3750
Microchips $15,000
Total $125,100

[Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 250202, Object Code 55201]
19.   Recommendation Concerning the Funding Allocation for NAACP Pensacola Branch #5124, "30th Annual Freedom Fund Virtual Event" - Commissioner Jeff Bergosh, District 1

That the Board approve the $500 allocation from Commissioner Jeff Bergosh's discretionary money.

[Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Board of County Commissioners' Discretionary Money, Cost Center 110101, Object Code 58201]
20.   Recommendation Concerning the Funding Allocation for Boy Scouts of America, Gulf Coast Council "Jerry Pate/Boy Scouts Invitational Golf Tournament" - Commissioner Jeff Bergosh, District 1

That the Board approve the $5,000 allocation from Commissioner Jeff Bergosh's discretionary money.

[Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Board of County Commissioners' Discretionary Money, Coast Center 110101, Object Code 58201]
21.   Recommendation Concerning the Funding Allocation for Northwest Florida Community Outreach - Commissioner Jeff Bergosh, District 1

That the Board approve the $500 allocation from Commissioner Jeff Bergosh's discretionary money.

[Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Board of County Commissioners' Discretionary Money, Cost Center 110101, Object Code 58201]
22.   Recommendation Concerning the Funding Allocation for Epps Christian Center "Thanksgiving Meal for the Community" - Commissioner Jeff Bergosh, District 1

That the Board approve the $1,000 allocation from Commissioner Jeff Bergosh's discretionary money.

[Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Board of County Commissioners' Discretionary Money, Cost Center 110101, Object Code 58201]
23.   Recommendation Concerning the Approval of $1,000 from Commissioner Robert Bender's Discretionary Money for the Epps Christian Ministries Thanksgiving Meal for the Community - Commissioner Robert Bender, District 4

That the Board approve a funding allocation, in the amount of $1,000, from Commissioner Robert Bender's discretionary funds to Epps Christian Ministries to assist them with their Thanksgiving Meal for the Community.

[Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Board of County Commissioner's Discretionary Money, Cost Center 110101, Object Code 58201]
24.   Recommendation Concerning CARES Act Funding Program Agreements - Janice P. Gilley, County Administrator 

That the Board be provided an update on the CARES Family Emergency Financial Assistance and Business Assistance grants and take the following action:

A.  Authorize the Chairman to sign the CARES Act attestation form certifying and attesting that Escambia County has incurred or encumbered costs amounting to at least 25% of the total Coronavirus Relief Fund allocation; and

B.  Authorize the Chairman to sign the updated Feeding the Gulf Coast Amendment to the CARES Act Funding Program Agreement to lower the total funding from $1,100,000 to $650,000, and to increase the per pound cost from $.50 per pound to $.95 per pound due to higher quotes for food than originally anticipated and to continue to include transportation and distribution costs.

Feeding the Gulf Coast anticipates the utilization of $650,000 dollars through Escambia CARES Act funds to fund 684,000 pounds of the total 1.2 – 1.5 million pounds of food provided in the final quarter of the year. The food will be distributed through traditional pantries, mobile distributions, and the Child Nutrition programs. The anticipated current loss for Feeding the Gulf Coast, if the reimbursement rate is not approved at $.95, is over $103,000.
25.   Recommendation Concerning Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Compliance and Fiscal Year 2021 Carryforwards - Amber M. McClure, Chief Budget Officer, Management and Budget Services

That the Board take the following action amending the Fiscal Year 2020 and Fiscal Year 2021 Budgets: 

A. Approve the Fiscal Year 2020 Supplemental Budget Amendment #228 to provide for additional budget as required for statutory compliance to not exceed spending authority at the fund level per Florida Statute 129.07; and

B. Approve Fiscal Year 2021 Supplemental Budget Amendment #001 to carryforward unencumbered funds associated with on-going Grants and projects, in the amount of $31,747,990, and encumbered funds associated with Fiscal Year 2020 open Purchase Orders relating to Contracts or equipment purchases, in the amount of $18,854,336.
26.   Recommendation Concerning SBA #007 to Increase Fund 119 to Reflect CARES Grant Award - Amber M. McClure, Chief Budget Officer, Management and Budget Services

That the Board adopt the Resolution approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #007, Fund 119, in the amount of $28,521,104, to reflect the $57,285,296 CARES grant award.
27.   Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Escambia County Expenditure Comparison Summary by Fund Report and Community Partner Reports for the 4th Quarter, which ended September 30, 2020 - Amber M. McClure, Chief Budget Officer, Management and Budget Services

That the Board accept for record the Fiscal Year 2019/2020, Escambia County Expenditure Comparison Summary by Fund Report and Community Partners for the fourth quarter, which ended September 30, 2020. 

Previous quarterly financial packages provided the expenditures summary by fund and total by cost center. This financial packet now includes a comparison of revenue over expense as well as revenue summary by fund and total by account. Escambia County ended the year with $14.8 million more in expense than revenue. This is primarily from the construction of the new jail as planned. The County ended the year with expense exceeding revenue by a marginal 3% despite being faced by many challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic beginning in March and Hurricane Sally which made landfall September 16, 2020.   

