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  County Administrator's Report     10. 13.    
BCC Regular Meeting Budget & Finance Consent  
Meeting Date: 02/06/2020  
Issue:    Reallocation of Capital Improvement Program Funds - Local Option Sales Tax III and IV
From: Joy Jones
Department: Engineering  
CAO Approval:

Recommendation Concerning the Reallocation of Capital Improvement Program Funds - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board approve the reallocation of funds from Local Option Sales Tax (LOST), in the amount of $940,000, as follows:

Type Funding Description District Amount
Drainage Fund 352/LOST III Shoshone and Doug Ford 1 $240,000
Drainage Fund 352/LOST III Crescent Lake 1 $162,823
Drainage Fund 353/LOST IV Kingfisher Lane, Bush Street, and Interstate Circle 1 $137,177
Discretionary Fund 353/LOST IV District 1 Discretionary Funds 1 $400,000
    Total to Transfer   $940,000

Type Funding Description District Amount
Drainage Fund 352/LOST III Floridian Ditch Restoration and Godwin Pit Regional Pond 1 $240,000
Drainage Fund 353/LOST IV Floridian Ditch Restoration and Godwin Pit Regional Pond 1 $700,000
    Total   $940,000

[Funding Source:
Fund 352, "Local Option Sales Tax III," Account 210107 - $402,823, Transportation and Drainage
Fund 353, "Local Option Sales Tax IV, Account 210106 - $137,177, Transportation and Drainage, and
Fund 353, "Local Option Sales Tax IV, Account 110102 - $400,000, "Local Option Sales Tax IV" District 1 Discretionary Funds]
The current funding for “Floridian Ditch Restoration & Godwin Lane Pit Regional Pond” is $105,080 in LOST III and $135,870 in LOST IV, for a total of $240,950. The current funding need for the project is $940,000 to design and bid the project. 
This project will significantly reduce stormwater flow through the Floridian-Sarasota Gully behind the properties that front on Sarasota Street and provide improvements to the Godwin Pit converting it to a permitted Regional Pond. The Board approved acceptance of the pit on Godwin Lane for the purpose of converting it into a regional stormwater pond on May 17, 2018.
Funding sources for Budget Reallocation:
  • Shoshone and Doug Ford Drive – LOST III - $240,000  - This project funding allocation was for a potential project to address flooding of one property at 5010 Shoshone Drive that was identified after the April 2014 flood event. The flooding was caused by wetlands backing up during the April event. The Public Works Department provided maintenance to the drainage system on Doug Ford Drive which improved the drainage in this area. The Shoshone and Doug Ford Drive area is adjacent to pristine wetlands that will not need to be disturbed, since maintenance work improved the positive flow.
  • Kingfisher Lane, Bush Street, and Interstate Circle Drainage – LOST IV - $274,354. This funding, programed for FY 2020, was to purchase property for a pond site identified in the 1994 Eight Mile Creek Master Drainage Plan.  Unfortunately, the property owner is asking for more than the budget allows since he now has plans to develop it. The drainage basin in this area has been improved since the original drainage concept was proposed in 1994. The last drainage complaint reported on Interstate Circle was in 2014. This area is located in District 1 and District 3. Only half of the available funds are requested for reallocation for this D1 project.
  • Crescent Lake - Lost III $162,823 - Requesting a portion of the project funds be reallocated. This project will maximize the capacity for stormwater volume and improve the facility for sustainability. The remaining funds ($508,630) are adequate for construction. Plans are 90% complete.  
Funds are available in Fund 352 LOST III, Transportation and Drainage, Cost Center 210107, and Fund 353 LOST IV, Drainage, Cost Center 210106.
Scheduling and prioritization of Capital Improvement Projects are at the discretion of the Board.
Upon Board approval of this request, a Budget Amendment will be forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget to reallocate the funds to the appropriate projects.

Board Action Embers Ridge 11118
Board Action Godwin 051718

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