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County Administrator's Report   13. 16.
BCC Regular Meeting |
Budget & Finance Consent   |
Recommendation Concerning the Acquisition of the Beulah Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., Property at 6400 West Nine Mile Road - Jack R. Brown, County Administrator
That the Board take the following action regarding the acquisition of the Beulah Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., property (approximately 6.02 acres, with 6,000 square foot fire station building), located at 6400 West Nine Mile Road:
A. Re-Authorize the purchase of the Beulah Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., property (approximately 6.02 acres, with 6,000 square foot fire station building), located at 6400 West Nine Mile Road for the purchase price of $300,000, which is the average of the two appraisals staff had performed, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Contract for Sale and Purchase. (The Board originally voted to purchase this property on December 10, 2015.);
B. Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign, subject to Legal review and signoff, the Contract for Sale and Purchase for the acquisition of the Beulah Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., property (approximately 6.02 acres, with 6,000 square foor fire station building), located at 6400 West Nile Mile Road;
C. Acknowledge that a title insurance commitment obtained by the County revealed that a portion of this property is subject to a reverter in favor of Emerald County Utilities Authority. A recommendation will go before the ECUA Board to release the reverter by a Quit Claim action to Escambia County to provide a clear title to the property; and
D. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to prepare, and the Chairman or Vice-Chairman to execute any documents, subject to Legal review and sign-off, necessary to complete the acquisition of this property without further action of the Board.
[Funding Source: Fund 352, "LOST II," Cost Center 330228, Object Code 56101, Project #09FS0021] |
The property where the Beulah Volunteer Fire Station is located is owned by the Beulah Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. The property consists of approximately 6.02 acres, and the fire station building is 6,000 square feet. The property is located at 6400 West Nine Mile Road.
The value of the property exceeds the $250,000 threshold, so as established through the provisions of Section 46-139, Item (2)(a), Escambia County Code of Ordinances, staff had two appraisals performed. One appraisal, by G. Daniel Green & Associates, dated 11/0713, placed a value of $290,000 on the property. A second appraisal, performed by Brantley & Associates, dated 2/24/14, valued the property at $310,000.
The average of the two appraisals is $300,000, Beulah Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., has agreed to sell at this price in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Contract for Sale and Purchase.
Funding for this acquisition is available in Fund 352 "Lost III", Cost Center 330228, Object Code 56101, Project # 09FS0021. |
The Contract for Sale and Purchase will be approved as to form and legal sufficiency by Stephen West, Senior Assistant County Attorney. The County Attorney's Office will prepare the closing documents and conduct the closing for this purchase of this property. |
All work associated with this acquisition is being done in-house and additional staff is not required. |
These actions are consistent with the provisions of Section 46-139 of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances. |
Upon Board Approval, stall will maintain compliance with Section 46-139 of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances. |