The Board of County Commissioners on September 23, 2019, agreed that all Community Partners receiving funding from Escambia County would be required to provide a goals and metrics scorecard. The Goals and Metrics Scorecard is designed to allow the recipient to provide information stating how the funding received is being used.
28.   Recommendation Concerning Approval of Appropriations Agreements for Pensacola-Escambia Promotion and Development Commission, Escambia County Human Relations Commission and United Way - Amber M. McClure, Chief Budget Officer, Management and Budget Services

That the Board take the following action concerning the Fiscal Year 2020/2021, Appropriations Agreements for Pensacola-Escambia County Promotion and Development Commission (PEDC), Escambia County Human Relations Commission (HRC) and United Way:

A. Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between Escambia County and Pensacola-Escambia County Promotion and Development Commission in the amount of $600,000, to be paid from the Local Option Sales Tax Fund (353), Cost Center 110277;

B. Approve the Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreement for Escambia County Human Relations Commission in the amount of $84,265, to be paid from the General Fund (001), Cost Center 110201;

C. Approve the Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreement for United Way in the amount of $86,190, to be paid from the General Fund (001), Cost Center 110201;

E. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreements and all other necessary documents; and

F. Authorize the execution of the necessary Purchase Orders.
Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreement for HRC to be distributed under separate cover
29.   Recommendation Concerning Pay Instruction for the Volunteer Firefighters that Participated in Hurricane Sally Fire Rescue Missions - Jason Rogers, Public Safety Department Director

That the Board authorize the 20 remaining Volunteer Firefighters that submitted an ICS 214 Form that did not meet the minimum requirement of 72 hours but had worked in support of Hurricane Sally Fire Rescue efforts to receive the additional stipend payment, in the amount of $200.

The Public Safety Director is requesting that the Board waive the policy and authorize the other (20) volunteer firefighters who did not meet the minimum 72 hour requirement or work a minimum of 70 hours (as previously approved) to receive the stipend of $200. ECFR members responded to multiple calls from volunteer stations and worked diligently to clear roadways and provide public safety. Members completed their paperwork and have been identified as having participated in response efforts.
30.   Recommendation Concerning the Issuance of Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Purchase Order, in Excess of $25,000, for the Public Safety Department - Jason Rogers, Public Safety Department Director

That the Board, for Fiscal Year 2020/2021, approve the issuance of an individual Purchase Order, in excess of $25,000, based upon quotes obtained utilizing Florida Department of Management Services, Alternate Contract Source Contract, for the Public Safety Department, as follows:

 Vendor/Contractor  Amount Contract Number
  Henry Schein, Inc.
Vendor #: 131760
Medical Supplies

Fund 110, Grants
Cost Center: 330305 EMS CARES ACT


Department of Management Services
Contract No: 42000000-18-ACS

[Funding Source: Fund 110, Grants, Cost Center 330305, EMS CARES Act]

Escambia County EMS received $395,998 to support COVID related expenses in Fiscal Year 2019/2020. These funds will be utilized to purchase: Cardiac Arrhythmia Simulators that will show heart rhythms; Eitan Sapphire Infusion Pumps which will be used to regulate IV's; Carefusion Ventilator which is a respiratory therapy breathing machine; and Lifeline ARM which is a IV mannequin. All items are for medical care and to assist Escambia County EMT's and Paramedics to train for, respond to, treat, and transport patients.
31.   Recommendation Concerning the approval of a Blanket Order with Dell Marketing LP in the amount of $250,000 - Bart Siders, Information Technology Department Director

That the Board take the following action:

A. Authorize the County to utilize the State of Florida, Department of Management Services, Contract Number 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS, in accordance with the Escambia County, Florida, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 46, Article II, Section 46-44, Application; Exemptions; and Section 46-64, Board Approval; and

B. Authorize the issuance of a Blanket Order for the purchase of new personal computers and other hardware to replace existing equipment for the Information Technology Department of Escambia County, Florida, to Dell Marketing LP, in the amount of $250,000, according to the specifications outlined in Contract # 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS.
Vendor/Contractor Amount Contract Number
Dell Market LP
Vendor # 040517
Replacement of equipment using Standard Hardware Catalog

Fund: 001
Cost Center: 270102
Object Code: 55201
Contract #
Effective April 1, 2020, and is renewed through July 31, 2021
32.   Recommendation Concerning the Approval of a Purchase Order with PC Specialists d/b/a Technology Integration Group, for the Cisco SmartNet License Renewal - Bart Siders, Information Technology Department Director

That the Board authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order, in excess of $25,000, based upon Quote # 044722 for the renewal of the annual support and maintenance of the Cisco SmartNet licenses.
Vendor/Contractor Fund Amount Contract Number
PC Specialists
dba/Technology Integration Group
Vendor # 150525
Fund: 001
Cost Center: 270102
Object Code: 54601
$98,914.13 Renewal Quote
Contract #
FL # 43220000-WSCA-14-ACS

Note: Pricing obtained through a competitively bid FL # 43220000-WSCA-14-ACS Contract.
33.   Recommendation Concerning the Approval of a Purchase Order with PC Specialists d/b/a Technology Integration Group, for the Escambia County Community Centers, Aruba Access Points - Bart Siders, Information Technology Department Director

That the Board authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order, in excess of $25,000, based upon Quote # 060337 for the licensing, annual support and maintenance of the Aruba Access Points.
Vendor/Contractor Fund Amount Contract Number
PC Specialists
dba/Technology Integration Group
Vendor # 150525
Fund: 001
Cost Center: 270103
Object Code: 56401
$71,929.77 Quote #
FL-NASPO Data Comm MA# aR3228
34.   Recommendation Concerning the Approval of a Purchase Order with TriTech Software Systems, in the amount of $44,337.96, for the Lucity Constant Connection Program Renewal - Bart Siders, Information Technology Department Director

That the Board authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order, in excess of $25,000, based upon Invoice # 294010 for the annual support and maintenance of the Lucity application for the period of November 1, 2020, to October 31, 2021.
Vendor/Contractor Fund/Cost Center/Object Code Amount Contract Number
TriTech Software Systems
Vendor # 427603
Lucity Constant Connection Program Renewal
Fund: 001
Cost Center: 270102
Object Code: 54601
$44,337.96 Invoice # 294010
35.   Recommendation Concerning an Application for Certificate of Need for Joyner & Raney, Inc., d/b/a Pensacola Containers - Patrick T. Johnson, Waste Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning an Application for Certificate of Need for Joyner & Raney, Inc., d/b/a Pensacola Containers:

A. Approve the Application for Certificate of Need, permitting Joyner & Raney, Inc., d/b/a Pensacola Containers, to operate in Escambia County; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Certificate.

