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Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting – February 20, 2020 – 9:00 a.m.
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building – First Floor
1. Call to Order.

Please turn your cell phone to the vibrate, silence, or off setting.

The Board of County Commissioners allows any person to speak regarding an item on the Agenda. The speaker is limited to three (3) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the Chairman, to allow sufficient time for all speakers. Speakers shall refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, protests, or other conduct which interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting. Upon completion of the Public comment period, discussion is limited to Board members and questions raised by the Board.
2. Invocation – Commissioner Barry.
3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
4. Are there any items to be added to the agenda?

Recommendation: That the Board adopt the agenda as prepared (or duly amended).
5. Commissioners’ Forum.
6. Did the Clerk’s Office receive the proofs of publication for the Public Hearing(s) on the agenda and the Board’s Weekly Meeting Schedule?

Recommendation: That the Board waive the reading of the legal advertisement(s) and accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the certified affidavit(s) establishing proof of publication for the Public Hearing(s) on the agenda, and the Board of County Commissioners – Escambia County, Florida, Meeting Schedule.
7. Reports:
Backup Not Included With The Clerk's Report Is Available For Review In
The Office Of The Clerk To The Board
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building, Suite 110
I.  Consent Agenda
1.   Recommendation Concerning Documents Provided for Filing with the Board's Minutes

That the Board accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the following documents as provided to the Clerk to the Board's Office:

A.  The Escambia County, Florida, Detention/Jail Commissary Fund Financial Statements and Required Supplementary Information, September 30, 2019;

B.  The Visit Pensacola, Inc., Financial Statements, September 30, 2019, and 2018, as provided by Kimberly Sparks, Director, Finance and Administration, Visit Pensacola; and

C.  The Pensacola-Escambia County Promotion and Development Commission Pensacola, Florida, Financial Statements September 30, 2019, as provided by Philip de Boer, Senior Manager, Audit Services, Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund.
2.   Recommendation Concerning Minutes and Reports Prepared by the Clerk to the Board's Office

That the Board take the following action concerning Minutes and Reports prepared by the Clerk to the Board's Office:

A. Accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Reports of the Agenda Work Session and the Gary Sansing Public Forum held February 6, 2020; and

B. Approve the Minutes of the Regular BCC Meeting held February 6, 2020.
I. Consent Agenda
1.   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of Public Hearing

That the Board authorize the scheduling of the following Public Hearing:

March 5, 2020

5:50 p.m. - A Public Hearing - Large Scale Map Amendment - LSA-2020-01 (first of two public hearings)

Summary: The applicant is requesting to change the Future Land Use designation for a 26.7 (+/-) acre parcel in the 2700 BLK of Blue Angel Parkway from Commercial (C) to Mixed-Use Urban (MU-U).

I.   Technical/Public Service Consent Agenda
1.   Recommendation Concerning Modification #2 to the Subgrant Agreement Between the Division of Emergency Management and Escambia County - John Dosh, Interim Public Safety Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Modification #2 to the Subgrant Agreement between the Division of Emergency Management and Escambia County, regarding Escambia County Fire Rescue’s request to extend the Agreement for six months, ending June 30, 2020.
2.   Recommendation Concerning the Approval of the Interlocal Agreement Between the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and Escambia County Public Safety First Responders - John Dosh, Interim Public Safety Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Interlocal Agreement between the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and Escambia County Public Safety First Responders:

A. Approve the Interlocal Agreement with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office for one year commencing the effective date upon filing with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Escambia County, Florida, and automatically renewing for successive 12-month terms beginning on January 1st of each calendar year until terminated by either party; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement.
3.   Recommendation Concerning an Agreement for SUNPASS and TOLL-BY-PLATE Electronic Toll Collection at the Bob Sikes Bridge Toll Plaza Between Escambia County, Florida and the Florida Department of Transportation - Joy Jones, P.E. - Engineering Department Director

That the Board take the following action regarding the Agreement for SUNPASS and TOLL-BY-PLATE Electronic Toll Collection at the Bob Sikes Bridge Toll Plaza:

A.  Approve the Agreement for SUNPASS and TOLL-BY-PLATE Electronic Toll Collection at the Bob Sikes Bridge Toll Plaza between Escambia County and the Florida Department of Transportation; and
B.  Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement.

