August 31, 2016 – 5:30 pm
Langley Bell 4-H Youth Center
3730 Stefani Road
1.   Call to Order & Opening Remarks - Chairwoman Pat Bush

The meeting was called to order at 5:33 pm. Guests were advised that if they wished to speak, they should fill out a Speaker's Request form.
2.   Roll Call & Declaration of Quorum - Susan Hendrix

Roll was called and a quorum was declared. Members present: Gary Purvis, Jean Yarter, Karen Hall, David Fitzpatrick, Tammy Penegar, Christine Rodgers, Tina Lynn Sellers, Jerry Patee, Pat Bush,and Comr. Steven Barry. Members absent: Jerry Drinkard and Genevieve English-Charles.
3.   Was the meeting properly advertised? - Susan Hendrix

The meeting was properly advertised in the Pensacola News Journal on August 27, 2016, as part of the Board of County Commissioners' Weekly Meeting Schedule.
4.   Approval of Minutes from August 9, 2016, meeting - Chairwoman Pat Bush

Motion to approve the Minutes from the August 9, 2016, Extension Council Meeting was made by Tina Lynn Sellers and seconded by Jerry Patee. Motion passed without opposition.
5.   Welcome and Introduction of Special Guest(s) - Carrie Stevenson

Carrie Stevenson introduced Dr. Pete Vergot, UF/IFAS District Director, Dr. Tom Obreza, UF/IFAS Associate Dean, and County Administrator Jack R. Brown.
6.   County Extension Director Candidate(s) -

(a) Nicholas Simmons
  • Mr. Simmons presented himself to the Council, after which a question/answer session was held with him by the Council Members. He then left the meeting.
(b) William Shockey
  • Mr. Shockey presented himself to the Council, after which a question/answer session was held with him by the Council Members. He then left the meeting.
With the Candidates out of the meeting room, the Council Members held open discussion.

Guest Speakers were: Jimmie Cunningham and Brett Ward.
7.   Ballot Voting -

Council Members voted by ballot. Ballots were then counted by Susan Hendrix, who reported that there were nine (9) votes for Nicholas Simmons and one (1) vote for William Shockey.

Motion made by Comr. Barry to call a unanimous vote to extend the offer for County Extension Director to Nicholas Simmons. Motion was seconded by Christine Rodgers and passed without opposition.
8.   Other Items of Interest -

Carrie Stevenson notified Council Members that they would need to meet again on Tuesday, October 4, 2016, to interview the candidate(s) for the 4-H Youth Development Agent I-II position.
9.   Adjournment -

Motion to adjourn at 7:20 pm was made by Jeanene Hall and seconded by Tammy Penegar. Motion passed without opposition.

*** Members of the Public Must Sign Up in Order to Speak ***

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating

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