[Funding: Fund 401, Solid Waste Fund, Account No. 343402]
36.   Recommendation Concerning an Application for Certificate of Need for Garbologist, LLC - Patrick T. Johnson, Waste Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning an Application for Certificate of Need for Garbologist, LLC:

A. Approve the Application for Certificate of Need permitting Garbologist, LLC, to operate in Escambia County; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Certificate.

[Funding: Fund 401, Solid Waste Fund, Account No. 343402]
37.   Recommendation Concerning the Contract Award for the Commercial Demolition of 7220 Plantation Road - Chips Kirschenfeld, Director, Natural Resources Management through Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board approve and authorize the County Administrator to sign the Agreement between Escambia County, Florida, and Larry Gates Construction, Inc., per the terms and conditions of PD 19-20-088, Commercial Demolition of 7220 Plantation Road.
Vendor/Contractor Funding Amount Contract Number
Larry Gates, Construction, Inc. Fund Name Code Enforcement, Fund Number 103,
Cost Center 220110, Object Code 53401
$180,000 PD 19-20.088
38.   Recommendation Concerning the Volunteer Florida Federal Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant Community Emergency Response Team Program Contract - Jason D. Rogers, Public Safety Director

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the Volunteer Florida Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program Grant Contract awarding Escambia County $5,000 to implement the CERT Program;

B. Authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute the Contract; and

C. Authorize Eric Gilmore, Emergency Manager, to execute any documents required to implement the Grant.

The County Attorney's Office has requested that the Board be made aware of the following language within the Contract:

Paragraph VIII. MANDATED CONDITIONS, Subsection B. states that "This Contract shall be construed under the laws of the State of Florida, and venue for any actions arising out of this Contract shall be in the Circuit Court of Leon County."

[Fund 110, Other Grants and Project Funds, Cost Center 330430, Revenue Account 334248]
39.   Recommendation Concerning the Volunteer Florida Federal Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant Citizen Corps Program Contract - Jason D. Rogers, Public Safety Director

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the Volunteer Florida Federal Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant Citizen Corps Program Contract awarding Escambia County $5,000 to implement the Citizen Corps Program;

B. Authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute the Contract; and

C. Authorize Eric Gilmore, Emergency Manager, to execute any documents required to implement the Grant.

Paragraph VIII. MANDATED CONDITIONS, Subsection B, that states "This Contract shall be construed under the laws of the State of Florida, and venue for any action arising out of this Contract will be in the Circuit Court of Leon County."

[Fund 110, Other Grants and Project Funds, Cost Center 330458, Revenue Account 334251]
40.   Recommendation Concerning the award of a Purchase Order for One D6 LGP Waste Arrangement VPAT for the Waste Services Department - Wes Moreno, Public Works Department Director and Pat Johnson, Waste Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action:

A. Authorize the use of Sourcewell Contract # 032119-Cat: and

B. Award and Authorize the County Administrator to sign a Purchase Order, in the amount of $457,875, to Thompson Caterpillar for the purchase of one D6 LGP Waste Arrangement VPAT for the Waste Services Department.
Vendor Funding Amount Contract
Thompson Caterpillar
(Vendor #: 201640)
Fund:  401
Cost Center:  230314
Object Code:  56401 Machinery & Equipment
$457,875 Sourcewell Contract
41.   Recommendation Concerning the Issuance of Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Purchase Orders, in Excess of $25,000,for the Public Works Department - Wes Moreno, Public Works Department Director

That the Board approve the issuance of blanket and/or individual Purchase Orders, in excess of $25,000, for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021, based on the previously awarded Contracts, Contractual Agreements, or Annual Maintenance Requirements for the Public Works Department.
  Vendor / Contractor Amount Contract #
A. Sterling Tree Service (Vendor # 195409)
Hazardous Tree Removal
Fund175, Cost Center 260102, 53401
Road Maintenance
B. Monroe Muffler Brake Inc. DBA McGee Tire (Vendor # 424081)
Light & Heavy Equipment Tires
Fund 175, Cost Center 260201, 54601
(Fleet Maintenance)

$25,000 State Contract
C. Southern Tire Mart, LLC (Vendor# 426199)
Light & Heavy Equipment Tires
Fund 175, Cost Center 260201, 54601
 (Fleet Maintenance)
$150,000 State Contract
D. Thompson Tractor Co., Inc. (Vendor# 201640)
Heavy Equipment Parts (CAT)
Fund 175, Cost Center 260201,54601
(Fleet Maintenance)
$100,000 Proprietary Parts
Catepillar Equipment
E. O'Reilly Automotive Store, Inc. (Vendor# 150249)
Parts, Supplies, Repair, Maintenance
Fund 143, Cost Center 330206, 54601
(Fire Services)
$50,000 Parts and Supplies
For Fire Trucks
F. Rev Group (Vendor# 427554)
Fire Truck Parts, Repair, Maintenance
Fund 143, Cost Center 330206, 54601
(Fire Services)
$100,000 Proprietary Parts
Fire Trucks
G. Covington Heavy Duty Parts (Vendor # 034898)
Fire Truck Parts, Supplies, Repair
Fund 143, Cost Center 330206,56401
(Fire Services)
$75,000 Proprietary Parts
Fire Truck Equipment
42.   Recommendation Concerning the Award of a Purchase Order for Two Kenworth Model T370 Fuel Trucks for the Public Works Department - Wes Moreno, Public Works Department Director