The Bob Sikes Toll Plaza is located in Commission District 4

[Funding: There is no additional funding anticipated for this Agreement; however, costs for the signage and pavement marking upgrades required at the Bob Sikes Toll Plaza for the All Electronic Tolling conversion are anticipated to be approximately $30-40K, which will be funded out of the Bob Sikes Toll Fund]
4.   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of a Public Hearing to Consider the Petition to Vacate a Utility and Drainage Easement Located at 2318 Copter Road - Joy Jones, P.E. Engineering Department Director

That the Board schedule a Public Hearing for April 2, 2020, at 5:31 p.m., to consider the Petition to Vacate a Utility and Drainage Easement located at 2318 Copter Road (0.13 acres, more or less) as petitioned by Henry Floyd Pruett, Jr., Trustee for the Henry Floyd, Jr., Revocable Living Trust:

 A. Authorize the scheduling of a Public Hearing for April 2, 2020, at 5:31 p.m., to consider the Petition to Vacate a Utility and Drainage Easement located at 2318 Copter Road (0.13 acres, more or less) as petitioned by Henry Floyd Pruett, Jr., Trustee for the Henry Floyd, Jr., Revocable Living Trust; and

B. Require the Petitioner to notify all property owners within a 500-foot radius.

The real property mentioned in this Petition to Vacate is located in Commission District 4.
5.   Recommendation Concerning Escambia County Professional Firefighters Leave Buy-Back on Behalf of Three Members - Janice P. Gilley, County Administrator

That the Board authorize the buy-back of an additional 16 hours of Annual Leave, in accordance with the included article of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners and the International Association of Firefighters, Local 4131.
6.   Recommendation Concerning Rescinding Board Action of January 23, 2020, Relating to the Removal of the Sunken Shrimp Boat "Bay Tiger" in Pensacola Bay - J. Taylor "Chips" Kirschenfeld, Director, Department of Natural Resources Management

That the Board rescind its action of January 23, 2020 (CAR II-6), authorizing the issuance of a Purchase Order to Hondo Enterprises, Inc., of DeFuniak Springs, Florida, in the amount of $49,000, for the removal of the 39-foot shrimp boat "Bay Tiger" that sank in Pensacola Bay on December 9, 2019.
7.   Recommendation Concerning the CareerSource Escarosa Local Workforce Development Board Services Plan - Clara Long, Interim Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning Workforce Escarosa, Inc. dba CareerSource Escarosa's Four Year Local Plan:

A. Approve the CareerSource Escarosa Local Workforce Development Board comprehensive Four Year Local Plan as submitted; and

B. Authorize  the Chairman to sign the CareerSource Escarosa Local Workforce Development Board Four Year Local Plan. As required by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), all area Workforce Boards are required to submit a Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA) Plan to the state.
8.   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of a Public Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2020 Proposed Grant Application for Mass Transit Projects - Tonya Ellis, Mass Transit Department Director

That the Board authorize the scheduling of a Public Hearing for March 5, 2020, at 5:35 p.m., for the purpose of receiving comments from the public concerning the Fiscal Year 2020 proposed Grant Application by the Mass Transit Department, for Mass Transit Projects for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 Funds for Operating and Capital Expenses.
9.   Recommendation Concerning the Request for Disposition of Property for the Information Technology Department - Bart Siders, Information Technology Department Director

That the Board approve the Request for Disposition of Property Form for the Information Technology Department, for property which is described and listed on the Form, with reason for disposition stated. The listed items have been found to be of no further usefulness to the County; thus, it is requested that they be auctioned as surplus or disposed of properly.
10.   Recommendation Concerning Final Approval of RESTORE Act Direct Component Multi-Year Implementation Plan Amendment #1 - J. Taylor "Chips" Kirschenfeld, Director, Department of Natural Resources Management

That the Board take the following action concerning final approval of Amendment #1 to the RESTORE Act Direct Component (Pot 1) Multi-Year Implementation Plan:

A. Approve Amendment #1 to the RESTORE Act Direct Component Multi-Year Implementation Plan; and

B. Authorize staff to submit Amendment #1 to the Multi-Year Implementation Plan to the U.S. Department of Treasury for approval.
11.   Recommendation Concerning an Appointment to the Escambia County Planning Board - Commissioner Lumon J. May, District 3

That the Board confirm Commissioner Lumon J. May's appointment of Walker Wilson to the Escambia County Planning Board, to replace William D. Clay, effective February 20, 2020, to run concurrently with Commissioner May's term of office (November 2020) or at his discretion.
II.  Budget/Finance Consent Agenda
1.   Recommendation Concerning the Authorization for Tax Deed Bidding for 133 Diego Circle - Clara Long, Interim Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director
That the Board take the following action concerning the authorization for Tax Deed bidding for 133 Diego Circle:

A. Authorize the Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director, or designee, to be an authorized bidder for the March 2, 2020, Tax Deed sale for the purpose of acquiring 133 Diego Circle, with an open bid amount of $1,976.28; and

B. Approve a maximum bid, in the amount of $10,000. 

[Funding source:  Fund 129, 2017 CDBG, Cost Center 370231]

Recommendation Concerning the Issuance of a Fiscal Year 2020 Purchase Order, in Excess of $50,000, to Chavers Construction, Inc. - Clara Long, Interim Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning sidewalk projects located in the Palafox Redevelopment Area:

A. Approve the Landes Drive Sidewalk Project, in the amount of $102,628.65, including, but not limited to, approximately 1750 linear feet of sidewalk, driveway entrances replacement, utility relocation, excavation, and sod replacement within the rights-of-way; and

B. Approve and authorize the County Administrator to sign the Purchase Order to Chavers Construction, Inc., in excess of $50,000, and any other related documents necessary to implement the Landes Drive Sidewalk Project.

