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Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting – April 4, 2019 – 5:30 p.m.
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building – First Floor
1.   Call to Order.

Please turn your cell phone to the vibrate, silence, or off setting.

The Board of County Commissioners allows any person to speak regarding an item on the Agenda. The speaker is limited to three (3) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the Chairman, to allow sufficient time for all speakers. Speakers shall refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, protests, or other conduct which interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting. Upon completion of the Public comment period, discussion is limited to Board members and questions raised by the Board.
2.   Invocation – Commissioner Bergosh.
3.   Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
4.   Are there any items to be added to the agenda?

Recommendation: That the Board adopt the agenda as prepared (or duly amended).
5.   Commissioners’ Forum.
6. 15827   Proclamations.

Recommendation: That the Board take the following action:

A. Adopt the Proclamation commending and congratulating Gregory W. Jackson, a Clerk I in the Library Services Department, on his selection as the "Employee of the Month" for April 2019;

B. Adopt the Proclamation, on behalf of the citizens of Escambia County and her fellow coworkers, commending and congratulating Mrs. Judy H. Witterstaeter, Agenda Program Coordinator, on her retirement, effective Friday, March 29, 2019, and expressing the Board's appreciation to Mrs. Witterstaeter for her 15 years and 8 months of faithful and dedicated service to Escambia County;

C. Ratify the Proclamation dated March 14, 2019, honoring and congratulating Mrs. Susie Lett Cooper on reaching the age of 100 and extending best wishes to her for continued good health and happiness;

D. Ratify the Proclamation dated March 20, 2019, congratulating and welcoming the officers and sailors of the Juan Sebastian de Elcano to Pensacola, Florida, during the 500th Anniversary of the First Circumnavigation of the Earth; and

E. Ratify the Proclamation dated March 21, 2019, honoring and congratulating Ms. Helena Shelby Brockman on reaching the age of 100 and extending best wishes to her for continued good health and happiness.
7. 15840   Retirement Proclamations.

Recommendation: That the Board take the following action concerning adoption/ratification of retirement Proclamations:

A. Adopt the Retirement Proclamation commending and congratulating Earnest Anderson, Equipment Operator III, Public Works Department, on 13 years of service;

B. Adopt the Retirement Proclamation commending and congratulating Sharon L. Horn, Detention Assistant, Corrections Department, on 16 years of service;

C. Adopt the Retirement Proclamation commending and congratulating Kelly G. Kimmons, Corrections Officer, Corrections Department, on 17 years of service;

D. Adopt the Retirement Proclamation commending and congratulating Ronny L. McGlothren, Chief of Building Inspections, Building Services Department, on 19 years of service;

E. Adopt the Retirement Proclamation commending and congratulating Venita H. Owens, Senior Office Support Assistant, Building Services Department, on 18 years of service;

F. Adopt the Retirement Proclamation commending and congratulating Michael S. Pickard, Corrections Officer, Corrections Department, on 5 years of service;

G. Adopt the Retirement Proclamation commending and congratulating Debra C. Rice, Accounting Assistant, Waste Services Department, on 14 years of service;

H. Adopt the Retirement Proclamation commending and congratulating Teddy Woolcock, Program Manager Safety/Security, Escambia County Mass Transit Department, on 28 years of service;

I. Ratify the retirement Proclamation, dated February 25, 2019, commending and congratulating Lynn H. Adams, Chief of Electrical Inspections, Building Services Department, on 23 years of service; and

J. Ratify the Retirement Proclamation dated March 18, 2019, commending and congratulating Brice Greenfield, Construction Inspector, Engineering Department, on 21 years of service.
8.   Written Communication:
A. 15795   January 13, 2019, communication from Jeremy Clark requesting Lien relief for property located at 4669 Oakland Circle.

Recommendation: That the Board review and consider the Lien relief request made by Jeremy Clark, new owner of the property, against 4669 Oakland Circle.

On August 21, 2014, the Board amended the "Guidelines for Relief from Environmental (Code) Enforcement Special Magistrate Liens" policy, Section III, H2. Staff was instructed to review all requests for forgiveness of Environmental (Code) Enforcement Liens to determine if the request met the criteria for forgiveness and allowing the County Administrator to act on the Board's behalf if set criteria are met.

After reviewing the request for forgiveness of liens, staff made the determination that the request does fall within the criteria that would allow the County Administrator to act on the Board's behalf and grant relief, in accordance with the Board's Policy, "Guidelines for Relief from Environmental (Code) Enforcement Special Magistrate Liens" Policy, Section III, H2.

Interim County Administrator, Amy Lovoy, DID provide some Lien relief to Jeremy Clark by waiving all the daily fines and subtracting the overage from the tax sale from the hard costs. Mr. Clark is requesting more relief and has requested to appear before the Board.
B. 15946   March 28, 2019, communication from Tammy Bohannon requesting Lien relief for the owner of property located at 1504 Sonia Street.

Recommendation: That the Board review and consider the Lien relief request made by Tammy Bohannon, realtor for the owner (Northern Horizons, LLC, and Wayne Wheatley), against 1504 Sonia Street, which Lien was generated from property located at 2115 Herman Street.

On August 21, 2014, the Board amended the "Guidelines for Relief from Environmental (Code) Enforcement Special Magistrate Liens" policy, Section III, H2. Staff was instructed to review all requests for forgiveness of Environmental (Code) Enforcement Liens to determine if the request met the criteria for forgiveness and allowing the County Administrator to act on the Board's behalf if set criteria are met.

After reviewing the request for forgiveness of liens, staff made the determination that the request does not fall within the criteria that would allow the County Administrator to act on the Board's behalf and grant relief, in accordance with the Board's Policy, "Guidelines for Relief from Environmental (Code) Enforcement Special Magistrate Liens" Policy, Section III, H2.

Ms. Bohannon submitted a written request dated March 28, 2019, asking for Lien relief. The property is currently owned by the owner/violator of both properties located at 1504 Sonia Street and 2115 Herman Street, Northern Horizons, LLC and Wayne Wheatley.
9.   Did the Clerk’s Office receive the proofs of publication for the Public Hearing(s) on the agenda and the Board’s Weekly Meeting Schedule?

Recommendation: That the Board waive the reading of the legal advertisement(s) and accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the certified affidavit(s) establishing proof of publication for the Public Hearing(s) on the agenda, and the Board of County Commissioners – Escambia County, Florida, Meeting Schedule.
10. 15890   5:31 p.m. Public Hearing to consider amending Volume 1, Chapter 10, Article I, Section 10-11(c), Section 10-14(g), and Section 10-18, of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances, regarding Animal Control.