That the Board take the following action:

A. Authorize the use of NJPA Sourcewell Contract 081716-KTC; and

B. Award and authorize the County administrator to sign a Purchase Order, in the amount of $343,278.88, to Rush Truck Center of Alabama, for Two 2021 Kenworth Model T370 fuel trucks ($171,639.44 each) for the Public Works Department.
Rush Truck Center of Alabama
Vendor Number:  182903
Transportation Trust Fund 175
Cost Center 260102
Object Code 56401 Machinery and Equipment
NJPA Sourcewell Contract

43.   Recommendation Concerning Board Award for the First of Two Possible Renewal Periods for Chemical Treatment for County-Owned Equipment - Cassie Boatwright, Director, Facilities Department and Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board approve the first of two possible one-year renewal periods allowed, per the Agreement PD 18-19.088 Chemical Treatment for County-Owned Equipment, with Triple Point Industries, LLC, retroactive to October 1, 2020, in the annual amount of $14,928.
Vendor Funding Amount Contract Number
Triple Point Industries, LLC Fund 001, General Fund;
Cost Center 310203, Facilities Maintenance;
Object Code 54601, Repairs and Maintenance
$14,928 PD 18-19.088

  • Agreement Fully Executed
44.   Recommendation Concerning Exercising the Second of Two Possible One-Year Renewal Periods Related to PD 17-18.096, Roadway Materials Pricing Agreement - Wes Moreno, Director, Public Works Roads Infrastructure and Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board approve the utilization of the second of two possible one-year renewal periods provided for under Section 2 of the Indefinite Quantity, Indefinite Delivery Agreement for Roadway Materials Pricing, effective October 31, 2020, with the following vendors:
  • Roads, Inc. of NWF
  • Panhandle Grading and Paving, Inc.
  • CW Roberts Contracting, Inc. (via Midsouth Paving, Inc., which was purchased by CW Roberts Contracting, Inc.)
Vendors Funding Amount Contract Number
Roads, Inc. of NWF
Panhandle Grading and Paving, Inc.
C W Roberts Contracting, Inc.
Fund 353, LOST IV;
Cost Center 210106, Transportation & Drainage;
Object Code 56301, Various Projects
$500,000 PD 17-18.096
Fund 181, Master Drainage Basins;
Cost Centers 210719-210736, Master Drainage Basins I-XVIII;
Object Code 56301, Various Projects
Fund 175, Transportation Trust Fund;
Cost Center 210402, Road Maintenance;
Object Code 55301, Road Materials & Supplies
Fund 401, Solid Waste Management;
Cost Center 230309 [closed landfills];
Object Code 55301, Road Materials & Supplies
Fund 401, Solid Waste Management;
Cost Center 230314 [Operations];
Object Code 55301, Road Materials & Supplies
Fund 401, Solid Waste Management;
Cost Center 230314 [Projects];
Object Code 55301, Road Materials & Supplies

  • Original Agreement with Roads, Inc. of NWF
  • Original Agreement with Panhandle Grading and Paving, Inc.
  • Original Agreement with Midsouth Paving
45.   Recommendation Concerning Contract Awards for Custodial Services for Various County Facilities - Cassie Boatwright, Director, Facilities Management and Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board approve and award Contracts per PD 19-20.092, Re-Solicit Custodial Services for Various County Facilities, for a term of three years, effective November 1, 2020, with the option for two additional 12-month renewals, for a total of 60 months, and authorize the County Administrator to sign all documents related to the Agreements between Escambia County and each of the following contractors:
  • Ay’Notyal
  • 3H Service System, Inc.
  • Eagle Cleaning Service, Inc.
  • New World Cleaning, LLC
This Solicitation was submitted via Vendor Registry to 133 Registrants representing 101 Firms. The Solicitation viewed by 50 firms and downloaded by 47. Bid responses were received from nine firms.
Funding Information Firms Fund Total
Ay’Notyal 3H Service Systems, Inc. New World Cleaning, LLC Eagle Janitorial Service, Inc.
Fund 001, General Fund; Cost Center 310202, Custodial; Object Code 53401, Other Contractual Services N/A $604,849.53 $175,428.00 $175,982.00 $956,259.53
Health Department Fund $99,191.40 N/A N/A N/A $99,191.40
Fund 501, Internal Service Fund; Cost Center 150112, Employee Health Clinic; Object Code 53401, Other Contractual Services N/A $8,700.00 N/A N/A $8,700.00
Fund 113, Library Fund; Cost Center 110501, Operations; Object Code 53401, Other Contractual Services N/A $34,440.00 $72,000.00 $11,350.00 $117,790.00
Fund 175, Transportation Trust Fund; Cost Center 210401, Roads & Bridges Admin; Object Code 53401, Other Contractual Services N/A N/A N/A $12,940.00 $12,940.00
Fund 401, Solid Waste Fund; Cost Center 230301, Solid Waste Admin.; Object Code 53401, Other Contractual Services N/A N/A N/A $7,200.00 $7,200.00
Fund 401, Solid Waste Fund; Cost Center 230306, Recycling; Object Code 53401, Other Contractual Services N/A N/A N/A $4,400.00 $4,400.00
Fund 401, Solid Waste Fund; Cost Center 230307, SW Transfer Station; Object Code 53401, Other Contractual Services N/A $720.00 N/A N/A $720.00
Fund 401, Solid Waste Fund; Cost Center 230314, SWM Operations; Object Code 53401, Other Contractual Services N/A N/A N/A $9,400.00 $9,400.00
Fund 104, Mass Transit Fund; Cost Center 211217, Mass Transit Fleet Maint.; Object Code 53401, Other Contractual Services N/A $34,080.00 N/A N/A $34,080.00
Fund 001, General Fund; Cost Center 260107, SRI Public Works; Object Code 53401, Other Contractual Services N/A N/A $15,900.00 N/A $15,900.00
Totals   $99,191.40 $682,789.53 $263,328.00 $221,272.00 $1,266,580.93