[Funding Source:  Fund 352, LOST III, CRA Capital Projects, CRA Palafox Redevelopment, Cost Center 220102]

3.   Recommendation Concerning the Escambia County 2019 Voluntary Cleanup Tax Credit Application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Clara Long, Interim Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the 2019 Voluntary Cleanup Tax Credit Application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection:

A. Rescind the previous action of January 23, 2020, approving and authorizing the Chairman or Vice Chairman to sign the 2019 Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Voluntary Cleanup Tax Credit (VCTC) Application and Affidavit, for County-owned property at 603 West Romana Street; and

B. Approve the revised 2019 FDEP Voluntary Cleanup Tax Credit (VCTC) Application and Affidavit, for County-owned property at 603 West Romana Street and ratify the Chairman's signature.
4.   Recommendation Concerning the Contract Award for Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Services for 734 Alfonso Street - Clara Long, Interim Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Contract Award for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Rehabilitation Services for 734 Alfonso Drive:

A. Authorize the County Administrator to sign the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Services Program Agreement, subject to Legal review and sign-off, between Escambia County, Florida; David H. Griffin Enterprises, LLC, Contractor; and Jennie M. Williams, Owner; per the terms and conditions of NED C-R-2020-4, NED CDBG Housing Repair for 734 Alfonso Street, for a base bid of $44,365; and

B. Authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order.

[Funding:  Fund 129/2016, CDBG Housing Rehab, Cost Center 370227]
5.   Recommendation Amending the Board's Action of October 17, 2019, and December 5, 2019, on Contract PD 16-17.081, "General Paving and Drainage Pricing Agreement" - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board amend its action of October 17, 2019, and December 5, 2019, to increase the annual allocation from $2,000,000 to $4,000,000 on Contract PD 16-17-081, "General Paving and Drainage Pricing Agreement." 

[Fund 175, Transportation Trust Fund; Cost Centers 211201 - Traffic Operations, 211602 - Engineering/Infrastructure, & 211101 - Engineering Admin; Fund 182, Master Drainage Basin Fund; Cost Centers 210719-210736 - Master Drainage Basins I-XVIII;  Fund 352, LOST III; Cost Centers 210107 - Transportation & Drainage, & 350229 - Parks Capital Projects; Fund 353, LOST IV; Cost Centers 210106 - Transportation & Drainage, & 350221 - Parks Capital Projects; Fund 167, Bob Sikes Toll Fund; Cost Centers 140301 -  Bob Sikes Toll Admin, & 140302 - Bob Sikes Toll Operation & Maintenance]
6.   Recommendation Concerning the Issuance of a Purchase Order to Lux Solar on State Contract DOT-ITB-20-9034-GH, for Perdido Key Drive Pedestrian Crosswalks - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning Issuance of a Purchase Order to Lux Solar on State Contract DOT-ITB-20-9034-GH, for Perdido Key Drive Pedestrian Crosswalks:

A. Authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order, in the amount of $179,350, to Lux Solar on State Contract DOT-ITB-20-9034-GH, for Perdido Key Drive Pedestrian Crosswalks; and 

B. Authorize the County Administrator to sign the Purchase Order.

This project is located in Commission District 2.

[Funding Source:  Fund 353, Local Option Sales Tax (LOST IV), Cost Center 110102, District 2 Discretionary Funds, Object Code 56301]
7.   Recommendation Concerning the Funding for the Pensacola Chamber Foundation "USS Tripoli Commissioning" - Commissioner Jeff Bergosh, District 1

That the Board approve the funding of $5,000 to the Pensacola Chamber Foundation "USS Tripoli Commissioning", from Commissioner Jeff Bergosh's discretionary money.

