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Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting – June 18, 2020 – 9:00 a.m.
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building – First Floor
1. Call to Order.

Please turn your cell phone to the vibrate, silence, or off setting.

The Board of County Commissioners allows any person to speak regarding an item on the Agenda. The speaker is limited to three (3) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the Chairman, to allow sufficient time for all speakers. Speakers shall refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, protests, or other conduct which interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting. Upon completion of the Public comment period, discussion is limited to Board members and questions raised by the Board.
2. Invocation – Commissioner Underhill.
3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
4. Are there any items to be added to the agenda?

Recommendation: That the Board adopt the agenda as prepared (or duly amended).
5. Commissioners’ Forum.
6. Did the Clerk’s Office receive the proofs of publication for the Public Hearing(s) on the agenda and the Board’s Weekly Meeting Schedule?

Recommendation: That the Board waive the reading of the legal advertisement(s) and accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the certified affidavit(s) establishing proof of publication for the Public Hearing(s) on the agenda, and the Board of County Commissioners – Escambia County, Florida, Meeting Schedule.
7.   9:01 a.m. Public Hearing for consideration of the Fiscal Year 2020 Proposed Grant Application for CARES Act Funding of Mass Transit

Recommendation:  That the Board take the following action concerning the Fiscal Year 2020 Grant Application for Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Section 5307 CARES Act Funds, for operating and capital expenses:

A. Conduct a Public Hearing for the purpose of receiving comments from the general public on the Grant Application by the Mass Transit Department for $10,137,924, for CARES Act Operating and Capital assistance;

B. Approve, or amend and approve, the Grant Application after receiving comments at the Public Hearing;

C. Adopt the Resolution authorizing the Chairman to execute all appropriate documents for the processing and receipt of federal funds from the Federal Transit Administration; and

D. Authorize the Mass Transit Department Director to file the Grant Application via the Federal Transportation Award Management System (TrAMS).
8.   9:02 a.m. Public Hearing for consideration of adopting an Ordinance creating the Ashland Heights Phase Two Street Lighting MSBU.

Recommendation:  That the Board adopt and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance creating the Ashland Heights Phase Two Street Lighting Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU), and all related documents, and make the following findings of fact:

A. Lots in the District are specially benefited since street lighting not only increases the market value of an individual lot, but also increases safety in the District surrounding individual lots, and the ability of lot owners to use their individual lots after dark;

B. The benefit from improved street lighting varies according to the relative size of the affected lots. Residential lots benefit from improved street lighting uniformly because of the small variation in size throughout the District;

C. The non-ad valorem special assessments levied represent a fair and reasonable apportionment of the cost of the special benefit received by each lot, and do not represent a fair share of the cost of general governmental service provided to residents in the unincorporated areas of Escambia County; and

D. Lots which do not receive a special benefit have been and shall be excluded from the non-ad valorem special assessment for street lighting.
9. Reports:
Backup Not Included With The Clerk's Report Is Available For Review In
The Office Of The Clerk To The Board
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building, Suite 110
I.  Consent Agenda
1.   Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of TDT Collection Data for the April 2020 Returns Received in May 2020

That the Board accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Tourist Development Tax (TDT) Collections Data for the April 2020 returns received in May 2020, as prepared by the Finance Department of the Clerk and Comptroller's Office. This is the eighth month of collections for the fiscal year 2020. Total collected for the month of April 2020 Returns was $321,968.36. This is a 68.58% decrease from April 2019 Returns. Total collections year to date are 20.28% less than the comparable time frame in Fiscal Year 2019.
2.   Recommendation Concerning Minutes and Reports Prepared by the Clerk to the Board's Office

That the Board take the following action concerning Minutes and Reports prepared by the Clerk to the Board's office:

A. Accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Reports of the Agenda Work Session and the Gary Sansing Public Forum held June 4, 2020; and

B. Approve the Minutes of the Regular BCC Meeting held June 4, 2020.
I.   Public Hearing
1.   9:01 a.m. - A Public Hearing Concerning the Review of an Ordinance Amending the Future Land Use Map - LSA-2020-01

That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) review and approve an Ordinance amending Chapter 7, "The Future Land Use Element," Policy FLU 1.1.1, to provide for an amendment to the 2030 Future Land Use map, changing the Future Land Use category of a parcel, which is located within Section 05, Township 3S, Range 31W, and which is identified as Parcel ID Number 05-3S-31-1500-000-000, totaling 26.76 (+/-) acres, located on Blue Angel Parkway, from Commercial (C) to Mixed-Use Urban (MU-U).