  • Bid Response from Ay'Notyal
  • Bid Response from 3H Services Systems, Inc.
  • Bid Response from Eagle Janitorial Service, Inc.
  • Bid Response from New World Cleaning, LLC
46.   Recommendation Concerning the Contract Award for Re-Solicit Secondary Collections Agency for Public Safety & EMS - Jason Rogers, Director, Public Safety, and Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board take the following action:

A. Terminate the Agreement, PD 17-18.028, EMS Collection Services, with Affiliated Creditors, Inc., effective immediately. The Board awarded the Agreement to Affiliated Creditors, Inc., on April 5, 2018. On February 22, 2020, the County was notified by Emerge Law Firm that Affiliated Creditors, Inc., filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The County was subsequently notified on April 30, 2020, that Affiliated Creditors, Inc., filed an expedited motion to dismiss the Case under Section 1112(b) conditionally or alternatively to convert to Chapter 7; and

B. Award and authorize the County Administrator to sign a Revenue Agreement between Escambia County, Florida, and Life Line Billing Systems, LLC d/b/a LifeQuest Services, per the terms and conditions of PD 19-20.094, Re-Solicit Secondary Collections Agency for Public Safety & EMS, for a payment to the firm of 9% of secondary collections which is defined as collections accounts that are more than 120 days and have not received any recovery or collection services outside of Escambia County's EMS Billing Office or their primary collections designee.
Vendor Funding Amount Contract Number
Life Line Billing Systems, LLC d/b/a LifeQuest Services Fund 408, Emergency Medical Services; 
Cost Center 330603, EMS Billing Business Operations;
Project Code 53401, Other Contractual Services
9% of Secondary Collections PD 19-20.094

Specification PD 19-20.094, Re-Solicit Secondary Collections Agency for Public Safety & EMS, was posted to Vendor Registry on September 3, 2020. The solicitation was sent to 50 registrants representing 43 firms. The solicitation was viewed by 41 firms and downloaded by 33 firms.

  • Bid Response from Life Line Billing Systems, LLC d/b/a LifeQuest Services
  • Recommendation to Award Determination Checklist
47.   Recommendation Concerning the Award of the First of Two Possible One-Year Renewal Periods for PD 18-19.108, Waste Tire Removal and Recycling/Disposal Services - Pat Johnson, Waste Services Department Director through Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the requested price increase from $80.00 per load to $85.00 per ton.

B. Approve the utilization of the first of two one-year renewal periods as stated in Section 2 of the executed Indefinite Quantity/Indefinite Amount Agreement, and authorize the County Administrator to sign any related documents.
Vendor Funding Amount Contract Number
Little Tire Hauling, Inc. Fund 401, Solid Waste Fund;
Cost Center 230306, Recycling;
Object Code 53401, Other Contractual Services
$75,000 PD 18-19.108

  • Original Agreement
48.   Recommendation Concerning Contract Award for Pensacola Beach Access Road Improvements - Joy Jones, Director, Engineering, through Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board take the following action:

A.  Approve the reallocation of funds from the Pensacola Beach Congestion Management Plan, in the amount of $600,692, to the Pensacola Beach Access Road Improvements Project to cover the Award amount and 5% contingency; and

Cost Center
Project Number

Project Name

FROM Fund 353, LOST IV 210106 18EN0224 Pensacola Beach Congestion Management Plan $600,692
TO Fund 353, LOST IV 210106 TBD Pensacola Beach Access Road Improvements $600,692

B.  Approve and authorize the County Administrator to sign the agreement between Escambia County, Florida, and Panhandle Grading & Paving, Inc. per the terms and conditions of PD 19-20.093, Pensacola Beach Access Road Improvements, in the amount of $2,096,765.54.
Vendor/Contractor Funding Amount Contract Number
Panhandle Grading & Paving, Inc. Fund 167, Bob Sikes Toll, Cost Center 140302, Object Code 56301, $1,000,000
Fund 352, LOST III, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, PN15EN3214, $600,912.00
Fund 352, LOST IV, Cost Center 210106, Object Code 56301, PN TBD, $495,853.54
$2,096,765.54 PD 19-20.093