Recommendation: That the Board authorize the cancellation of the 5:31 p.m., Public Hearing to consider amending Volume 1, Chapter 10, Article I, Section 10-11(c), 10-14(g), and 10-18, of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances, regarding Animal Control.
11. 15826   5:32 p.m. Public Hearing for consideration of adopting an Ordinance creating the Bradfield Subdivision Street Lighting MSBU.

Recommendation: That the Board adopt, and authorize the Chairman to sign, the Ordinance creating the Bradfield Subdivision Street Lighting Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU), and all related documents, and make the following findings of fact:

A. Lots in the District are specially benefited since street lighting not only increases the market value of an individual lot, but also increases safety in the District surrounding individual lots and the ability of lot owners to use their individual lots after dark;

B. The benefit from improved street lighting varies according to the relative size of the affected lots. Residential lots benefit from improved street lighting uniformly because of the small variation in size throughout the District;

C. The non-ad valorem special assessments levied represent a fair and reasonable apportionment of the cost of the special benefit received by each lot and do not represent a fair share of the cost of general governmental service provided to residents in the unincorporated areas of Escambia County; and

D. Lots which do not receive a special benefit have been and shall be excluded from the non-ad valorem special assessment for street lighting.
12. 15824   5:33 p.m. Public Hearing for consideration of adopting an Ordinance creating the Seagrass Point Subdivision Street Lighting MSBU.

Recommendation: That the Board adopt, and authorize the Chairman to sign, the Ordinance creating the Seagrass Point Subdivision Street Lighting Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU), and all related documents, and make the following findings of fact:

A. Lots in the District are specially benefited since street lighting not only increases the market value of an individual lot, but also increases safety in the District surrounding individual lots and the ability of lot owners to use their individual lots after dark;

B. The benefit from improved street lighting varies according to the relative size of the affected lots. Residential lots benefit from improved street lighting uniformly because of the small variation in size throughout the District;

C. The non-ad valorem special assessments levied represent a fair and reasonable apportionment of the cost of the special benefit received by each lot and do not represent a fair share of the cost of general governmental service provided to residents in the unincorporated areas of Escambia County; and

D. Lots which do not receive a special benefit have been and shall be excluded from the non-ad valorem special assessment for street lighting.
13.   Reports:
  I.  Consent Agenda
1. 15875   Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of TDT Collection Data for the January 2019 Returns Received in February 2019

That the Board accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Tourist Development Tax (TDT) Collections Data for the January 2019 returns received in the month of February 2019, as prepared by the Finance Department of the Clerk and Comptroller's Office; this is the fifth month of collections for the Fiscal Year 2019; total collections for the month of January 2019 returns was $466,370.36; this is an 11.82% increase over the January 2018 returns; total collections year to date are 11.57% more than the comparable timeframe in Fiscal Year 2018.
2. 15762   Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of the January 31, 2019 Investment Report.

That the Board accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the Investment Portfolio Summary Report for the month ended January 31, 2019, as required by Ordinance Number 95-13; on January 31, 2019, the portfolio market value was $380,780,576 and portfolio earnings totaled $732,056 for the month; the short-term portfolio yield 1.97%, which should be compared to the S&P Government Index Pool Index 30 Day benchmark of 2.45%; the long-term CORE portfolio achieved a yield of 2.55%, which should be compared to the Merrill Lynch 1-5 Year Treasury Index benchmark of 2.47%.
3. 15841   Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of the February 28, 2019 Investment Report.

That the Board accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the Investment Portfolio Summary Report for the month ended February 28, 2019, as required by Ordinance Number 95-13; on February 28, 2019, the portfolio market value was $377,277,458 and portfolio earnings totaled $550,298 for the month; the short term portfolio yield 2.11%, which should be compared to the S&P Government Index Pool Index 30 Day benchmark of 2.46%; the long-term CORE portfolio achieved a yield of 2.61%, which should be compared to the Merrill Lynch 1-5 Year Treasury Index benchmark of 2.52%.
4. 15787   Recommendation Concerning Documents Provided for Filing with the Board's Minutes

That the Board accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the following documents provided to the Clerk to the Board's office:

A. The Santa Rosa Island Authority Fiscal Year 2018 Audited Financial Statements, as provided by Vickie S. Johnson, Director of Finance for the Santa Rosa Island Authority;

B. The Northwest Florida Water Management District Consolidated Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2018-2019, as provided by Christina Coger, Northwest Florida Water Management;

C. A copy of the Clerk's Original of the National Resource Conservation Service Notice of Grant and Agreement Award, Award ID Number 68-4209-15-155, relating to the Emergency Watershed Protection Program, based on the Board's action of June 26, 2014, authorizing the Chairman to execute any subsequent Agreements and program-related documents from the project list; and

D. Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. S0705 between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Escambia County, based on the Board's action of July 24, 2014, authorizing the Chairman to sign any subsequent Grant-related documents, pending Legal review and approval, without further action of the Board.
5. 15788   Recommendation Concerning Minutes and Reports Prepared by the Clerk to the Board's Office

That the Board take the following action concerning Minutes and Reports prepared by the Clerk to the Board's office:

A. Approve the Minutes of the Attorney-Client Session held March 7, 2019;

B. Accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Report of the Agenda Work Session held March 7, 2019;

C. Accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Report of the Gary Sansing Public Forum held March 7, 2019;

D. Approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held March 7, 2019; and

E. Accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Report of the Committee of the Whole Workshop held March 14, 2019.
  I.   Public Hearing
1. 15853   5:45 p.m. - A Public Hearing Concerning Vested Rights Determination - VRD-2019-01

That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) review and approve the following Vested Rights case:

Case No.: VRD-2019-01
Project Address: 625 Calhoun Ave
Property Reference No.: 35-2S-31-1000-023-064
Zoning District: HDMU, High Density Mixed-use district (25 du/acre)
FLU Category: MU-U, Mixed-Use Urban
Overlay District: Warrington
Vested Rights for: Allow a MH in HDMU/Warrington Overlay
Applicant: Lester & Tricia Hendricks, Owner
Planning Board Recommendation: Approval
2. 15907   5:46 p.m. - A Public Hearing Concerning the Review of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 3 Regarding Structure Setbacks and Minimum Lot Widths

That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) review and adopt an Ordinance amending the Land Development Code (LDC), Chapter 3, to explain structure setbacks on lots with multiple street frontage, define minimum lot widths on small radius rights-of-way, and establish a minimum side setback for single-family dwellings that may be within the Commercial or Industrial zoning district.
  II.  Action Item
1. 15854   Recommendation Concerning an At-Large Reappointment to the Board of Adjustment

That the Board waive the Board's Policy, Section I, Part B1.(D), Appointment Policy and Procedures, and reappoint Walker Wilson to a two-year, at-large appointment to the Escambia County Board of Adjustment effective April 4, 2019, through April 3, 2021.
  III. Consent Agenda
1. 15910   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of Public Hearings

That the Board authorize the scheduling of the following Public Hearings:

A. April 16, 2019

1. 9:15 a.m. - A Public Hearing - Sunbelt Concrete Recycling Permit Renewal

Summary: Review and approve, modify, or deny the renewal of a permit for an existing concrete recycling facility located at 2390 Longleaf Drive.