This hearing serves as the second of two public hearings.
I.   Technical/Public Service Consent Agenda
1.   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of a Public Hearing to Establish a Motorboat Exclusion Zone Surrounding the Innerarity Point Park Swimming Area and Paddlecraft Launch Area - J. Taylor "Chips" Kirschenfeld, Director, Department of Natural Resources Management

That the Board approve and authorize the scheduling of a Public Hearing on July 16, 2020, at 9:01 a.m., to consider adoption of an Ordinance to Establish a Motorboat Exclusion Zone Surrounding the Innerarity Point Park Swimming Area and Paddlecraft Launch Area.
2.   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of a Public Hearing to Establish a "Slow Speed - Minimum Wake" Zone in a Certain Eastern Portion of Bayou Garcon and its Eastern Tributary Creek - J. Taylor "Chips" Kirschenfeld, Director, Department of Natural Resources Management

That the Board approve and authorize the scheduling of a Public Hearing on July 16, 2020, at 9:02 a.m., to consider adoption of an Ordinance to Establish a "Slow Speed - Minimum Wake" Zone in a Certain Eastern Portion of Bayou Garcon and its Eastern Tributary Creek.
3.   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of a Public Hearing for the Beulah Garden Estates Street Lighting Municipal Services Benefit Unit - Sharon Harrell, Interim Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board authorize the scheduling of a public hearing on July 2, 2020, at 5:34 p.m., to consider adoption of an ordinance creating the Beulah Garden Estates Street Lighting Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU).
4.   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of a Public Hearing for the Brylington Manor Street Lighting Municipal Services Benefit Unit - Sharon Harrell, Interim Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board authorize the scheduling of a public hearing on July 2, 2020, at 5:35 p.m., to consider adoption of an ordinance creating the Brylington Manor Street Lighting Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU).
5.   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of a Public Hearing for the Ashland Heights Phase One Street Lighting Municipal Services Benefit Unit - Sharon Harrell, Interim Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board authorize the scheduling of a public hearing on July 2, 2020, at 5:36 p.m., to consider adoption of an ordinance creating the Ashland Heights Phase One Street Lighting Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU).
6.   Recommendation Concerning the CareerSource Escarosa Budget and Individual Training Accounts Waiver Fiscal Year 2020-2021 - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the CareerSource Escarosa's (formerly Workforce Escarosa, Inc.),  Budget and Individual Training Accounts (ITA) Fiscal Year 2020-2021 request to support a waiver to allow 30% (vs. 50%) of the Title I fund for Adults and Dislocated Workers to be allocated for ITA and to allow CareerSource to meet fixed cost requirements, staffing levels, and increased demand for core and intensive services.
7.   Recommendation Concerning the Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding between CareerSource Escarosa and the Escambia County School District - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between CareerSource Escarosa (formerly Workforce Escarosa, Inc.) and the Escambia County School District. The Amendment enables the School District to pay the allocated infrastructure costs to CareerSource Escarosa, per the new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) legislation. This Amendment updates the infrastructure costs for the 2020-2021 school year.
8.   Recommendation Concerning CareerSource Escarosa (formally Workforce Escarosa, Inc.) to be named as a One-Stop Operator - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board confirm and approve CareerSource Escarosa to continue to serve as this region's One-Stop Operator. Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires competitive procurement of One-Stop Operators to coordinate service delivery of One-Stop partners and providers at a career center, with One-Stop Operators to be in place by July 1, 2020.  A Local Workforce Development Board (in this case, CareerSource Escarosa) may be selected as a One-Stop Operator through sole source procurement upon agreement of the local chief elected official (Board of County Commissioners through its Chairman) and the state oversight entity (CareerSource Florida).
9.   Recommendation Concerning the CareerSource Escarosa Grantee-Subgrantee Agreement - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Grantee-Subgrantee Agreement between CareerSource Escarosa (formerly known as Workforce Escarosa, Inc.) Local Workforce Development Board and Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO). This Agreement is required to carry out the duties and responsibilities assigned by the Governor under each federal Grant assigned to DEO. This Agreement is to enhance accountability, transparency, and oversight of Florida's Workforce Development System.
10.   Recommendation Concerning the Amendment to the Escambia County Behavioral Health Transportation Plan - John Dosh, Interim Public Safety Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Escambia County Behavioral Health Transportation Plan:

A. Adopt the revised Escambia County Behavioral Health Transportation Plan (BHTP); 

B. Adopt the Attestation; and

C. Authorize the Public Safety Department staff to transmit the adopted Plan to the State of Florida for acceptance.
11.   Recommendation Concerning the Approval of the Cooperative Agreement with the Escambia County School Board Relating to Educational Services for Juvenile Inmates at the Escambia County Jail - William R. Powell, Director of Corrections

That the Board take the following action concerning the Cooperative Agreement between the School Board of Escambia County, Florida, and Escambia County, Florida, relating to educational services for juvenile inmates at the Escambia County Jail:

A. Approve the Cooperative Agreement with the Escambia County School Board; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement.
II.  Budget/Finance Consent Agenda
1.   Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #146, Tourist Promotion/SMG - Sharon Harrell, Interim Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board adopt the Resolution approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #146, Bay Center (409), in the amount of $213,190, to recognize additional revenues to increase the current Purchase Order to pay incentive fee approved by the Board on June 4, 2020. The incentive fee is an addition to the fixed fee per the Contract approved by the Board on February 16, 2012. The funding source for Bay Center operations is One-Three Cent Tourist Development Tax and will be funded with TDT reserves.
2.   Recommendation Concerning the Surplus and Sale of County-Owned Real Property Located at 514 South Edgewood Circle - Sharon Harrell, Interim Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board take the following action concerning the surplus and sale of County-owned real property located at 514 South Edgewood Circle:

A. Upon written request by the County Administrator, authorize the County Attorney's Office to take such action necessary to evict occupants of the County-owned property;

B. Declare surplus the Board's real property at 514 South Edgewood Circle, located in District 2, Account #: 07-3205-000, Reference #: 36-2S-30-1000-000-008; Property Appraiser's current assessed value:  $12,350;

C. Authorize sale of the property to the bidder with the highest offer received at or above the minimum bid, which will be set at the Property Appraiser's current assessed value. It has been determined that the County does not have a need for this property; and

D. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to prepare, and the Chairman to sign, all documents related to the sale of this property, without further action of the Board.
3.   Recommendation Concerning the Professional Services Agreement for Adult Post-Adjudicatory Drug Court in Escambia County, Florida - Catherine A. White, Director of Case Management

That the Board take the following action concerning the Professional Services Agreement between First Judicial Circuit Court Administration and the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners, regarding the housing of adult post-adjudicatory drug court participants at the Community Corrections Work Release Facility:

A. Approve the Agreement between First Judicial Circuit Court Administration and the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners for the housing of adult post-adjudicatory drug court participants at the Community Corrections Work Release Facility; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement.

[Funding: This Agreement is a Revenue Agreement related to Fund 114, Misdemeanor Probation, Revenue Account 349003.]
4.   Recommendation Concerning the Agreement for the Funding of Court Personnel Between the First Judicial Circuit of Florida and Escambia County, Florida - Catherine A. White, Director of Case Management

That the Board take the following action concerning the Agreement for the Funding of Court Personnel Between the First Judicial Circuit of Florida and Escambia County, Florida:

A. Approve the Agreement for the Funding of Court Personnel Between the First Judicial Circuit of Florida and Escambia County, Florida; and

B. Authorize Chairman to sign the Agreement and any amendments, requests for payment, or other related documents as may be required.