[Funding:  Fund 001, General Fund, Board of County Commissioners' Discretionary Money, Cost Center 110101, Object Code 58201]
8.   Recommendation Concerning the Conveyance of Equipment from Escambia County to CAN Community Health, Inc. - Cassie Boatwright, Facilities Management Director

That the Board adopt, and authorize the Chairman to sign, a Resolution for the conveyance of Dental Equipment as shown on Exhibit A from Escambia County to CAN Community Health, Inc.
9.   Recommendation Concerning Amendment #01 Between the First Judicial Circuit Court Administration and the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners, for the Housing of Adult Post-Adjudicatory Drug Court Participants at the Community Corrections Work Release Facility in Escambia County, Florida - William R. Powell, Director of Corrections

That the Board take the following action concerning Amendment #01 to the Professional Services Agreement between the First Judicial Circuit Court Administration, and the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners:

A. Approve Amendment #01 to the Agreement between the First Judicial Circuit Court Administration, and the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners. This Amendment is to increase the funding provided under the Agreement from $10,000 to $20,000 for transitional housing to the Escambia adult-post adjudicatory drug court program in Escambia County, Florida; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign Amendment #01 to the Professional Services Agreement between the First Judicial Circuit Court Administration, and the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners.

[Funding:  This Agreement is a Revenue Agreement related to Fund 114, Misdemeanor Probation, Revenue Account 349003]
10.   Recommendation Concerning Commercial Property Insurance - Mark Bartlett, Risk Manager, Risk Management Office

That the Board approve the payment to USI Insurance Services, LLC, broker/agent of record, in the amount of $1,633,716, to place commercial property insurance through AmWins Brokerage of Alabama, LLC, for the period of March 1, 2020, through March 1, 2021.
[Funding:  Fund 501, Internal Service, Cost Center 140835, Object Code 54501]
11.   Recommendation Concerning the Issuance of a Purchase Order to Environmental Specialties International, Inc., for Waste Services High Density Polyethylene Line Repair and Maintenance - Patrick T. Johnson, Waste Services Department Director

That the Board authorize the County Administrator to sign a Purchase Order to Environmental Specialties International, Inc., for Waste Services High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Line Repair and Maintenance, in the amount of $55,000, per the terms and conditions of the Waste Services HDPE Line Repair and Maintenance Request for Quotations.

This request for quotations was emailed to 34 registrants in Vendor Registry, on January 6, /2020, representing 20 firms. 13 firms opened and viewed the request for quotations. At closing on January 16, 2020, 3:00 p.m., 3 quotations had been received.

[Funding:  Fund 401, Solid Waste Fund; Cost Center 230314, SW Operations; Object Code: 54601, Repairs and Maintenance Services]
12.   Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #051 - NRDA Innerarity Point Park Operating & Maintenance Agreement #OGC114, Michael Rhodes, Parks and Recreation Department Director - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board adopt the Resolution approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #051, Gulf Coast Restoration Fund (118), in the amount of $605,000, to recognize Grant proceeds from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Agreement #OGC114, and to appropriate these funds to be used for operating and maintenance costs of Innerarity Point Park once the park has been donated to Escambia County.

Trust for Public Lands will be donating the property located at 5806 Bob O Link Road (Innerarity Point Park) to Escambia County to provide passive use recreational opportunities for the benefit of the public. This property is adjacent to the Galvez boat ramp to the west. On July 7, 2016, the BCC approved the FDEP Grant Agreement #OGC114 for operating and maintenance costs of Innerarity Point Park. This Agreement provides funding over a 10-year period to assist with expenses. Once the funding runs out, the County will be responsible for on-going park maintenance.
13.   Recommendation Concerning the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service Award/Contract - John Dosh, Interim Public Safety Department Director

That the Board accept the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service Award/Contract, for Order Number 140P5220P0032, to reimburse Escambia County up to $114,000, for the period of May 16, 2020 to September 7, 2020.

The National Park Services (NPS) and the Water Safety Division manage approximately 30 consecutive miles of public beaches within Escambia County, Florida. Water Safety manages the beaches and associated lifeguard services within the Pensacola Beach area, and the NPS manages the beaches and associated lifeguard services within the adjoining Fort Pickens, Santa Rosa Areas, and the Perdido Key Area. The NPS and Water Safety continuously respond to and provide assistance to each other on a daily basis for water-related emergencies. The NPS and Water Safety both hire, train, and supervise lifeguard staff, competing for the same applicant pool, conducting separate training sessions that meet similar certification standards, and providing program management and staff supervision, and often driving past each other in fulfilling these responsibilities.
The Contract will assure consistency of lifeguard services and enable efficiencies realized through resource sharing and economies of scale. The Contract will enhance the safety of beach users in Escambia County, Florida, and within the Florida District of Gulf Islands National Seashore.
[Funding:  Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 330801, Water Safety]
14.   Recommendation Concerning Exercising the First of Two Possible One-Year Renewal Periods Related to PD 17-18.096, Roadway Materials Pricing Agreement - Wes Moreno, Public Works Department Director, and Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board approve the utilization of the first of two possible one-year renewal periods provided for under Section 2 of the Indefinite Quantity, Indefinite Delivery Agreement for Roadway Materials Pricing, retroactive to October 31, 2019, with the following vendors:

A. Roads, Inc. of NWF;
B. Panhandle Grading and Paving, Inc.; and
C. Midsouth Paving, Inc.

Funding Source Amount Contract Number
Fund 352, Local Option Sales Tax III, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Various Projects;
Fund 181, Master Drainage Basins, Cost Centers 210719-210736, Object Code 56301;
Fund 175, Transportation Trust Fund, Cost Center 210402, Object Code 55301;
Fund 401, Solid Waste Management, Cost Center 230309 [Closed Landfills], Object Code 55301
Fund 401, Solid Waste Management, Cost Center 230314 [Operations], Object Code 55301
Fund 401, Solid Waste Management, Cost Center 230315 [Projects], Object Code 56301
Contract PD 17-18.096.

  • Fully executed Agreement between Escambia County, Florida, and Roads, Inc. of NWF
  • Fully executed Agreement between Escambia County, Florida, and Panhandle Grading and Paving, Inc.
  • Fully executed Agreement between Escambia County, Florida, and Midsouth Paving, Inc.
15.   Recommendation Concerning the Ratification of the Agreement for PD 18-19.101, Corrections Copiers - William R. Powell, Director of Corrections, and Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the Agreement between Escambia County, Florida, and Copy Products Company d/b/a CPC Office Technologies, for copiers, supplies and maintenance for a period of 60 months and includes a Termination for Convenience clause, at a monthly amount of $1,870.72 for the lease of the units, and estimated $1,686.50 monthly for the cost of supplies and maintenance, for a total estimated monthly cost of $3,557.22, and 60-month estimated cost of $213,433.20.

B. Authorize the County Administrator to sign the Lease Agreement and any Purchase Orders in excess of $50,000.00.

[Funding:  Fund 001, General Fund; Cost Center 290401, Detention; Object Code 54401, Rentals & Leases - $1,870.72
Fund 001, General Fund; Cost Center 290401, Detention; Object Code 55201, Operating Supplies - $1,686.50 estimated
Estimated Monthly Total - $3,557.22
Estimated 60-month total: $213,433.20]

Specification PD 18-19.101, Corrections Copiers was posted on Vendor Registry beginning on August 23, 2019, and was issued to 50 Registrants representing 29 Firms. The solicitation was viewed by 31 firms and downloaded by 23. Bid responses were received from six firms, two of which were deemed non-responsive; one for not providing an original signature on their submission, and one for not providing the required Bid Bond with their response. Of the four responsive firms, Copy Products Company d/b/a CPC Office Technologies was determined to be the lowest responsive bidder.
16.   Recommendation Concerning Contract Award for Inmate Commissary and Banking Services - William R. Powell, Director of Corrections, and Paul R. Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board approve and authorize the County Administrator to sign a Revenue Agreement between Escambia County, Florida, and Keefe Commissary Network, LLC, for the Escambia County Jail, Work Release, and Work Annex, per the terms and conditions of PD 18-19.102, Inmate Commissary and Banking Services, for total on gross revenue of 51% as negotiated, with an effective date of April 1, 2020.

[Funding:  Fund 111, Detention/Jail Commissary Fund; Revenue Account 342301; and Fund 175, Transportation Trust Fund; Revenue Account 342302]

Solicitation PD 18-19.102, Inmate Commissary and Banking Services, was published via Vendor Registry on August 28, 2019, and was issued to 30 registrants representing 21 firms. The solicitation was viewed by 38 firms and downloaded by 26 firms. On October 15, 2019, four firms submitted bid responses.

  • Proposal from Keefe Commissary Network, LLC
17.   Recommendation Concerning Contract Award for Escambia County Athletic Parks Trimming and Mowing for Escambia County Parks and Recreation - Michael Rhodes, Parks & Recreation Department Director, through Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board approve and authorize the County Administrator to sign the Agreements, per the terms and conditions of solicitation PD 19-20.016, Escambia County Parks and Recreation Grounds Mowing and Trimming for Athletic Parks for Escambia County Parks and Recreation, for a period of one year, with options for up to two additional one-year renewals at the estimated amounts noted for each. 

