Escambia County Competency Board
February 3, 2016–Time 9:00 a.m.
Escambia County Central Office Complex
3363 West Park Place
1. Call to Order.

Determination of Quorum.


Proof of Publication.

4.   Approval of Minutes - January 6, 2016
5. Public Forum:
6. Board Secretary Status Report:
A.   ROBERT GUY, dba Pensacola Roofing, Inc., Complaint No.:  COM150500014, State Certified License No.:  CCC1327027; RE:  Billy Jo Cope, Complainant, 490 Edison Dr., Pensacola.  The parties have amicably resolved the issue to the satisfaction of each. Complainant/Homeowner desires to rescind Complaint.
B.   BRYAN G. DONEGAN, dba Complete DKI, LLC., Complaint No.:  COM150600020, Certificate of Competency No.:  BC1007, RE:  Walter Watson, Homeowner/Complainant, 1310 Bel Air Rd., Pensacola. The parties have amicably resolved the issue to the satisfaction of each. Complainant/Homeowner desires to rescind Complaint.
C.   NICHOLAS CORCORIS dba Tradesmen Heating and Air, LLC., Complaint No.:  COM150500019, Certificate of Competency No.: AA2008, RE: Jim & Mei Waplington, Homeowners/Complainants, 5470 North Shore Dr., Pensacola. The Escambia County Contractor Competency Board has no jurisdiction in this matter as the issue is with the manufacturer warranty.
D.   JOHN R. TOLBERT, SR., Complaint No.:  COM150900029.  The Board has no jurisdiction in this matter.  The party was sent a warning notice that if he should choose to contract in Escambia County that he has to first be registered or licensed in the county.
7. Old Business:
A.   DWIGHT MCMILLIAN dba Pensacola Marine Construction, Inc.; Certificate of Competency License No.:  MS0019;  - Requesting for Marine Contractors to be able to contract in Escambia County without obtaining USL&H Workers Comp Insurance.
B.   Status Report  - Assistant County Attorney, Meredith Crawford, Re:  Restitution
8. Contractor Applications:
A.   JONATHAN R. JENKS - Application for Examination - Sprinkler/Irrigation Contractor
B.   DAVID L. BUTLER - Application for Reinstatement of License No.: RB0066953, Escambia County is not the licenseholder's sponsoring county.
9. Written Communication:
10. Show Cause Hearing:
A.   THADEUS J. MARCELLE, Complaint No.:  UN140400162, Citation No.:  2015-RK13, RE:  Unlicensed Contracting
B.   THIMOTHY SOWELL, dba  Tim Sowell Roofing, Inc., Complaint No.: COM150800026; Certificate of Competency No.:  RR2008; RE:  Donna Jenkins, Homeowner/Complainant, 6821 Joy St., Pensacola.
C.   ALEXANDER ZADOV, dba A-Z Remodeling & Plumbing, Inc., Complaint No.:  COM151200035, State Certified License No.:  CFC1426642, RE:  John & Ann Grady, Homeowners/Complainants, 4016 Leesway Circle, Pensacola.
11. Disciplinary Hearing:
A.   JAMES FREEMAN, dba Freeman Roofing, Complaint No: COM151100033; Certificate of Competency No:  RR0133;  Re: Laura Malone, Homeowner/Complainant, 5175 Leesway Blvd., Pensacola.
B.   ANTONIO VILLEGAS, Certificate of Competency No.: MP2038/RF11067300 VIOLATION - Count 1: Failing in any material respect to comply with the provisions of this part of violating a rule or lawful order of the board. Section 489.129(i), Florida Statutes; and Section 18-17, Code of Ordinances of Escambia County, Florida. (See Order entered August 20, 2014 nunc pro tunc August 6, 2014, (UN140100022), and Order entered September 25, 2014 nunc pro tunc September 10, 2014 (Complaint No.: C140200003).
12. Adjournment.