[The County agrees to provide funding for the existing Veterans Court Coordinator position through Court Innovation Article V, Local Option portion of the $65 Court Fee according to Florida Statute 939.185(1)(a); whereas the Court agrees to reimburse the County for salary and benefits not to exceed the amounts as outlined in Exhibit "A" of the Agreement.]
5.   Recommendation Concerning Street Name Approval of “Sandy Pine Trail”- Horace Jones, Development Services Department Director

That the Board approve the street name “Sandy Pine Trail” for a private road running south off of the 6600 block of Arthur Brown Road and 2100’ east of Brushy Creek Lane. One hundred percent of the property owners signed the petition. This street is in Commission District 5.

[Funding Source: Fund 175, "Transportation Trust Fund", Cost Center 211201, Object Code 55201]
6.   Recommendation Concerning Street Name Approval of “Myslak Way" - Horace Jones, Development Services Department Director

That the Board approve the street name “Myslak Way” for a private road running south off the 3800 block of W Nine Mile Road, approximately 3000 feet west of Interstate 10. One hundred percent of the property owners signed the petition. This street is in Commission District 1.

[Funding Source: Fund 175, "Transportation Trust Fund", Cost Center 211201, Object Code 55201]
7.   Recommendation Concerning an Interlocal Cost-Sharing Agreement with Emerald Coast Utilities Authority for Beach Haven Northeast Drainage and Sanitary Sewer Project, Phase 2 - J. Taylor "Chips" Kirschenfeld, Director, Natural Resources Management
That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Interlocal Cost-Sharing Agreement between Escambia County and the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority (ECUA) for construction services for the Beach Haven Northeast Drainage and Sanitary Sewer Project, Phase 2.
8.   Recommendation Concerning the Issuance of Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Purchase Orders, in Excess of $25,000, for the Parks and Recreation Department - Michael Rhodes, Parks and Recreation Department Director

That the Board, for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020, approve the issuance of blanket and/or individual Purchase Orders, in excess of $25,000, based upon previously-awarded Contracts, Contractual Agreements, or annual requirements, for the Parks and Recreation Department, as follows:

Vendor/Contractor Amount Contract Number
Vendor Number: 070316
Purchase of additional playground components for Beulah Regional Park Improvements

Fund: 353 (Local Option Sales Tax IV)
Cost Center: 110102 (Lost IV Discretionary) $200,000
Fund: 353 (Local Option Sales Tax IV
Cost Center: 350221 (Park Capital Projects) $34,177.82
$234,177.82     U.S. Communities Contract No. 2017001134

  • BCC Approval 4/20/2020 - Reallocation of funds
  • GameTime Quote #100143-01-06
9.   Recommendation Concerning a Purchase Order to Dell Marketing, LP - William R. Powell, Director of Corrections

That the Board take the following action:

A. Authorize the County to utilize the State of Florida, Department of Management Services, Contract Number 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS, in accordance with Escambia County, Florida, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 46, Article II, Section 46-44, Application; Exemptions; and Section 46-64, Board Approval; and

B. Authorize the issuance of a Blanket Purchase Order, in conjunction with the Office of Purchasing for the purchase of new personal computers and other hardware to replace existing equipment for the Corrections Department of Escambia County, Florida, to Dell Marketing LP, in the sum of $185,000, according to the specifications outlined in Contract # 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS.
Vendor/Contractor Amount Contract Number
Dell Computing Company Replacement of Equipment using Standard Hardware Catalog
Vendor # 040517
Cost Center: 270102/55201
Contract #
Effective April 1, 2020,
and is renewed through
July 31, 2021

The Corrections Department will use this Blanket Order to replace approximately 225 outdated PC devices and 60 monitors. All orders will be placed by IT using the standard hardware catalog.