This project is located in Commission District 4
49.   Recommendation Concerning Emergency Purchase Order Ratification Relative to Hurricane Sally -
Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board ratify the following Purchase Orders in excess of $25,000, related to Hurricane Sally:
P O Number Vendor Number Vendor Charge Budget Unit Budget
Unit Title
Charge Acct Charge Project Charge Project Account Amount Description
201803 034300 Communication
Engineering Services
330403 SALLY20 54601 SALLY20 54601 $100,000.00 Microwave tower sites Hurricane Sally damage repairs
201810 081206 Mott
330906 BOB
54615 BOB
  $47,555.00 Contract pf 19-20.098 LAP CEI services for Bob Sikes Bridge (Hurricane Sally)
201813 055652 F 7 W Construction Company, Inc. 330906 BOB
54615 BOB
54615 $1,286,297.71 Contract pd 19-20.097 LAP Bob Sikes Bridge Hurricane Sally repairs
201815 425654 Kisinger Campo & Associates Corp 330906 BOB
54615 BOB
54615 $45,924.74 LAP CR399 bob Sikes Bridge over Sana Rosa Sound emergency repairs bridge no. 480123 and 480139
210037 165044 Pro
330902 CAT B - Hurricane Sally 54601 SALLY20 54601 $85,000.00 GSA emergency mitigation services for various buildings
210071 150400 Otis Elevator Company 330902 CAT B - Hurricane Sally 54601 SALLY20 54601 $178,851.58 Hurricane repairs - public elevators
210181 150141 Olsen
330905 CAT G - Hurricane Sally 53101     $48,850.00 Professional services for hurricane sally post-disaster design survey and report Pensacola Beach, FL beach restoration project
210213 425962 Hanssen Glass Llc 330904 CAT E - Hurricane Sally 54601 SALLY20 54601 $313,700.00 Hurricane repairs - glass front doors at the Pcola Bay Center
210241 034103 Servicemaster Professional
Clng Srv
330902 CAT B - Hurricane Sally 54601 SALLY20 54601 $85,000.00 Emergency storm mitigation at various locations
210242 425076 Thompson Consulting Services LLC 330901 CAT A - Hurricane Sally 53101     $66,820.00 FEMA public assistance (pa) grant management and training
210407 427251 Interface Services Inc 330904 CAT E - Hurricane Sally 54601 SALLY20 54601 $38,123.10 Carpet replacement at Bay Center - 2 locations
210411 427251 Interface Services Inc 330904 CAT E - Hurricane Sally 54601 SALLY20 54601 $24,632.14 Carpet replacement at extension quote
50.   Recommendation Concerning the Issuance of a Purchase Order for Annual aiSmartbench Maintenance for Court Administration - Kayla Blanchard, Administrative Services Manager

That the Board authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order to Mentis Technology Solutions, LLC, in the amount of $50,095, for the annual maintenance for aiSmartbench, the Court's electronic filing system software. This system allows the judges to view and manage their court files electronically. Judges are able to electronically review and search court cases, transmit documents to the clerk, work remotely, digitally sign orders, and efile. This Agreement allows for 24/7/365 support to Court Technology for the necessary maintenance to the aiSmartbench software.

[Funding: Fund 115, Article V Court Administration, Cost Centers 410503, 410515, 410516, Object Code 54601]
Cost Centers/Object Codes Descriptions Amount
410503/54601 Escambia County aiSmartbench Maintenance 11/2020-10/2021 $21,916
410515/54601 Santa Rosa County aiSmartbench Maintenance 11/2020-10/2021 $14,648
410516/54601 Okaloosa County aiSmartbench Maintenance 11/2020-10/2021 $13,531
Total   $50,095

51.   Recommendation Concerning Issuance of a Purchase Order to Dynamic Security, Inc., for Security Services - Kayla Blanchard, Administrative Services Manager

That the Board authorize and approve the issuance of a Purchase Order to Dynamic Security, Inc., in the amount of $480,900, for the purchase of security services to be utilized at entrances to the M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building and the Theodore Bruno Juvenile Justice Center. Dynamic Security, Inc., is the current provider of security services at both locations. 

This purchase will not impact the General Revenue Fund. 
Cost Centers/Object Codes Descriptions Amount
410505/53401 Security Services for M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building and the Theodore Bruno Juvenile Justice Center 10/1/2020-9/30/2021 $480,900
Total   $480,900

[Funding: Fund 115, Court Security, Article V, Cost Center (CC) 410505, Object Code (OC) 53401 Other Contractual Services]
52.   Recommendation Concerning Authorization to Take Action Regarding Defaulted Contracts for Reimbursement of Training Expenses - William R. Powell, Director of Corrections 

That the Board take the following action concerning authorization for legal action related to defaulted Contracts for reimbursement of training expenses:

A. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to file a small claims case against Douglas Forbes and Derrick Allgood related to the default of their respective Contracts for reimbursement of training expenses; and

B. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to prepare and the Chairman to sign all documents related to the aforementioned action.
53.   Recommendation Concerning Professional Liability (Medical Malpractice) Insurance for the Jail - Mark Bartlett, Manager, Risk Management Office/Jana Still, Human Resources Department Director

That the Board approve the payment to USI Insurance Services, LLC, for the Professional Liability (Medical Malpractice) Insurance policy issued through Pro-Praxis Insurance and underwritten by Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s of London, for an extension effective November 15, 2020, through January 1, 2021, in the amount of $23,767, with a $75,000 deductible.
Vendor Funding Amount
USI Insurance Services, LLC
Professional Liability (Medical Malpractice) Insurance
Fund 501, Internal Service Fund, Cost Center 140835, Object Code 54501 $23,767

[Funding: Fund 501, Internal Service, Cost Center 140835, Object Code 54501]
54.   Recommendation Concerning Debris Collection Removal Media Spots - Janice P. Gilley, County Administrator

That the Board approve the Debris Collection Removal Media Spots with WEAR-TV, in the amount of $27,740.

[Funding:  Fund 112, Cost Center 330902]
55.   Recommendation Concerning an Extension for the General Paving and Drainage Agreement - Joy Jones, Director, Engineering and Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board take the following action:

A. Authorize and award an extension to the current General Paving and Drainage Agreement (PD 16-17.081) for a period not to exceed 31 days, for the Unit Price Contract, PD 16-17.081, General Paving and Drainage Pricing Agreement for each of the following firms.
  • Allsouth Construction Services, LLC
  • B & W Utilities, Inc
  • Chavers Construction, Inc.
  • Gulf Atlantic Constructors, Inc.
  • Gulf Marine Construction, Inc.
  • Heaton Brothers Construction Company, Inc.
  • J. Miller Construction, Inc.
  • Panhandle Grading & Paving, Inc.
  • Principle Properties, Inc.
  • Roads, Inc. of NWF
  • Site and Utility, LLC
  • Utility Service Company, Inc.
The current Agreement ends on November 30, 2020, and a 31-day extension would allow the Agreement to go through December 31, 2020. 