A. Agreement for Zone 1 to Total Landscape Service Inc., in the weekly amount of $861.25; annual estimate of $34,450;

B. Agreement for Zone 2 to Emerald Coast Grass Company, LLC, in the weekly amount of $930; annual estimate of $37,200;

C. Agreement for Zone 3 to Rhett James Landscaping, Inc., in the weekly amount of $1,325; annual estimate of $53,000;

D. Agreement for Zone 4 to Safe Lawn, Inc., in the weekly amount of $800; annual estimate of $32,000;

E. Agreement for Zone 5 to Coastal Landscaping & Maintenance, Inc., in the weekly amount of $900; annual estimate of $36,000;

F. Agreement for Zone 6 to Gulf Coast Environmental Contractors, Inc., in the weekly amount of $804; annual estimate of $32,160;

G. Agreement for Zone 7 to South Baldwin Sports Turf, LLC, in the weekly amount of $1,440; annual estimate of $57,600;

H. Agreement for Zone 8 to Greenview Turf Maintenance, Inc., in the weekly amount of $1,305; annual estimate of $52,200; and

I. Agreement for Zone 9 to Gulf Coast Environmental Contractors, Inc., in the weekly amount of $3,137.50; annual estimate of $125,500.

The annual estimate is for 40 weekly mowing services, making the total for this project not to exceed $460,110.

This solicitation was issued to 154 registrants in Vendor Registry representing 125 firms, 40 firms viewed the solicitation and 33 firms downloaded the solicitation. 15 bid responses were received.

  • [Fund 353, LOST IV; Cost Center 350221, Parks Capital Projects; Object Code 53401, Other Contractual Services, Project #: 19PR0409 and 19PR819; and
  • [Fund 108, Tourist Promotion; Cost Center 360101, Tourist Promotion; Object Code 53401, Other Contractual Services]


Committee Member Score Sheets
18.   Recommendation Concerning the Award of a Purchase Order, in Excess of $25,000, for Kronos Timekeeping - Bart Siders, Information Technology Department Director, through Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board take the following action concerning annual Software Maintenance Renewal, in excess of $25,000, for Kronos Timekeeping:

A. Approve usage of U.S. Communities (Omnia Partners) Cooperative Agreement 18220 with Kronos, Inc., effective March 18, 2019; and

B. Authorize the County Administrator to sign a Purchase Order, in the amount of $35,067.22, to Kronos, Inc.

[Funding:  Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 270102, Information Technology $35,067.22]

  • U.S. Communities (Omnia Partners) Contract 18220
  • Kronos Quotation
19.   Recommendation Concerning Three-Month Extension of the Agreement for Citizen Relationship Management Software Services with Accela - Bart Siders, Information Technology Department Director, through Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing 

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the Order Form and authorize the County Administrator to execute the form providing a three-month extension of the Agreement for Citizen Relationship Management Software Services with Accela, in the amount of $9,259.45, for a term expiring on March 31,2020;

B. Authorize the Department, in conjunction with the Office of Purchasing, to issue a Purchase Order as required; and

C. Authorize the Department to send Accela a notice of termination of the Agreement for Citizen Relationship Management Software Services, effective April 1, 2020.

[Funding:  Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 270102, Object Code 54601]

  • Original Agreement between Escambia County and Accela
20.   Recommendation Concerning Renewal of Agreement for Support and Maintenance Services for Cisco SMARTnet, Specification No.: P.D. 15-16.009 - Bart Siders, Information Technology Department Director, through Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the renewal of the Agreement for Support and Maintenance Services with PC Specialists, Inc. D/B/A Technology Integration Group, for Cisco SMARTnet, Specification No.: P.D. 15-16.009, in the amount of $100,978, for the final 12-month renewal term; and

B. Authorize the Department, in conjunction with the Office of Purchasing, to issue a Purchase Order as required. 

[Funding:  Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 270102, Object Code 54601]

  • Fully executed Agreement between Escambia County, Florida, and PC Specialists, Inc. d/b/a Technology Integration Group
  • Original Board Approval, December 10, 2015
21.   Recommendation Concerning the Master Plan Solicitation for Midtown Commerce Park, Iron Triangle, and McDonald Shopping Center Properties - J. Taylor “Chips” Kirschenfeld, Director, Department of Natural Resources Management 

That the Board take the following action concerning the Master Plan Solicitation for Midtown Commerce Park, Iron Triangle, and McDonalds Shopping Center properties:

A. Approve the Scope of Work for the Master Plan Solicitation for the Midtown Commerce Park, Iron Triangle, and McDonald Shopping Center properties; and 

B. Authorize staff to proceed with the solicitation for Request for Qualifications (RFQ).

[Funding is available in Fund 352, Cost Center 220102, NESD Capital Project 15NE3403, Palafox Commerce Park; Fund 102, Cost Center 360704, Economic Development Operating; and Fund 001, Cost Center 141002, McDonald Property Leases]

  • Master Plan for Midtown Commerce Park, Iron Triangle, and McDonald Shopping Center Properties - Scope of Work
  • Midtown Commerce Park & Surrounding Areas - Master Plan Locations
22.   Recommendation Concerning a Strategic Organizational Assessment of County Procurement Processes - J. Taylor "Chips" Kirschenfeld, Interim Assistant County Administrator

That the Board take the following action concerning a Strategic Organizational Assessment of County Procurement Processes:

A. Acknowledge the need for a Strategic Organizational Assessment of County Procurement Processes; and

B. Authorize the County Administrator to proceed with selecting and contracting with a consultant to perform a Strategic Organizational Assessment of County Procurement Processes.