Escambia County BOCC Standard Hardware Catalog: 
Description   New Quote
Dell 3070 Mini Std Desktop I5, 8GB Ram, SSD, 3yr
$ 681.73
Dell 3630 CAD Desktop I5, 16GB Ram, SSD, 3yr
$ 919.99
Dell 5820 Adv. Workstation I5, 32GB Ram, SSD, 3yr
Dell 3390 13” 2 in 1 Tablet I5, 8GB Ram, SSD, 3yr PS+ $ 905.22
Dell 5500 15” Laptop I5, 8GB Ram, SSD, 3yr
$ 958.23
Dell Tablet Dock WD 19 90 $ 169.99
Dell 22” Monitor   $ 149.99
Dell 27” Monitor   $ 207.89
[Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 290401, Object Code 55201]
10.   Recommendation Concerning a Purchase Order to David H. Griffin Enterprises, LLC, for State Housing Initiatives Partnership Housing Rehabilitation at 1506 Blossom Trail - Clara Long, Neighborhood & Human Services Director

That the Board ratify the County Administrator's signature concerning Purchase Order to David H. Griffin, LLC, concerning State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Housing Rehabilitation Project at 1506 Blossom Trail for $29,450 (original bid price of $22,000, plus Change Order of $7450).

[Funding:  Fund 120/2018 SHIP, Cost Center 370205]
11.   Recommendation Concerning Change Order #1 to Henry Schein, Inc., for the Public Safety Department's EMS Department - John Dosh, Interim Public Safety Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the County Administrator to execute and ratify the following Change Order #1 to Henry Schein, Inc., adding funds for the purchase of medical supplies and pharmaceutical supplies to be utilized by EMS:

Department: Public Safety
Division: EMS
Type: Addition
Amount: $75,000
Vendor: Henry Schein, Inc.
Project Name: N/A
Contract: 42000000-18-ACS; MMS 18016
Purchase Order #: 200412 (BCC Approved 10/3/19)
Change Order #: 1
Original Award Amount: $215,000
Change Order #1 as requested: $75,000
Total: $290,000

Due to COVID-19 and the supply and demand of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals, the prices of our supplies increased and the need of certain supplies increased drastically.

[Funding Source: Fund 408, Emergency Medical Services, Cost Center 330302, EMS and Fund 001, General Funds, Cost Center 330305, CARES Act]
12.   Recommendation Concerning the Reallocation of Capital Improvement Program Funds for Perdido Key Multi-Use Trail East - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Reallocation of Capital Improvement Program Funds for Perdido Key Multi-Use Trail East:

A. Approve the reallocation of project savings from the Perdido Key Pedestrian Crossings Project to fund the final engineering design phase of the east segment of Perdido Key Multi-Use Trail, in the amount of $47,338.98; and

B. Approve the issuance of a Purchase Order to L&W Engineering, Inc. d/b/a Inovia Consulting Group, on Contract PD 02-03.79, Professional Services, in the amount of $47,338.98, to complete the 100% (Final) Engineering Design Scope.
Vendor/Contractor Funding Amount Contract Number
L&W Engineering, Inc.
d/b/a Inovia Consulting Group
Fund 353, Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) IV, Account 110102, Commission District 2 Discretionary Funds $47,338.98 PD 02-03.79

This project is located in Commission District 2.
13.   Recommendation Concerning a Change Order to Roads, Inc. of NWF, on Contract PD 19-20.042, Muscogee Road Resurfacing (Jack's Branch to Nowak) Project - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the County Administrator to execute the following Change Order to Roads, Inc. of NWF, on Contract PD 19-20.042, Muscogee Road Resurfacing (Jack's Branch to Nowak) Project:
Department: Engineering
Division: Construction Management
Type: Addition
Amount: $494,098.42
Vendor: Roads, Inc. of NWF
Project Name: Muscogee Road Resurfacing (Jack's Branch to Nowak)
Contract: PD 19-20.042
PO#: 201443
CO#: 1
Original Contract Amount: $458,689.97
Cumulative Amount of Change Orders Through this CO: $494,098.42
New Contract Amount: $952,788.39
Funding: Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) III
Fund 352, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301,
Project 09EN0115

This project is located in Commission District 5.
14.   Recommendation Concerning the Juvenile Justice Detention Center Lease at 1800 St. Mary Street - Cassie C. Boatwright, Director, Facilities Management

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the State of Florida, Agreement for Modification Number 2, Bureau of Leasing, Department of Management Services Form 4040, for the extension of the Lease with the Department of Juvenile Justice, for the lease of 30,355 square feet located at the Theodore Bruno Juvenile Justice Center, 1800 St. Mary Street, Pensacola, Florida, from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2030.

