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  County Administrator's Report     10. 10.    
BCC Regular Meeting Technical/Public Service Consent  
Meeting Date: 09/01/2016  
Issue:    Recommendation Concerning Title VI Program for Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT)
From: Joy D. Blackmon, P.E.
Department: Public Works  
CAO Approval:

Recommendation Concerning the Title VI Program for Escambia County Area Transit - Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Title VI Program for Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT):

A. Adopt the ECAT Title VI Program; and

B. Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Title VI/Nondiscrimination Policy Statement and Management Commitment to the Title VI Program.

During the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Triennial Audit conducted in April 2016, it was determined that the Title VI Program; pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title 49, Chapter 53, Section 5332 of the United States Code; and the FTA's Circular 4702.1B, "Title VI Program Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients," needed to be updated.

This update to the program specifically updates the Headway times, and non-elected committee member positions for the Escambia County Mass Transit Advisory Committee (MTAC). During this process it was also determined that the Federal Transit Association (FTA) required a major update to be submitted by October 1, 2016. This updated Title VI Program addresses the components that required updating and the major update.  ECAT staff also used this as an opportunity to update the Language Assistance Plan (LAP) and the Public Participation Plan (PPP), which are incorporated as part of this Title VI Program.
During the FDOT Triennial Audit conducted in April 2016, it was determined that the Title VI Plan pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title 49, Chapter 53, Section 5332 of the United States Code; and the FTA's Circular 4702.1B, "Title VI Program Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients," needed to be updated.

This update to the program specifically updates the Headway times, and non-elected committee member positions for the Escambia County Mass Transit Advisory Committee (MTAC). During this process it was also determined that the Federal Transit Association (FTA) required a major update to be submitted by October 1, 2016. This updated Title VI program addresses the components that required updating and the major update. ECAT staff also used this as an opportunity to update the Language Efficiency Program (LEP) and the Public Participation Plan (PPP) which are incorporated as part of this Title VI Program.
An updated plan is required in order to receive funding from the Federal Transit Administration, and the Florida Department of Transportation.
Kristin Hual, Assistant County Attorney, has reviewed the ECAT Title VI program.
Additional personnel will not be required by ECAT.
This is based on the Board of County Commissioners' Comprehensive Plan - Mobility Element, February 2015.
ECAT will electronically file all required documents.


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