Minutes Packet Return
Escambia County Central Office Complex
3363 West Park Place Pensacola, FL 32505

August 8, 2016 - 5:30 p.m.

1. Call Marine Advisory Committee Meeting to Order - The meeting was called to order at 5:40 pm.
2. Attendance - A quorum was present.
3. Minutes Approval - Sidney Clopton made the motion to approve the July minutes with the addition of the MRD updates to be provided by Robert Turpin.  Ed Fish seconded the motion.  All voted in favor.
4. 10836 Lillian Highway Public Boat Ramp
MRD Update: Escambia County has issued Notice to Proceed to Mott McDonald to accomplish Design, Engineering & Permitting. They will make a presentation to MAC.
  • Keith Johnson representing Wetland Science, who is the environmental consulting subcontracted to Hatch, Mott, McDonald, who is the project civil engineering firm, presented conceptual designs. He stated that the sheared designs are very preliminary and will be used to facilitate meetings with concerned authorities. There is additional survey and geologic data to be gathered. There has already been a meeting with the DEP and a meeting is pending with the Army Corps of Engineering.
  • Andrew Blewer asked why there was no conceptual master plan, as he would like to see plans for a playground, community center, camping and more. He also expressed concern as to why the traffic is counter-clockwise vs. clockwise and why the holding pond is on the highlands.
  • Robert Turpin shared that the comments provided by Dr. Bob Austin will be provided to the design consultants for review.
  • Kerry Freeland expressed a preference for the Heron Bayou launch option. Walt Woodfin agreed.
  • Eileen Beard asked if there was any input from the authorities to guide the decisions.
  • Keith Johnson shared that all onsite and offsite alternatives must be considered. He expressed again that the designs were very conceptual and would change as additional data is gathered. The meeting with the Army Corps will occur in the next few weeks and he should be able to provide an update at the next meeting.
  • Eileen Beard commented on the Perdido Bay frontage would be left open for park access, if the Heron Bayou launch option is utilized. She asked how much usable access is there on the bay frontage. Keith Wilkins replied they are not sure, but it is not much.
  • Andrew Blewer asked if the FWC would fund non-boating fishing facilities. Robert Turpin that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation funding is currently for boating related projects.
  • Robert Turpin asked what the consensus of the committee was.
Eileen Beard made the motion of support as follows:
“The Escambia County Marine Advisory Committee supports the placement of the boat ramp on Heron Bayou.”
Walt Woodfin seconded the motion.All voted in favor.
  • Dave Dodson asked about the potential use of pervious concrete. Keith Wilkins commented that pervious concrete recognized by the state to provide 100% treatment and is best practice. Material choice comes down to cost and pervious concrete is extremely expensive.
  • Kerry Freeland would like to see efforts made to conserve space for future alternative uses.
  • Andrew Blewer would like to have a recommendation to ask the Escambia County Commission for excess L.O.S.T., T.D.C. and other funds for the development.
5. Additional Parcels at Highway 90 and Ruby's Fish Camp Road - Conceptual Design
MRD Update: MAC member Mr. David Dodson previously provided a sketch conceptual design to MAC. Although no MAC action was previously taken, the concept of a large gazebo is a good place to begin discussion for future construction. Other amenities would include covered porta-potties, fishing dock(s), etc.
6. Natural Resources Damage Assessment - Oil Spill Restoration & Recovery
MRD Update: Escambia County has solicited four reef module designs ($100,000 each). Selection Committee will meet and MAC will receive updates accordingly.
7. New Inshore Reefs at Pensacola Beach
MRD Updates: Projects are in the design/permitting phase. See also agenda item #8 below.
8. CCA Reef Partnership
MRD Update: Coastal Conservation Association and Impact 100 met 1st week in August to discuss the funding proposal. CCA is very optimistic regarding receiving reef construction funding.
9. Comprehensive Waterways Management
MRD Update: County Attorney’s staff is reviewing other similar ordinances throughout Florida to use as a starting point.
10. Lionfish Issues/Developments
MRD Update: MRD assisted Coast Watch Alliance and National Marine Fisheries Service in researching lionfish trap prototypes.
  • Bryan Clark (Coastal Watch Alliance) Lionfish trap testing last month was better than anticipated. Four curtain traps, constructed of PVC pipe and using no bait (structure only) was utilized. Further monitoring will be conducted. The next phase will be the design of sturdier traps and potentially collapsible traps.
  • Brady ?? (Texas Lionfish Control Unit) We had our first Eco Dive with was very successful. It served to both raise awareness of lionfish issues and promote Pensacola diving.
  • Andy Ross shared that since the Lionfish Rodeo, there has been significant promotion of lionfish awareness and harvest for consumption. His charters have regularly visited populated sites and have noted a significant reduction in lionfish numbers.
11. Old Business - Eileen Beard asked if there was any information available on Commissioner May’s committee appointee. Robert Turpin shared that nothing definitive yet, but we should have any update at the next meeting.
12. New Business - None
13. Adjournment - Kerry Freeland made the motion to adjourn. Sydney Clopton seconded the motion. All voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.

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