2. 9:16 a.m. - A Public Hearing - Black Gold Sand and Clay Borrow Pit

Summary: Review and approve, modify, or deny the issuance of a permit for a borrow pit located at 1950 Morgan Cemetery Road.

B. May 2, 2019

1. 5:45 p.m. - A Public Hearing to amend the Official Zoning map to include the following rezoning case heard by the Planning Board on April 2, 2019.

Case No.: Z-2019-04
Address: 2025 Kingsfield Road
Property Reference No.: 21-1N-31-4301-000-000
From: Agr, Agricultural district (one du/20 acres)
To: LDR, Low Density Residential district (four du/acre)
FLU Category: DSAP-Conservation Neighborhood
Commissioner District: 5
Requested by: Frank and Elizabeth Westmark, Owners

2. 5:46 p.m. - A Public Hearing - Comprehensive Plan Ordinance to remove the reference to NOLF 8 - CPA-2019-01 (first of two public hearings)

Summary: On January 30, 2019, Escambia County took possession of Outlying Landing Field (NOLF) Site 8 and as such, it no longer operates as an airfield and the Board directed staff to remove references to the Navy Outlying Landing Field 8 from the Mobility Element.

3. 5:47 p.m. - A Public Hearing - LDC Ordinance to remove reference to NOLF 8

Summary: On January 30, 2019, Escambia County took possession of Outlying Landing Field (NOLF) Site 8 and as such, it no longer operates as an airfield and the Board directed staff to remove references to the Navy Outlying Landing Field 8 the Land Development Code.
  I.   Technical/Public Service Consent Agenda
1. 15828   Recommendation Concerning Scheduling a Public Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2019 Proposed Grant Application for Mass Transit Projects - Mike Crittenden, Mass Transit Department Director

That the Board authorize the scheduling of a Public Hearing for April 16th, 2019, at 9:01 a.m., for the purpose of receiving comments from the public concerning the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 proposed Grant Application by Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) for Mass Transit Projects for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 Funds for Operating and Capital expenses.
2. 15821   Recommendation Concerning the Limited Waiver of the Escambia County Noise Abatement Ordinance for the April 20th Fireworks Display from a Barge off Quietwater Beach - Tim Tolbert, Building Official/Department Director

That the Board review and approve the “Special Event Permit Application” for a limited waiver of the noise restrictions imposed by the Escambia County Noise Abatement Ordinance, allowing the number of sound decibels to exceed 70 dbA (sound level measurement when measured by a sound level meter at or within the property boundary of the receiving land use), for the Fireworks Event from a Barge on the Soundside of Quietwater Beach for the Soundside Merchants Crawfish Festival on April 20, 2019, from 8:00 p.m., to 8:30 p.m.
3. 15843   Recommendation Concerning Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2019 - Tonya Green, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board accept for filing with the Board's Minutes, the March 7, 2019, Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) Meeting Minutes, prepared by Melanie Johnson, CRA Administrative Assistant.
4. 15894   Recommendation Concerning Local Government Certification Form for Emergency Solutions Grant Application to the State of Florida - Tonya Green, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board ratify the signature of the Interim County Administrator on the Local Government Certification Form for the Emergency Solutions Grant Application to the State of Florida, to allow Opening Doors Northwest Florida to apply for this funding.

[Funding: Not applicable]
5. 15855   Recommendation Concerning the Student Internship Agreement Between the University of West Florida and Escambia County, Florida - William R. Powell, Director of Corrections

That the Board take the following action concerning the Student Internship Agreement Between the University of West Florida and Escambia County, Florida:

A. Approve the Student Internship Agreement between the University of West Florida and Escambia County, Florida, that provides for a comprehensive learning experience for participating students from the University of West Florida's Department of Psychology within the professional setting of the Escambia County Corrections Department; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement.

[Funding: The partnership established by this Agreement will not result in additional costs to the County or the University of West Florida]
6. 15791   Recommendation Concerning the State of Florida Department of Transportation Right of Entry Agreement for South Stefani Road Right-of-Way - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the State of Florida Department of Transportation Right of Entry Agreement for South Stefani Road Right-of-Way.

This Right-of-Way is located in Commission District 3.
7. 15808   Recommendation Concerning the Conveyance of an Underground Distribution Easement to Gulf Power on County Property Located in Creekwood Subdivision - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the conveyance of an Underground Distribution Easement to Gulf Power for County property located in Creekwood Subdivision:

A. Approve granting an Underground Distribution Easement to Gulf Power; and

B. Authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to sign the necessary document granting Gulf Power an Underground Distribution Easement.

[Funding Source: Funds for incidental expenditures associated with the recording of documents will be handled by Gulf Power]
8. 15803   Recommendation Concerning a Gulf Power Survey Request - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Survey Notification Form from Gulf Power. This request is to allow Gulf Power to continue with civil surveying and to authorize environmental and/or archaeological evaluations on County properties for the purpose of installing a natural gas pipeline.

The five properties involved are all located in Commission District 5.
9. 15877   Recommendation Concerning the Approval of the Second Amendment to Antenna Mounting Space License Agreement between Escambia County and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC - Michael D. Weaver, Public Safety Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Second Amendment to the Antenna Mounting Space License Agreement between Escambia County and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC:

A. Approve the Amendment; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Amendment and any subsequent related documents, pending Legal review and approval, without further action of the Board.