[Funding: Rent from this Lease will be deposited into the General Fund (001). Rent for the first year will be $433,100.01]
15.   Recommendation Concerning the Contract Award for the Ashcraft Road Dirt Road Paving Project - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director, through Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board approve and authorize the County Administrator to sign the Agreement between Escambia County, Florida, and Roads, Inc. of NWF, per the terms and conditions of PD 19-20.055, Ashcraft Road Dirt Road Paving, in the amount of $848,214.28.

Vendor/Contractor Funding Amount Contract Number
Roads, Inc. of NWF Fund 353, Cost Center 210106; Object Code 56301, Project Number 18EN0275 $848,214.28 PD 19-20.055

This project is located in Commission District 5.
16.   Recommendation Concerning the Contract Award for Tax Collector "W" Street Modifications - Cassie Boatwright, Director, Facilities Management, through Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board approve and authorize the County Administrator to sign the Agreement between Escambia County and Hernandez Calhoun Design International, P.A., per the terms and conditions of PD 19-20.043, Tax Collector "W" Street Modifications in the amount of $290,660 (basic and additional services $281,260 plus allowances $9,400)
Vendor/Contractor Funding Amount Contract Number
Hernandez Calhoun Design International, P.A. Fund 353 LOST IV, Cost Center 110267, Object Code 56201, Project # 19PF0889 $290,660 PD 19-20.043

Hernandez Calhoun Design International, P.A., is a certified Local Woman Owned Small Business.

The current facility, which has been in use for over 20 years, no longer meets the service needs of the citizens and motorists of Escambia County. Since the building was first leased, the tax collector duties have increased to include these additional transactions: driver's license issuance, written exams, driving exams, fingerprinting of CDL and DHSMV new hires, and issuance of Florida concealed weapon permits and Florida birth certificates. On typical days, the drive-through staff will process several hundred property and tangible tax payments, registration renewals, parking placards, etc. The current operation at 6451 North "W" Street is split into two lobbies, making it extremely difficult for staff to locate and serve customers.  The two public restrooms are single stall and inadequate for the 500 – 1,000 lobby customers per day. The staff restrooms, breakroom, and training rooms were designed for a much smaller workforce are now inadequate.

Drive-through traffic circles the building, backs up into the front parking area, and hinders traffic-flow, often backing traffic into North "W" Street. In addition, the drive-through makes it nearly impossible for driving test applicants to navigate through the required maneuvers before the roadway portion of the exam. There is insufficient customer parking.

The overall goals are to reduce operational costs and provide quality service to the community while providing both citizens and employees with a safe, comfortable environment. Design and build out will provide an opportunity to maximize space to accommodate the tax collector’s needs for the foreseeable future.  The Board approved the purchase of this property and building located at 6400 North "W" Street on November 18, 2019.

Requests for Letters of Interest, PD 19-20.043, Tax Collector "W" Street Modifications, were publicly noticed on March 25, 2020, to 198 known firms. Responses were received from four firms on April 14, 2020. The Selection/Negotiation Committee short-listed to the following firms on April 22, 2020:
  • Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood, Inc.;
  • Hernandez Calhoun Design International, P.A.;
  • Sam Marshall Architects; and
  • TOWNES + architects, P.A.

The Selection/Negotiation Committee ranked in the following order on April 29, 2020:
  1. Hernandez Calhoun Design International, P.A.
  2. Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood, Inc.
  3. Sam Marshall Architects
  4. TOWNES + architects, P.A.