[Funding:  The County Administrator will work with the budget office to determine the appropriate funding source for this assessment.]
III. For Discussion
1.   Recommendation Concerning State Law Enforcement Trust Fund - Henrique Dias, Chief Financial Officer, Escambia County Sheriff's Office Finance Division
That the Board approve the following allocations of Law Enforcement Trust (LET) Funds, per the requirements of F.S. 932.7055(5) for Outside Agency partners in Escambia County for Fiscal Year 2019/2020:
A. The King Richard Foundation, Inc., in the amount of $1,000; and
B. Christian Surfers, in the amount of $2,000.
Upon approval of these funding allocations, the Sheriff’s Office will process all appropriate paperwork and submit for payment from LET Funds to the Escambia Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller.
[Funding Source:  Fund 121, Law Enforcement Trust Fund, Cost Center 540103, Aids to Private Organizations 58201]
2.   Recommendation Concerning Authorization for the Acquisition of Real Property Located in the 7600 Block of Winodee Drive for Carpenter Creek Riparian Preservation - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board take the following action regarding the acquisition of real property located in the 7600 Block of Winodee Drive, owned by Gulf Timberlands, Inc.:

A. Authorize the purchase of real property located in the 7600 block of Winodee Drive (approximately 5.23 acres), for $108,208.70, which is the Board's approved purchase price for the Carpenter's Creek Riparian Preservation project;

B. Approve or deny the Contract for Sale and Purchase for the acquisition of real property located in the 7600 block of Winodee Drive (approximately 5.23 acres) from Gulf Timberlands, Inc., for $108,208.70, for the Carpenter Creek Riparian Preservation project; 

C. Accept, for information, the Public Disclosure of Interest Form provided by Gulf Timberlands, Inc.;

D. Authorize the County Administrator to execute an IRS Form 8283, subject to Legal sign-off; and

E. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to prepare, and the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute any documents, subject to Legal review and sign-off, necessary to complete the acquisition of these properties, without further action of the Board.

The real property is located in Commission District 4.

[Funding Source:  Fund 352, LOST III, Cost Center 220102, NESD Capital Projects, Project 08NE0028, Environmentally Sensitive Lands]
3.   Recommendation Concerning Funding for Perdido Key Beach Access #4 Located at 16477 Perdido Key Drive - J. Taylor "Chips" Kirschenfeld, Director, Department of Natural Resources Management

That the Board take the following action concerning funding for Perdido Key beach access #4 located at 16477 Perdido Key Drive:

A. Authorize staff to proceed with procurement of a contractor to initiate site preparation work to include removal of existing asphalt and debris, red clay, and replacement with beach-quality sand; 

B. Identify a funding source, in the amount of $228,208, in support of this project phase; and

C. Authorize the execution of a Budget Amendment in support of this project with the approved funding source.
I.   For Action
1.   Recommendation Concerning Authorizing the Scheduling of a Public Hearing to Consider an Ordinance Amending Volume I, Chapter 100, Article I, Sections 100-1 through 100-6 Establishing the Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission.

That the Board authorize the scheduling of a public hearing on Thursday, March 5, 2020, at 5:36 p.m. to consider an Ordinance amending Chapter 100, Article I, Sections 100-1 through 100-6 establishing the Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission.
2.   Recommendation Concerning Authorizing the Rescheduling of a Public Hearing to Consider an Ordinance Creating Volume 1, Chapter 94, Article 1, Section 94-9 Relating to Micromobility Devices and Motorized Scooters on Pensacola Beach.

That the Board authorize the rescheduling of a public hearing from Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 5:31 p.m., to Thursday, June 4, 2020, at 5:31 p.m. to consider an Ordinance creating Volume 1, Chapter 94, Article 1, Section 94-9 relating to Micromobility Devices and Motorized Scooters on Pensacola Beach.
3.   Recommendation Concerning Approval of Mediated Settlement of the Case of the Estate of Martin Detzel v. Escambia County, Case No. 2017 CA 001272.

That the Board take the following action:

A.   Approve the settlement reached during mediation for the sum of $50,000.00 to be paid to Edward Shelby as Personal Representative of the Estate of Martin Detzel in exchange for the execution of a general release and stipulation of dismissal with prejudice; and

B.   Authorize the County Attorney's Office to execute a stipulation for dismissal with prejudice once the general release is executed and delivered to the County Attorney's Office and settlement payment is made. 
4.   Recommendation Concerning Authorizing the Scheduling of a Public Hearing to Consider an Ordinance Amending Volume I, Chapter 58, Article IV, Sections 58-95 and 58-97.