[Funding: N/A]
10. 15859   Recommendation Concerning the Request for Disposition of Property of the Clerk & Comptroller's Office - Pam Childers, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller

That the Board approve the Request for Disposition of Property Form for Clerk & Comptrollers Office for the equipment, which is described and listed on the Request Form, with a reason for disposition stated. The item is to be auctioned as surplus or disposed of properly.
11. 15923   Recommendation Concerning an Appointment to the Escambia County Mass Transit Advisory Committee - Robert Bender, County Commissioner, District 4

That the Board confirm the appointment of Nancy Bass as one of Commissioner Robert Bender's appointees on the Escambia County Mass Transit Advisory Committee, effective April 4, 2019, and running concurrently with Commissioner Bender's term of office (November 2022) or at his discretion.
12. 15831   Recommendation Concerning Authorization for Access and Signature for the Transit Award Management Systems - Mike Crittenden, Mass Transit Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Transit Award Management Systems (TrAMS) Memo:

A. Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Designation of Signature Authority for the TrAMS memo; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to obtain a Personal Identification Number (PIN) so that the Chairman, on behalf of Escambia County, Florida, can file and execute Applications and documents required for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Grants.
  II.  Budget/Finance Consent Agenda
1. 15860   Recommendation Concerning the Reallocation of Capital Improvement Program Funds - Michael E. Rhodes, Parks and Recreation Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Reallocation of Capital Improvement Program Funds:

A. Rescind the Board’s action of February 21, 2019, CAR Item #3-B, authorizing issuing a Purchase Order to Game Time c/o J. A. Dawson & Company, in the amount of $197,676.71, from the U.S. Communities Contract #2017001134, for the Carriage Hills Park Playground (District 1), Barrineau Park Playground (District 5), Treasure Hills Park Playground (District 2), Oakfield Acres Fitness Area (District 3), and Brownsville Park Fitness Area (District 3). Funds are available in the Brownsville Park project to pay for the fitness equipment; and

B. Approve the issuance of a Purchase Order to Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. d/b/a GameTime, in the amount of $197,676.71, from the U.S. Communities Contract #2017001134, for the Carriage Hills Park Playground (District 1), Barrineau Park Playground (District 5), Treasure Hills Park Playground (District 2), Oakfield Acres Fitness Area (District 3), and Brownsville Park Fitness Area (District 3). Funds are available in the Brownsville Park project to pay for the fitness equipment

[Funding Source: Fund 352, "Local Option Sales Tax III," Account 350229]
2. 15398   Recommendation Concerning Authorization to Take Action Regarding Defaulted Contracts for Reimbursement of Training Expenses - William R. Powell, Director of Corrections

That the Board take the following action concerning authorization for legal action related to defaulted Contracts for reimbursement of training expenses:

A. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to file a small claims case against John Henshaw and Matthew Lindsey related to the default of their respective Contracts for reimbursement of training expenses; and

B. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to prepare and the Chairman to sign all documents related to the aforementioned action.
3. 15844   Recommendation Concerning Residential Rehab Grant Program Funding and Lien Agreements - Tonya Green, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board ratify the following April 4, 2019, action of the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, acting in its capacity as the Escambia County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), concerning the Residential Rehab Grant Program Funding and Lien Agreements:

A. Approving the Residential Rehab Grant Program Funding and Lien Agreements between Escambia County CRA and IT'S A HOME, LLC, owner of residential property located at 510 South First Street, Warrington Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $6,000, representing an in-kind match through the Warrington Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370114, for electrical rewiring upgrade and central heating and air conversion; and

B. Authorizing the Chairman to sign the Funding and Lien Agreements and any related documents necessary to implement the Grant awards.
4. 15845   Recommendation Concerning the Cancellation of Residential Rehab Grant Program Liens - Tonya Green, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board ratify the following April 4, 2019, action of the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, acting in its capacity as the Escambia County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), concerning the cancellation of the Residential Rehab Grant Program Liens:

A. Approving the following cancellations of six Residential Rehab Grant Program Liens, as the Grant recipients have met their one-year of compliance with the Residential Rehab Grant Program:
Property Owners Address Amount
Gladys Irene Castle 2413 Atwood Drive $2,600
Tadeusz and Donna L. Filipczak 8392 and 8394 Carl Dean Street $4,249
Gloria Gilbert 109 South Jamaica Street $2,348
Michelle A. Gray 308 Southeast Kalash Road $3,450
Herbert W. and Janet L. Kuehne 2215 Klinger Street $2,050
Anne B. Woody 217 Sunset Avenue $2,050

B. Authorizing the Chairman to execute the Cancellation of Lien documents.
5. 15895   Recommendation Concerning Amendment #1 to Agreement for SHIP Housing Repair Assistance Project with Community Action Program Committee, Inc. - Tonya Green, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action regarding Amendment #1 to Agreement for State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Housing Repair Assistance Project with Community Action Program Committee, Inc. (CAPC):

A. Approve Amendment #1 to Agreement for State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Housing Repair Assistance Project with CAPC to extend the Contract end date to June 30, 2019, to allow CAPC to complete repairs under the project; and

B. Authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute the Amendment and project-related documents as required to implement the Project.

[Funding: Fund 120/2016, 2017 and 2018 SHIP, Cost Centers 370202, 370204 and 370208]
6. 15899   Recommendation Concerning the Escambia/Pensacola 2020-2022 State Housing Initiatives Partnership Local Housing Assistance Plan - Tonya Green, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action regarding the Escambia/Pensacola 2020-2022 State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Local Housing Assistance Plan, Resolution, and Interlocal Agreement:

A. Adopt the Resolution approving the Escambia/Pensacola 2020-2022 SHIP Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP), including SHIP financed affordable housing strategies, specified eligibility and beneficiary definitions, maximum SHIP award limitations, fiscal and administrative provisions, description of affordable housing incentives, annual program service delivery goals, and required SHIP certifications;

B. Approve the Interlocal Agreement between the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners and the City of Pensacola Relating to the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program, providing for joint implementation and administration of the Escambia/Pensacola SHIP Program and the Escambia/Pensacola LHAP;

C. Authorize staff to revise the SHIP budgetary allocations within the approved Plan or between the approved strategies to accurately reflect actual funding distributions provided by Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC);

D. Authorize staff to make minor revisions to the LHAP if required by FHFC review; and

E. Authorize the Chairman and/or the County Administrator, as appropriate, to execute all documents required to submit, receive, and implement the SHIP Plan and all related activities.

[Funding: Fund 120, 2020 SHIP, Cost Center 370207, 2021 & 2022 SHIP Cost Centers to be assigned]
7. 15792   Recommendation Concerning the Second Renewal of Lease Agreement between Escambia County and Community Action Program Committee, Inc., for County-Owned Property Located at 6450 Highway 95-A North, Molino, Florida - Robert E. Dye, Facilities Management Department Interim Director

That the Board take the following action regarding the Second Renewal of Lease Agreement between Escambia County and Community Action Program Committee, Inc.:

A. Approve the Second Renewal of Lease Agreement between Escambia County and Community Action Program Committee, Inc., for property located at 6450 Highway 95-A North, Molino, Florida, for an additional two-year term, commencing on April 29, 2019; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Second Renewal of Lease Agreement.