Hernandez Calhoun Design International, P.A.., provided their initial fee proposal on May 20, 2020. The first negotiation meeting was held on May 22, 2020. The second negotiation meeting was held on May 29, 2020. Final and Best Offers were established on May 29, 2020, establishing the fee of $290,660.
17.   Recommendation Concerning the Award of a Purchase Order for One (1) New 2021 Western Star 4900FA Tractor, or Approved Equivalent, for Waste Services Department - Patrick Johnson, Waste Services Department Director, and Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board take the following action:

A. Award and authorize the County Administrator to sign a Purchase Order, in excess of $25,000, for One (1) New 2021 Western Star 4900FA Tractor, Detroit DD15 14.8L Allison 4500 RDS Transmission with PTO, or Approved Equivalent, to  Empire Truck Sales, in the amount of $141,309; and

B. Authorize the use of the Sourcewell (NJPA) Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Contract Number 081716-NAF, as bid by Empire Truck Sales.

Vendor Funding   Amount Contract Number
Empire Truck Sales Fund 401, Solid Waste Fund;
Cost Center 230307, SW Transfer Station
Object Code 56401, Machinery & Equipment
$141,309 081716-NAF
18.   Recommendation Concerning the Contract Award for the Hollice T. Williams Stormwater Park - J. Taylor "Chips" Kirschenfeld, Director, Department of Natural Resources Management through Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board award and authorize the County Administrator to sign the Agreement between Escambia County and HDR Engineering, Inc., per the terms and conditions of PD 19-20.013, Hollice T. Williams Stormwater Park, in the amount of $1,423,457.37.
Vendor/Contractor Funding Amount Contract Number
HDR Engineering, Inc. Fund Name Gulf Coast Restoration- Fund # 118
Cost Center: 222021
Object Code: 53101
Project #: RDC80054
$1,423,457.37 PD 19-20.013
19.   Recommendation Concerning Contract PD 14-15.030, Bob Sikes Bridge Toll System Time and Materials Maintenance Contract - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board approve the annual allocation for Contract Agreement PD 14-15.030, for the Bob Sikes Bridge Toll System Time and Materials Maintenance Contract, through September 30, 2021, to Transcore, LP, as indicated below:

Time Period Year Months Monthly Cost Total Cost 10% Time/Materials Grand Total
ending 07/07/2021 5 12 $15,826.83 $189,921.94 $18,992.19 $208,914.13
ending 09/30/2021 6 3 $16,380.77 $49,142.31 $4,914.23 $54,056.54
Total       $239,064.25 $23,906.42 $262,970.67

Vendor Funding Amount Contract Number
Transcore, LP
Vendor #420423
Fund 167, Bob Sikes Toll Facility
Cost Center 140301, Object Code 54601
$262,970.67 PD 14-15.030,
Bob Sikes Toll System

I.   For Action
1.   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of a Public Hearing on Thursday, July 2, 2020, at 5:37 p.m., to Consider an Ordinance Creating Chapter 90, Article 10, Providing for the Creation of a Countywide Independent Special District and a Governing Board to be known as the Escambia Children's Trust.

That the Board authorize the scheduling of a Public Hearing on Thursday, July 2, 2020, at 5:37 p.m. to consider an Ordinance creating Chapter 90, Article 10, providing for the creation of a countywide independent special district and a governing board to be known as the Escambia Children's Trust in the Escambia County Code of Ordinances.
2.   Recommendation to Initiate a Lawsuit Against CEJ South, Inc. d/b/a Family-Funeral and Cremation for Default in Payment of User Fees for Cremation Authorizations by Medical Examiner.

That the Board authorize the County Attorney's Office to bring a lawsuit against CEJ  South, Inc. d/b/a Family-Funeral and Cremation to collect all unpaid user fees for cremation authorizations by the Medical Examiner since October 1, 2018.  
3.   Recommendation Concerning Escambia County State of Local Emergency.

That the Board take the following actions:

A.     Ratification of Escambia County State of Local Emergency Resolution R2020-72; and

B.     Extension of Escambia County State of Local Emergency.
II. For Information
1.   Recommendation Concerning County Attorney Alison Rogers Election as President for the Florida Association of County Attorneys.

That the Board accept for information the election of County Attorney Alison Rogers as President for the Florida Association of County Attorneys (FACA) for a term beginning June 11, 2020 and ending June 2021.
10. Items added to the agenda.
11. Announcements.
12. Adjournment.