B. Authorize the Agreement for use by various Departments/Divisions, and utilize the accepted Bid Form Price Listing and Balance of Line Items as defined within the Special Terms and Conditions of the Solicitation to determine the lowest bid for a project; and

C. Authorize the issuance of individual or blanket Purchase Orders by all Departments/Divisions, in accordance with Chapter 46 of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances for the period of December 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020.

Vendor Funding Contract Number
Allsouth Construction Services, LLC
B & W Utilities, Inc
Chavers Construction, Inc.
Gulf Atlantic Constructors, Inc.
Gulf Marine Construction, Inc.
Heaton Brothers Construction Company, Inc.
J. Miller Construction, Inc.
Panhandle Grading & Paving, Inc.
Principle Properties, Inc.
Roads, Inc. of NWF
Site and Utility, LLC
Utility Service Company, Inc.
Fund 175, Transportation Trust Fund; Cost Centers: 
211201 - Traffic Operations
211602 - Engineering/Infrastructure
211101 - Engineering Admin
PD 16-17.081
Fund 182, Master Drainage Basin Fund; Cost Centers: 210719-210736 - Master Drainage Basins I-XVIII
Fund 352, LOST III; Cost Centers:
210107 - Transportation & Drainage
350229 - Parks Capital Projects
Fund 353, LOST IV; Cost Centers:
210106 - Transportation & Drainage
350221 - Parks Capital Projects
Fund 167, Bob Sikes Toll Fund; Cost Centers:
140301 - Bob Sikes Toll Admin
140302 - Bob Sikes Toll Operation and Maintenance

Under the current Agreement, all projects are limited to $250,000 each, and the pricing Agreement budget limit is $2 million for all vendors as approved by the Board on October 17, 2019.  Anything over those limits require additional Board approval.

  • Previous Board Award
  • Agreement with Allsouth Construction Services, LLC
  • Agreement with B & W Utilities, Inc.
  • Agreement with Chavers Construction, Inc.
  • Agreement with Gulf Atlantic Constructors, Inc.
  • Agreement with Gulf Marine Construction, Inc.
  • Agreement with Heaton Brothers Construction Company, Inc.
  • Agreement with J. Miller Construction, Inc.
  • Agreement with Panhandle Grading and Paving, Inc.
  • Agreement with Principle Properties, Inc.
  • Agreement with Roads, Inc. of NWF
  • Agreement with Sity & Utility, LLC
  • Agreement with Utility Service Company, Inc.
56.   Recommendation Concerning Approval of Dr. Deanna A. Oleske as the District One Medical Examiner - Janice P. Gilley, County Administrator

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the Medical Examiner Employment Agreement for Dr. Deanna A. Oleske pursuant to Florida Statutes 406.06(3); and 

B. Approve the Medical Examiner Operating Agreement for the District One Medical Examiner Office pursuant to Florida Statutes 406.08(1).
57.   Recommendation Concerning Award for Escambia County Broadband Feasibility Study - Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board approve and authorize the County Administrator to sign the Agreement between Escambia County  and Magellan Advisors, LLC, in the amount of $187,200.
Vendor/Contractor Funding Amount Contract Number
Magellan Advisors, LLC Fund 119, Cost Center 110184, Object Code 58201 $187,200 PD 19-20.095
III. For Discussion
1.   Recommendation Concerning State Law Enforcement Trust Fund - Henrique Dias, Chief Financial Officer, Escambia County Sheriff's Office Finance Division

That the Board approve the following allocations of Law Enforcement Trust (LET) Funds, per the requirements of F.S. 932.7055(5), for Outside Agency partners in Escambia County for Fiscal Year 2020/2021:

A. General Daniel Chappie James Flight Academy, Inc., in the amount of $5,000;

B. West Florida High School Baseball Booster Club, in the amount of $2,500;

C. Pensacola Sports, in the amount of $12,000;

D. Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers, in the amount of $18,000; and

E. Onbikes Pensacola, Inc., in the amount of $7,500;

Upon approval of these funding allocations, the Sheriff’s Office will process all appropriate paperwork and submit for payment from LET Funds to the Escambia Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller.

[Funding Source: Fund 121, Law Enforcement Trust Fund, Cost Center 540103, Aids to Private Organizations 58201]
2.   Recommendation Concerning Hurricane Sally Update - Janice P. Gilley, County Administrator

That the Board discuss the status of Hurricane Sally recovery.
3.   Recommendation Concerning the State to Libraries Grant Application, Certification of Hours, Free Library Service, and Access to Materials - Todd Humble, Library Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of State, and the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners (BCC), for and on behalf of West Florida Public Library System;

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement with Section (37) Mandated Conditions, that "This Agreement shall be construed, performed and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws and rules of Florida. Venue of location for any legal action arising under this Agreement will be Leon County, Florida";

C. Authorize the Clerk of the Courts to sign the Agreement; and

D. Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Florida Department of State Division of Library and Information Services State to Libraries Grant Application Certification of Hours, Free Library Service and Access to Materials, which certifies the following statements are true for West Florida Public Libraries from October 1, 2018, through June 30, 2021:

1. Provides free library service, including loaning materials available for circulation free of charge and providing reference and information services free of charge;

2. Provides access to materials, information and services for all residents of the area served; and

3. Has at least one library, branch library, or member library open 40 hours or more each week (excluding holidays; between Sunday through Saturday, on a schedule determined by the library system).