[Funding: Lessee shall pay the County rent, in the amount of $1 per year, for the renewal term]
8. 15849   Recommendation Concerning the Write-Off of Accounts Receivable Recorded in the Emergency Medical Service Fund as Uncollectible Bad Debts - Michael D. Weaver, Public Safety Department Director

That the Board adopt the Resolution authorizing the write-off of $5,972,901.34, in Accounts Receivable that have been recorded in the Emergency Medical Service Fund of Escambia County and have been determined to be uncollectible bad debts.

This Resolution allows an accounting transaction to be recorded and in no way should be construed to be a forgiveness of debt. This Resolution includes write-offs from Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Ambulance Billings for the first quarter of Calendar Year 2019 for 13,668 accounts that have been through all phases of the billing and collection cycles, to include all primary and secondary insurance filing, private pay processing pre-collection letter(s), and/or referral to the secondary collection agency.

This write-off of bad-debt is significantly larger due to the fact in Fiscal Year 2017/2018 only $2,208,338.06 was written-off as uncollectible bad-debt. The majority of the accounts (12,760) were within the date of service ranging from 7/2/2005 to 12/31/2017, with a total dollar amount of $5,972,901.34. This figure coincides with the dollar amount listed on the audit report as uncollectible bad-debt.
9. 15897   Recommendation Concerning the Approval of the EMS Agency Subgrant Application - Michael D. Weaver, Public Safety Department Director

That the Board approve and ratify the Interim County Administrator’s signature, dated March 7, 2019, on the Florida Department of Health, Health Information and Policy Analysis Section, EMS Agency Subgrant Application for Fiscal Year 2019/2020. If awarded the funds are 100% reimbursable and will be used to purchase replacement ePCR tablets for the ambulances.

[Funding: Fund 110, Other Grants and Projects, Revenue Account 334221]
10. 15809   Recommendation Concerning the Purchase of an Additional Dell Nutanix Server - Shawn P. Fletcher, Information Technology Department Director

That the Board authorize the County to utilize the buying power of GSA Contract #GS-35F-0119Y and award a Purchase Order to PC Specialists Inc., DBA Technology Integration Group (TIG), in the amount of $56,076.45, for the purchase of a Dell Nutanix server. The purchase of this Dell Nutanix server will complete the cluster of servers that were purchased a couple of years ago.

[Funding Source: Fund 001, "General Fund", Cost Center 270102, Object Code 56401]
11. 15568   Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #071 - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board adopt the Resolution approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #071, Other Grants and Projects Fund (110), in the amount of $128,738, to recognize Department of Justice Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant for the Escambia County Sheriff's Department, to support bike patrol activities in the Fiscal Year 2018/2019 Budget.
12. 15652   Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #082 - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board adopt the Resolution approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #082, Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) III and Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) IV Funds, in the amount of $22,992,637, to recognize the available funding that is currently not in the Adopted Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget. Funds will be used for various infrastructure and economic development project initiatives in Escambia County.
13. 15778   Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #100 - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board adopt the Resolution approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #100, HUD HOME Fund (147), in the amount of $169,591, to recognize and appropriate prior year available funds in the HUD HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). Funds are used for housing related activities such as housing assistance, rehabilitation, and construction of new rental or home buyer housing in Santa Rosa and Escambia Counties.
14. 15797   Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #106 - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board adopt the Resolution approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #106, General Fund (001), in the amount of $16,076, to recognize funding from the Escambia County 4-H Foundation for funding a contract part-time Program Assistant for six months to provide support for the 4-H agents.
15. 15813   Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #111 - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board adopt the Resolution approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #111, General Fund (001) and Local Option Sales Tax Ill (LOST) Fund (352), in the amount of $123,952, to recognize the Sheriffs off-duty officer, investigative costs, insurance proceeds, auto repairs, and miscellaneous reimbursements/fees ($43,692), and the proceeds from the sale/auction of older, high-mileage vehicles that were purchased with LOST ($80,260), and to appropriate these funds back into the Sheriffs Administrative Budget to offset operational expenses and the LOST portion back into LOST Project 08SH0018 for future vehicle/equipment purchases.
16. 15847   Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #118 - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board adopt the Resolution approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #118, Other Grants and Projects Fund (110), in the amount of $39,831, to recognize proceeds from the Florida Department of Health, and to appropriate these funds for the improvement and expansion of pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Escambia County. Funds will be used to purchase an EMS pediatric treatment system.
17. 15862   Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #122 - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board adopt the Resolution approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #122, Other Grants and Projects Fund (110), in the amount of $674,537, to recognize proceeds from the State of Florida E911 Board for E911 State Grant Contract Number S12-19-02-04, and to appropriate these funds for upgrading Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP). The project will upgrade the Vesta 9-1-1 geo-redundant cores and ancillary equipment for Side "A" housed at the Escambia County Emergency Communications Center and Side "B" housed at the Escambia County Sheriff's Office.
18. 15881   Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #123 - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board adopt the Resolution approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #123, Article-V Fund (115), in the amount of $126,717, to recognize additional funding provided by Okaloosa County to support the technology needs of the State Attorney's Office, as required by F.S. 29.008. Funds will be used to support the technology needs related to the State Attorney's Office in Okaloosa County.
19. 15901   Recommendation Concerning Tax Deed Application for Property Having County-Held Tax Certificates Set to Expire June 1, 2019 - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board approve the Application for Tax Deed List for 96 properties having County-held Tax Certificates set to expire on June 1, 2019. (See provided list.) The Tax Deed Application fee is $742 per parcel. The County must deposit fees with the Tax Collector, in the amount of $275 per parcel, and with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in the amount of $467 per parcel. The total cost for these Tax Deed Applications is $71,232. The parcels that are the subject of this Recommendation are provided as backup.

Tax Certificates are sold annually, through an online Tax Certificate sale, for delinquent real estate taxes. If taxes remain unpaid, the Certificate holder may file a Tax Deed Application with the Tax Collector's Office two years after the date of delinquency. If not redeemed, the property may be sold at a public auction conducted by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Florida Statute 197.502(3) provides that the County in which the property described in the Certificate is located shall apply for a tax deed on all County-held Certificates on property valued at $5,000 or more on the Property Appraiser's most recent assessment roll, and may apply for tax deeds on Certificates on property valued at less than $5,000 on the Property Appraiser's most recent assessment roll. There are seven of the subject properties valued at $5,000 or above, and the remainder are valued below $5,000. The County has held a Tax Certificate on each of these parcels for almost seven years, and the Certificates are set to expire on June 1, 2019. This is the County's last chance to attempt to collect on these delinquent taxes.

