Escambia County Competency Board
November 5, 2014–Time 9:00 a.m.
Escambia County Central Office Complex
3363 West Park Place
1. Call to Order.

Determination of Quorum.


Proof of Publication.

4.   Approval of Minutes - October 1, 2014 CCB Meeting
5. Public Forum.
6. Board Secretary Status Report.
7. Old Business
8. Contractor Applications:
A.   MONTEZ K. SOUTHALL - Application for Examination (Residential Contractor)


A.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM140600013 - Robert Guy dba Pensacola Roofing, Inc. (License #CCC1327027)
RE:  Fred Powell obo James Powell, Complainant/Homeowner, 5770 Audubon Circle. [Complainant requests to withdraw Complaint as parties reached an amicable settlement of the issues.]
B.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM140700021 - Kent Dilts dba Dilts Maintenance and Repair, Inc. aka Dilt's Construction, Inc. (License #CRC1330062). [Complainant simultaneously filed Complaint with DBPR and Escambia County.  The Board Secretary confirmed  a DBPR Investigator has completed his investigation and forwarded a report the Florida DBPR Contractor Licensing Board for further action.]
C.   COMPLAINT NO.: COM140600015 - Joey Crews dba Crews Plumbing et al (License #MP0323).
RE: Michael Needles, Complainant, Innovation Capital Group, LLC/Innovation Homes.  [Complainant is requesting his Complaint be withdrawn as the parties have amicably resolved all issues between them.]
D.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM140700019 - Drew Dennis dba Omega Contruction & Design, Inc. (License #RC3001).
RE:  Donna Hernandez, Complainant/Homeowner, 339 Bunker Hill Drive. [Complainant requested that her Complaint be rescinded and advised the parties amicably settled all matters betweent them.]
E.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM140500010 - Michael Guy dba Guy Brothers Roofing Company, Inc., (License #CCC058150).
RE:  Ron Helms, Complainant, 3 Fountain Abbey, Pensacola. [Complainant has advised the issues have been amicably resolved between the parties and requests his Complaint be withdrawn.]
F.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM140800024 - Raymond Crosby dba D R Horton, Inc. - Jacksonville (State Certified Building Contractor License No.: CBC058997).  RE:  Thomas J. Pennington, 8152 Foxtail Loop/5818 Dahoon Dr.
[Contractor Competency Board does not have jurisdiction over this matter.  County Site Inspectors met with Complainant regarding the issue, no further action required by County.] 
A.   Correspondence from Frederick J. Gant, Esq., Counsel for Gregory Scott Robinson (Case No.:  UN140400159/Citation No.:  2014-11K), requesting an extension of time for Mr. Robinson to pay the $500 citation fee ordered on September 10, 2014, and also requesting that Mr. Robinson be allowed to pay the fine in installment payments of $25.00 per month.
B.   Correspondence from Bobby Garrett, III, dba King Construction & Energy Management, LLC informing of a project he was involved in.
11. Show Cause Hearing / Public Hearing
A.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM140400007 - Joseph Morales dba At Home Contracting, Inc. (State Certified Residential Contractor No.:  CRC1329074)
RE:  Grover and Jessie Mae Hardy, Complainants/Homeowners - 311 Seamarge Lane
B.   JAMES RICH dba JAMES RICH CONSTRUCTION, INC. - State Certified License No.:  CBC1256247
RE:  Abdul-Majid and Luevender Ali, Complainants/Homeowners - 5810 Blaze Avenue, Pensacola
C.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM140700020 - Robert G. Pettry dba Pettry Plumbing Company (License No.:  MP0268)
Marjorie Macks, 3227 Sandy Lane, Pensacola
D.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM140800023 - Robert G. Pettry dba Pettry Plumbing Company (License No.:  MP0268)
Christopher Garner, 206 Charleston Drive, Pensacola
E.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM141000034 - Robert G. Pettry dba Pettry Plumbing Company (License No.:  MP0268)
Claudia Wadsworth, 8366 Gardenia Circle, Pensacola
F.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM141000035 - Robert G. Pettry dba Pettry Plumbing Company (License No.:  MP0268)
RE:  Virgil H. Butler, Jr., Complainant/Homeowner - 118 Saint Regis Drive -
G.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM141000036 - Robert G. Pettry dba Pettry Plumbing Company
RE: Martha S. Burns, Complainant/Homeowner - 534 Long Lake Drive
H.   COMPLAINT NO.: COM141000037 - Robert G. Pettry dba Pettry Plumbing Company
RE: Clifford E. Cox, Complainant/Homeowner - 5120 Prieto Drive
I.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM141000038 - Robert G. Pettry dba Pettry Plumbing Company (License No.:  MP0268)
RE:  Sylvia L. Todd, Complainant/Homeowner - 1412 E. Fisher Street
J.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM140900033 - Robert G. Pettry dba Pettry Plumbing Company (License No.:  MP0268)
RE:  Michael L. Berry, Complainant/Homeowner - 1412 Dexter Avenue.
12. Disciplinary Hearing
A.   COMPLAINT NO.:  COM140900027 - Robert G. Pettry dba Pettry Plumbing Company (License No.: MP0268)
Barbara Goldsmith, 731 Boulder Creek Drive, Pensacola
Count I:  Violation of Chp. 489.126(2)(a), Florida Statutes, “A contractor who receives, as initial payment, money totaling more than 10 percent of the contract price for repair, restoration, improvement, or construction to residential real property must:  (a) Apply for permits necessary to do work within 30 days after the date payment is made, except where the work does not require a permit under the applicable codes and ordinances …”
Count II:  “Proceeding on any job without obtaining applicable local building department permits and/or inspections.  (c) Job finished without a permit having been pulled, or no permit until caught after job, or late permit during the job resulting in missed inspection or inspections. [See Florida Statute Chapter 489.129(1)(o), as amended, and Section 18-37(d)(15)(c), Escambia County Code of Ordinances].
Count III:   “Diversion of funds or property received for prosecution or completion of a particular construction project or operation by the contractor when as a result of such diversion the contractor is or will be unable to fulfill the terms of his obligations or contract. …” [See Florida Statute Chapter 489, as amended, and Section 18-37(c)(5), Escambia County Code of Ordinances].
Count IV: “Mismanagement or misconduct causing financial harm to the customer.”  [See Florida Statute Chapter 489.129(1)(h), as amended, and Section 18-37(c)(6), Escambia County Code of Ordinances].
13. Adjournment.