[Funding: The State Aid to Libraries Program provides annual funding to eligible recipients for the operation and maintenance of public libraries. The funds will be included in the Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Annual Budget for the West Florida Public Libraries when received.]
4.   Recommendation Concerning Local Government Contribution for SAIL Housing Tax Credit Applications through Florida Housing Finance Corporation - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Local Government Contribution for SAIL Housing Tax Credit Applications through Florida Housing Finance Corporation:

A. Approve or reject the Applications submitted for the State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL) financing through Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC), under RFA 2020-205-Meadowbrook Senior, Westover Senior Apartments, and 901 S. Old Corry Field Road Family Housing; and

B. Authorize the County Administrator to sign the Local Government Contribution of Loan Form, in the amount of $137,500 ($37,500 minimum contribution plus $100,000 special needs set aside), for approved multi-family developments applying for State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL) financing through Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC), under RFA 2020-205.

[Funding: Fund 120/SHIP and/or Fund 124/Affordable Housing]
5.   Recommendation Concerning Authorization for the Acquisition of Real Property Located at 3300 West DeSoto Street - Cassie Boatwright, Facilities Management Department Director

That the Board take the following action regarding the authorization for acquisition of a parcel of real property located at 3300 West DeSoto Street from the Myrtle Grove Lodge #352:

Authorize staff to negotiate and/or offer a purchase price of $90,000 for a parcel of real property located at 3300 West DeSoto Street, subject to receipt of an appraised value of $90,000 or greater, completion of the due diligence check list, and an executed Sales Agreement. An appraisal for this real property has been ordered and is expected to be completed by November 17, 2020. Additionally, authorize staff to proceed with the remaining due diligence for real property acquisition which is consistent with the provisions of Section 46-139 of the Escambia County code of Ordinances. An executed Sales Agreement will be brought back to the BCC for approval prior to closing on the property. 

The property is located strategically across the street from the Brownsville Community Center, which would provide an opportunity to further the vision to bring community services to the citizens of Escambia County. The Lodge notified staff that it had a bona fide offer for the property and time is of the essence if the County is interested in purchasing the property. After evaluating the market, the condition of the building on the property and the Lodge’s appraisal ($183,000 valuation), staff recommends the purchase of the Property at $90,000.
6.   Recommendation Concerning New Correctional Facility Update - Cassie C. Boatwright, Facilities Management Department Director

That the Board discuss the status of the construction of the New Correctional Facility.
I.   For Action
1.   Recommendation Concerning Proposed Settlement of Workers' Compensation Claim Brought by Former Sheriff's Deputy James Salter.

That the Board approve a global settlement agreement in the sum of $83,250.00.  The proposed settlement would constitute a full resolution of any and all medical and indemnity benefits, attorney's fees and costs to which James Salter and his attorney may be entitled under the Florida Workers' Compensation Act.  All settlement funds would be reimbursed by excess carriers, Liberty Mutual and AmeriTrust.
2.   Recommendation Concerning Authorization for Substitution as Counsel by Escambia County Attorney Office for Lydecker Diaz Law Firm in Andrea Minyard, M.D. v. Esc. Co., Case No. 3:20-00034-TKW/EMT.

That the Board authorize the County Attorney's Office to substitute as counsel for Escambia County in place of Lydecker Diaz Law Firm in this pending matter.
3.   Recommendation Concerning Settlement of Esc. Co. adv. CEJ South, Inc., Case No. 2014 CA 002270 & Esc. Co. v. CEJ South, Inc. d/b/a Family-Funeral & Cremation, Case No. 2020 CA 000787.

That the Board authorize the Chairman to sign the settlement agreement regarding the pending litigation between Escambia County and CEJ South, Inc.
4.   Recommendation Concerning Approval of Proposed Settlement of Medical Benefits in Workers' Compensation Claim Brought by Walter Johnson.

That the Board approve a proposed settlement in the sum of $85,000.00 for past and future medical benefits, payable to former employee Walter Johnson.  If approved, all settlement funds would be reimbursed by the excess carrier.
5.   Recommendation Concerning Escambia County State of Local Emergencies.

That the Board take the following actions:

A.    Ratification of Escambia County State of Local Emergency Resolution R2020-150, R2020-151, R2020-152, R2020-153, R2020-154; and

B.    Extension of Escambia County State of Local Emergencies.
6.   Recommendation Concerning a Resolution Amending and Restating Resolution R2018-123 Identifying LOST Economic Development Trust Fund and Projects to be Funded from the Trust Fund.

That the Board take the following action concerning the Resolution amending and restating Resolution R2018-123:

A.  Adopt the Resolution; and

B.  Authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution.
II.  For Discussion
1.   Recommendation Concerning Legal Representation for the Three Mile Bridge Outage.

At the request of Commissioner Bergosh, that the Board discuss providing the County Attorney's Office direction regarding legal representation for the Three Mile Bridge Outage.
III. For Information
1.   Recommendation Concerning Krystopher Walden v. Escambia County, FCHR Charge No. 202024819.

That the Board be made aware that the County Attorney's Office has successfully defended a charge of discrimination recently filed with the Florida Commission on Human Relations ("FCHR"). Based upon the FCHR's investigation, the FCHR determined that there is no reasonable cause to believe that an unlawful employment practice occurred with respect to Mr. Walden. Therefore, the charge of discrimination was dismissed.
11. Items added to the agenda.
12. Announcements.
13. Adjournment.