[Funding Source: Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 110201]
20. 15834   Recommendation Concerning the Funding Allocation to Booker T. Washington High School Chorus - Commissioner Robert Bender, District 4

That the Board approve the funding allocation of $1,000 from Commissioner Robert Bender's Discretionary Fund to sponsor the Booker T. Washington High School Chorus trip to Carnegie Hall on Sunday, April 21, 2019.

[Funding: Fund 001, Discretionary Money, Cost Center 110101, Object Code 58201)
21. 15842   Recommendation Concerning the Funding Allocation for the Juan Sebastian de Elcano Ship Welcome Celebration - Commissioner Robert Bender, County Commissioner, District 4

That the Board approve the funding allocation of $2,000 from Commissioner Robert Bender's Discretionary Fund to sponsor the Juan Sebastian de Elcano Ship Welcome Celebration hosted by Seville Quarter, Pensacola Navy League, City of Pensacola, and Escambia County to be held on Tuesday, April 2, 2019, from 5:00 p.m., until 8:00 p.m.

[Funding: Fund 001, Discretionary Money, Cost Center 110101, Board of County Commissioners, Object Code 58201, Outside Agencies]
22. 15835   Recommendation Concerning the Funding Allocation for the Perdido Key Chamber of Commerce Star Spangled Salute Festival - Commissioner Robert Bender, District 4

That the Board approve the funding allocation of $500 from Commissioner Robert Bender's Discretionary Fund to sponsor the Perdido Key Chamber of Commerce Star Spangled Salute Festival that will take place on Saturday, May 18, 2019.

[Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Board of County Commissioners' Discretionary Money, Cost Center 110101, Object Code 58201]
23. 15850   Recommendation Concerning the Funding Allocation to Booker T. Washington High School Chorus - Commissioner Jeff Bergosh, District 1

That the Board approve the funding allocation of $1,000 from Commissioner Jeff Bergosh’s discretionary fund to sponsor the Booker T. Washington Chorus Carnegie Hall performance.

[Funding: Fund 001, Discretionary Money, Cost Center 110101, Object Code 58201]
24. 15856   Recommendation Concerning the Funding for Teen Challenge - "Teen Challenge 8th Annual Golf Tournament" - Commissioner Jeff Bergosh, District 1

That the Board approve the funding allocation of $200 to Teen Challenge for the "Teen Challenge 8th Annual Golf Tournament," on May 11, 2019, from Commissioner Jeff Bergosh's discretionary money.

[Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Board of County Commissioners' Discretionary Money, Cost Center 110101, Object Code 58201]
25. 15832   Recommendation Concerning the Funding for the Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce - Star Spangled Salute Festival - Commissioner Jeff Bergosh, District 1

That the Board approve the funding of $3,000 to the Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce for the "Star Spangled Salute Festival," from Commissioner Jeff Bergosh's discretionary money.

[Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Board of County Commissioners' Discretionary Money, Cost Center 110101, Object Code 58201]
26. 15851   Recommendation Concerning the Funding Allocation to Booker T. Washington High School Chorus - Commissioner Lumon May, District 3

That the Board approve the funding allocation of $1,000 from Commissioner Lumon May's discretionary fund to sponsor the Booker T. Washington Chorus Carnegie Hall performance.

[Funding: Fund 001, Discretionary Money, Cost Center 110101, Object Code 58201]
27. 15836   Recommendation Concerning WageWorks, Inc., Order Form for COBRA Services - Eric Kleinert, Human Resources Department Director

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the Wageworks, Inc., Order Form for COBRA Services, effective March 1, 2019, through February 28, 2020; and

B. Ratify the signature of Amy Lovoy, Interim County Administrator, on the Wageworks, Inc., Order Form for COBRA Services.

The County, through USI, went out for bid on COBRA Services and WageWorks, Inc., came back as the lowest price with a one- year contract for COBRA Services.

[The total increase in the expense to the County is approximately $500 to administer the County's COBRA Services. Funding Source: Fund 501, Internal Service Fund, Cost Center 150108, Object Code 54501]
28. 15839   Recommendation Concerning Adoption of ACH-Clearing Account Payment for HSA Administration Fees - Eric Kleinert, Human Resources Department Director

That the Board take the following actions regarding HSA Bank payment methods for HSA (Health Savings Account) Administration Fees:

A. Approve the change of monthly HSA Bank administration fee payments from check to an ACH-clearing account; and

B. Authorize the Interim County Administrator to sign the letter to HSA Bank authorizing ACH-clearing account payment.

HSA Bank no longer accepts check payment. The County contributions and Employee contributions are all currently sent to HSA Bank via ACH-Clearing accounts.
29. 15858   Recommendation Concerning the Interlocal Agreement with the Santa Rosa Island Authority Relating to Public Transportation Services on Pensacola Beach for 2019 - Mike Crittenden, Mass Transit Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Interlocal Agreement with the Santa Rosa Island Authority (SRIA) relating to public transportation services on Pensacola Beach for 2019:

A. Approve the Interlocal Agreement between Escambia County Area Transit Authority, and the Santa Rosa Island Authority relating to public transportation services on Pensacola Beach, via Escambia County Area Transit Authority (ECAT) trolleys, from May 24, 2019, through September 2, 2019, with the SRIA reimbursing the County for all operating costs; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Interlocal Agreement.

[Funding: SRIA will reimburse the County for all operating costs]
30. 15857   Recommendation Concerning the Federal Transit Administration Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Certifications and Assurances for Escambia County - Mike Crittenden, Mass Transit Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Certifications and Assurances for Escambia County:

A. Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the FTA Fiscal Year 2019 Certifications and Assurances for the Federal Transit Administration Assistance Programs; and

B. Approve and authorize the Senior Assistant County Attorney to sign the Affirmation of Applicant's Attorney declaration on the FTA Fiscal Year 2019 Certifications and Assurances for the Federal Transit Administration Programs.
31. 15810   Recommendation Concerning the Woodlands Subdivision Drainage Improvements - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board approve bringing $300,000, available in Fund 353, Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) IV, Cost Center 210106, forward from Fiscal Year 2025 to Fiscal Year 2019, for the Woodlands Subdivision Drainage Improvements Project, so that staff can begin the design and property acquisition process.