That the Board authorize the scheduling of a public hearing on Thursday, March 5, 2020, at 5:37 p.m. to consider an Ordinance amending Chapter 58, Article IV, Sections 58-95 and 58-97 relating to Fair Housing to accurately reflect the current name of the Commission that is vested with the authority to act as the Fair Housing Board.
5.   Recommendation Concerning the Taxing Authority Memorandum of Understanding.

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Taxing Authority Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), allowing for an arrangement among the Property Appraiser, the Tax Collector and Escambia County that addresses the retention of a vendor to assist with identification of homestead fraud and for the vendor to be compensated from recouped tax proceeds. 
6.   Recommendation Concerning  Approval of the Mediated Settlement of the Case of Escambia County v. Spirit, Inc. and Spirit Solutions, Inc., Case No. 2019 CA 001402.
That the Board take the following action:

A.      Approve a settlement reached during mediation for the sum of $85,000.00 to be paid to Escambia County in exchange for the mutual execution of general releases by and between Escambia County and Spirit Solutions, Inc. and Spirit, Inc.; and
B.      That the Board authorize the County Attorney’s Office to execute a settlement and release agreement which provides for payments to be made by Spirit Solutions, Inc. and Spirit, Inc. to Escambia County on a monthly basis until the full settlement payment is made and that the litigation remain stayed so as to allow enforcement of the payment schedule.
7.   Recommendation Concerning the  Amendment of Agreement for Re-Solicit Operator for Paratransit Services.

That the Board take the following action:
A.     Rescind the previous Board action of December 15, 2019, to approve and authorize the County Administrator to execute the Amendment of Agreement for PD 16-17.068, Re-Solicit Operator for Paratransit Services, between Escambia County, Florida and Innovative Transport and Logistics Solutions, LLC in the amount of $200,000 for year three of the original Agreement in order to offset the increase in vehicle insurance costs to be paid in monthly reimbursements retroactive to October 1, 2019; and
B.     Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Amendment to Agreement for Paratransit Transportation Services (PD 16-17.068) between Escambia County, Florida and Innovative Transport and Logistics Solutions, LLC to increase the contract amount by $200,000 for year three of the original Agreement in order to offset the increase in vehicle insurance costs to be paid in monthly reimbursements effective October 1, 2019.

[Funding: Fund 104, Mass Transit, Cost Center 320401, Object Code 53401/56404]
II.  For Discussion
1.   Recommendation Concerning Daily Convo, LLC, Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption.

That the Board take the following action:

A.   Interpret its Daily Convo, LLC, EDATE ordinance to require the expiration of the exemption upon the conveyance of the property and authorize the County Attorney to send a letter to the new owner alerting them of the ordinance terms and schedule a public hearing for April 2, 2020 at 5:34 p.m., to consider an ordinance repealing the exemption;


B.  Interpret its Daily Convo, LLC, EDATE ordinance to allow the exemption to remain in effect regardless of the transfer of ownership and authorize the County Attorney to send letters to the Property Appraiser and the new owner indicating the exemption shall remain in place. 
2.   Recommendation Concerning Enforcement of Order Granting Petition for Certiorari brought by Petitioners Teramore Development, LLC, et al. v. Escambia County, Florida, Case No. 2017 CA 001778.

That the Board take the following action:

A.   Accept the settlement proposal made by the Teramore Petitioners as outlined in the amended June 25, 2019 letter and hard copy of emails, and direct the Board of Adjustment to grant the appeal by the Teramore Petitioners to allow the construction of a Dollar General store so long as the development review process is satisfied;


B.   Reject the settlement proposal made by the Teramore Petitioners and allow the order of Judge Burns granting enforcement to stand and take no further action.
3.   Recommendation Concerning the Sun Belt Conference Letter of Agreement.

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign, subject to legal sign-off, the Letter of Agreement (LOA) between Escambia County and the Sun Belt Conference (SBC), to provide for a five-year arrangement for hosting of the SBC basketball champtionship tournaments, with a possibility of a two-year extension.
III. For Information
1.   Recommendation Concerning the Matter of Arbitration Between Escambia County Board of County Commissioners, Employer, and Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc., Union; FMCS Case No. 190529-07585.

That the Board accept the following information:

On January 29, 2020, Arbitrator Daniel R. Saling issued a Final and Binding Arbitration Award upholding the termination of the grievant, and dismissing the grievance initiated by the Florida Police Benevolent Association (FPBA).
8. Items added to the agenda.
9. Announcements.
10. Adjournment.