This Project is located in Commission District 5.
32. 15804   Recommendation Concerning Issuance of a Change Order on Contract PD 17-18.048, to B&W Utilities, Inc., for the East Carver Park Drainage Improvement Project - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the Interim County Administrator to execute the following Change Order to B&W Utilities, Inc., on Contract PD 17-18.048, for the East Carver Park Drainage Improvement Project:

Department: Engineering
Division: Construction Management
Type: Addition
Amount: $48,232.68
Vendor: B&W Utilities, Inc.
Project Name: East Carver Park Drainage Improvement Project
Contract: PD 17-18.048
PO#: 181426
CO#: 3
Original Contract Award: $1,291,129.48
Cumulative Amount of Change Orders Through this CO: $151,924.20
New Contract Amount: $1,443,053.68

This project is located in Commission District 5.

[Funding Source: Fund 352, Local Options Sales Tax III - Transportation and Drainage, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Project Number 14EN2605]
33. 15801   Recommendation Concerning the Issuance of Fiscal Year 2018/2019 Purchase Orders in Excess of $50,000 for the Engineering Department - Joy Jones, Engineering Department Director

That the Board approve the issuance of blanket and/or individual Purchase Orders in excess of $50,000, for Fiscal Year 2018/2019, based upon previously-awarded Contracts, Contractual Agreements, or annual requirements as provided, for the Engineering Department as follows:

Vendor/Contractor Amount Contract Number
Transportation Control Systems, Inc.

Fund 175, Transportation Trust Fund
Cost Center: 211201 Transportation and Traffic Division
$150,000 State Contract ITB-DOT-15/16-9005-GH

Traffic controllers, cabinets, and miscellaneous traffic materials and equipment

[Funding Source: Fund 175, Transportation Trust Fund, Cost Center 211201, Transportation and Traffic Operations]
34. 15805   Recommendation Concerning a Resolution to Cancel Taxes on Parcels of Property Owned by Escambia County - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning a Resolution to cancel taxes on parcel 36-2S-31-0300-014-004, located at 56 Elcino Circle, which was purchased via Tax Deed by the County on March 5, 2018:

A. Adopt the Resolution to cancel taxes for the 2018 tax year, in the amount of $256.87, and for subsequent years' taxes for 56 Elcino Circle, Tax Account Number 10-1292-464; and

B. Authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute the Resolution without further action of the Board.

This property is located within Commission District 1.
35. 15789   Recommendation Concerning Contract Renewal for Furnish & Installation of Traffic Control & Street Name Signs - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board approve the first of two 12-month renewals for Contract PD 16-17.073, Furnish & Installation of Traffic Control & Street Name Signs, with Gulf Coast Traffic Engineers, Inc.

[Funding: Fund 175, Transportation Trust Fund, Cost Center 211201 - $100,000; and Fund 353, LOST IV, Cost Center 210106 - $50,000]
36. 15861   Recommendation Concerning Issuance of a Change Order on Contract PD 18-19.009, to Roads, Inc. of NWF for Resurfacing Group 18-19 - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the Interim County Administrator to execute the following Change Order to Roads, Inc. of NWF on Contract PD 18-19.009, for Resurfacing Group 18-19:

Department: Engineering
Division: Construction Management
Type: Addition
Amount: $1,552,902.70
Vendor: Roads, Inc. of NWF
Project Name: Resurfacing Group 18-19
Contract: PD 18-19.009
PO#: 191053
CO#: 1
Original Contract Award: $3,785.659.19
Cumulative Amount of Change Orders Through this CO: $1,552,902.70
New Contract Amount: $5,338,561.89

These projects are located in Commission Districts 1-5.

[Funding Source: Fund 353, Local Options Sales Tax III - Transportation and Drainage, Cost Center 210106, Object Code 56301, Project Number 19EN0548]
37. 15793   Recommendation Concerning the Acceptance of a Public Road and Right-of-Way Easement for Silvershore Drive - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the acceptance of the donation of a Public Road and Right-of-Way Easement (approximately 726 square feet) located at 634 1/2 Silvershore Drive from Thomas M. Eiring:

A. Accept the donation of a Public Road and Right-of-Way Easement located at 634 1/2 Silvershore Drive for road improvements;

B. Authorize the payment of documentary stamps because the property is being donated for governmental use and the County benefits from the acceptance of this property, which enhances the safety and well-being of the citizens of Escambia County;

C. Authorize the payment of incidental expenditures associated with the recording of documents; and

D. Authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to accept the Easement as of the day of delivery of the Easement to the Chairman or Vice Chairman, and authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to acknowledge the Board's acceptance at that time.

This property is located in Commission District 2.

[Funding: Funds for incidental expenses associated with the recording of documents are available in an Engineering Escrow Account accessed by the Escambia County Clerk's Office]
38. 15878   Recommendation Concerning Contract Award Willowbrook Lake Dam Reconstruction Project - Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board take the following action:

A. Rescind the Board’s action of February 21, 2019, CAR II-17, approving the Agreement between Escambia County, Florida, and Panhandle Grading & Paving, Inc., per the terms and conditions of PD 18-19.013, Willowbrook Lake Dam Reconstruction Project; and

B. Approve and authorize the Interim County Administrator to sign the Agreement between Escambia County, Florida, and Panhandle Grading & Paving, Inc., per the terms and conditions of PD 18-19.013, Willowbrook Lake Dam Reconstruction Project, in the amount of $1,157,915.53.

[Funding: Fund 353, Cost Center 210106, Object Code 56301, Project Number 19EN0525 - $951,089.00; Fund 352, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Project Number 15EN3325 - $190,814.24; and Fund 352, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Project Number 14EN2605, $16,012.29; Total $1,157,915.53]
39. 15898   Recommendation Concerning Contract Award for Muscogee Road Phase IV-B (Booker to CR 297A) WideningProject and Drainage Improvements - Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board Approve and authorize the Interim County Administrator to sign the Agreement between Escambia County, Florida and Roads, Inc. of NWF per the terms and conditions of PD 18-19.025, Muscogee Rd Phase 4B (Booker Street to Cr 297A) Widening and Drainage Improvements in the amount of $558,353.09.

[Funding: Fund 352, LOST III/LAP Portion, Cost Center 210129, Object Code 56301, Project #18EN4065 - $500,000, Muscogee Road Phase IV-B; and Fund 352, LOST III, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Project #09EN0115 - $58,353.09 – Muscogee Road Project]
40. 15928   Recommendation Concerning the Funding Allocation for the Aggie Classic - Steven Barry, District V Commissioner

That the Board approve the funding allocation request for $2,500, to be funded from the District V Discretionary Fund, for the Aggie Classic, and approve the Purchase Order for this purpose.

[Funding: Fund 001, Discretionary Money, Cost Center 110101, Object Code 58201]
41. 15945   Recommendation Concerning the Approval of an AT&T Universal Extension Amendment to Service Agreement for Extension of Service Agreement Term for AT& T Switched Ethernet Service - Michael D. Weaver, Public Safety Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the AT&T Service Contract 20160630-5393:

A. Approve the Universal Extension Amendment to Service Agreement for Extension of Service Agreement Term for AT&T Switched Ethernet Service and AT& T Switched Ethernet Service (TCAL) Provided Pursuant to Standard or Custom Terms, to extend the Service Agreement for six months following the end of the existing Service Agreement Term, in support of 9-1-1 Networking between the Public Safety Answering Points in Escambia County; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the document.

Funding: Fund 145, 9-1-1 Funds, Cost Center 330404, Communications, Object Code 54601, Repair & Maintenance]
  III. For Discussion
1. 15761   Recommendation Concerning State Law Enforcement Trust Fund - Henrique Dias, Chief Financial Officer, Escambia County Sheriff's Office Finance Division

That the Board approve the following allocations of Law Enforcement Trust (LET) Funds, per the requirements of F.S. 932.7055(5), for Outside Agency partners in Escambia County for Fiscal Year 2018/2019:

A. Escambia High School Softball, in the amount of $500;

B. AMIkids Pensacola, Inc., in the amount of $10,000;

C. FavorHouse of Northwest Florida, Inc., in the amount of $14,000;

D. Pensacola Chapter, Inc., Military Officers Association of America, in the amount of $4,000;

E. LAMP, Inc., in the amount of $2,000;

F. Tate High School Cheerleading, in the amount of $1,000;

G. Pensacola Recreational Fisherman's Association, in the amount of $1,000;

H. Perdido Bay Youth Sports Association Girls Fast Pitch Softball, in the amount of $500;

I. Northwest Florida Guardian ad Litem Foundation, Inc., in the amount of $5,000;

J. Society of St. Vincent de Paul, in the amount of $3,000;

K. Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, in the amount of $6,000; and

L. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida, in the amount of $25,000.

Upon approval of these funding allocations the Sheriff’s Office will process all appropriate paperwork and submit for payment from LET Funds to the Escambia Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller.

[Funding Source: Fund 121, Law Enforcement Trust Fund, Cost Center 540103, Aids to Private Organizations 58201]

2. 15807  
Recommendation Concerning the Authorization for Acquisition of a Portion of Real Property Located at 1877 West Kingsfield Road - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board approve, by a super-majority vote, or deny the following action regarding the purchase of the north 60 feet of 1877 West Kingsfield Road from Mr. and Mrs. Elmer R. Crosby, for the West Kingsfield Road Extension Project:

A. Approve the offer of $143,200, which is above the appraised value, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer R. Crosby, for the north 60 feet of their property located at 1877 West Kingsfield Road;

B. Approve the Contract for Sale and Purchase, subject to Legal review and sign-off, for the acquisition of a portion of real property located at 1877 West Kingsfield Road; and

C. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to prepare, and the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute, subject to Legal review and sign-off, any documents necessary to complete the acquisition of these properties without further action of the Board (if the purchase is approved).


[Funding Source: Fund 352, Local Option Sales Tax III, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56101, Project #11EN1405]
3. 15891   Recommendation Concerning an Appointment to the FloridaWest Economic Development Alliance Board of Directors - Amy Lovoy, Interim County Administrator

That the Board appoint one of the following applicants to the FloridaWest Economic Development Alliance Board of Directors, to fill one of the two appointments allowed for Escambia County which is currently vacant. The term of the appointee will be effective April 4, 2019, and will run as long as the appointing authority (the Board of County Commissioners) wants the appointee to serve:

A. Robert Thread;
B. Marcia Schuffman; or
C. Ryan Tilley.

Escambia County's Community & Media Relations (CMR) Office posted a General Alert on the County's website from February 19, 2019, to March 5, 2019, seeking volunteers to be considered for an appointment to the FloridaWest Economic Development Alliance Board of Directors. Resumes were received from the three applicants noted above.
4. 15838   Recommendation Concerning an Employee Engagement Survey - Eric Kleinert, Human Resources Department Director

That the Board approve the draft Scope of Work and authorize staff to proceed in contracting with an outside firm to conduct an Employee Engagement Survey.
5. 15902   Recommendation Concerning CR 99, Resurfacing and Rehab - Paul Nobles, Purchasing Manager, Office of Purchasing

That the Board approve and authorize the Interim County Administrator to sign the Agreement between Escambia County, Florida, and Panhandle Grading & Paving, Inc., per the terms and conditions of PD 18-19.030, CR99 Resurfacing and Rehab, in the amount of $2,401,162.02.

[Funding: Funding currently available in Fund 353, LOST IV, Cost Center 210106, Object Code 56301, Project Number 19EN0615 - $1,726,325. Additional funding required $674,837.02, funding source to be determined]
6. 15941   Recommendation Concerning a Countywide Performance Audit - Amy Lovoy, Interim County Administrator

That the Board approve and authorize staff to proceed in conducting a Countywide performance audit of all departments under the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) and the BCC as a whole, with the audit to be conducted by an outside firm contracted via the procurement process.
  I.   For Action
1. 15800   Recommendation Concerning the 2019 Thomson Reuters Westlaw Print Contract

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the attached 2019 Thomson Reuters Westlaw Print Contact; and

B. Authorize the County Attorney to sign the attached contract; and

C. Ratify the County Attorney's signature on the attached contract.
2. 15900   Recommendation Concerning an Interlocal Agreement Relating to the Funding of the Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission.

That the Board take the following action regarding the Interlocal Agreement between the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners and the City of Pensacola relating to the funding of the Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission:

A. Approve the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Pensacola relating to the funding of the Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Interlocal Agreement.

3. 15919   Recommendation Concerning A Resolution Authorizing Negotiation For Conveyance of Up To 100 Acres OfLand To Navy Federal Credit Union Pursuant to Sec. 125.045 F.S.

That the Board take the following action regarding a Resolution to negotiate the conveyance of County-Owned Land to Navy Federal Credit Union, effective upon Board approval:

A. Adopt a Resolution Authorizing Negotiation for the Conveyance of up to 100 acres of County-Owned Land to Navy Federal Credit Union for Economic Development Pursuant to Sec. 125.045, Florida Statutes; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution.
4. 15950   Recommendation Concerning a Conflict of Interest Waiver for Bryant Miller and Olive in representing Escambia County and PNC Bank in a bond refinance by International Paper.

That the Board:

A. Waive any potential conflict of interest that Bryant Miller and Olive may have with regards to representation of Escambia County and PNC Bank; and

B. Authorize the County Attorney to execute the Conflict Waiver on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners.
14.   Items added to the agenda.
15.   Announcements.
16.   Adjournment.

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