July 19, 2016
9:00 a.m.


Present: Doug Underhill, Commissioner, District 2  
  Grover Robinson, IV, Commissioner, District 4  
  Steven Barry, Commissioner, District 5  
Absent: Lumon May, Commissioner, District 3 - Chairman
  Wilson Robertson, Commissioner, District 1
Staff Present: Jack R. Brown, County Administrator
Alison Rogers, County Attorney
Amy Lovoy, Assistant County Administrator
Chip Simmons, Assistant County Administrator
Tonya Gant, Department Director
Clara Long, Division Manager
Melanie Johnson, Administrative Assistant
Judy Witterstaeter, Agenda Program Coordinator
  Call to Order. 9:01 a.m.

  Proof of publication

Escambia County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Meeting was properly advertised in the Pensacola News Journal.
  Motion made by Commissioner, District 4 Grover Robinson, IV, Seconded by Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry
  Vote: 3 - 0
Other: Commissioner, District 3 - Chairman Lumon May (ABSENT)
  Commissioner, District 1 Wilson Robertson (ABSENT)
  I. Public Forum
  II. Technical/Public Service
1   AI-10513    Recommendation Concerning Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes, June 16, 2016 - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board accept for filing with the Board's Minutes, the June 16, 2016, Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) Meeting Minutes, prepared by Melanie Johnson, CRA Administrative Assistant.
  Motion made by Commissioner, District 4 Grover Robinson, IV, Seconded by Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry
  Vote: 3 - 0
Other: Commissioner, District 3 - Chairman Lumon May (ABSENT)
  Commissioner, District 1 Wilson Robertson (ABSENT)
2   AI-10532    Recommendation Concerning to Conduct a Public Hearing to amend the Cantonment Redevelopment Trust Fund - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning an Ordinance amending the Cantonment Redevelopment Trust Fund:

A. Conduct a Public Hearing at 5:31 p.m., for consideration to Adopt an Ordinance of Escambia County, Florida, amending Chapter 46, Article VI, Section 46-290(b) of the Escambia Code of Ordinances relating to the Cantonment Redevelopment Trust Fund; providing for an amended legislative finding to expand the boundaries of the area consistent with R2015-137; providing for severability; providing for inclusion in the code; and providing for an effective date; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign and execute the Ordinance.

  Motion made by Commissioner, District 4 Grover Robinson, IV, Seconded by Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry
  Vote: 3 - 0
Other: Commissioner, District 3 - Chairman Lumon May (ABSENT)
  Commissioner, District 1 Wilson Robertson (ABSENT)
3   AI-10522    Recommendation Concerning to Conduct a Public Hearing to amend the Palafox Redevelopment Trust Fund - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning an Ordinance amending the Palafox Redevelopment Trust Fund:

A. Conduct a Public Hearing at 5:32 p.m., for consideration of adopting an Ordinance of Escambia County, Florida, amending Chapter 46, Article VI, Section 46-284(b) of the Escambia Code of Ordinances relating to the Palafox Redevelopment Trust Fund; providing for an amended legislative finding to expand the boundaries of the area consistent with R2010-205; providing for severability; providing for inclusion in the code; and providing for an effective date; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign and execute the Ordinance.
  Motion made by Commissioner, District 4 Grover Robinson, IV, Seconded by Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry
  Vote: 3 - 0
Other: Commissioner, District 3 - Chairman Lumon May (ABSENT)
  Commissioner, District 1 Wilson Robertson (ABSENT)
  III. Budget/Finance
1   AI-10404    Recommendation Concerning Residential Rehab Grant Program Funding and Lien Agreements – Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director 

That the Board take the following action concerning the Residential Rehab Grant Program Funding and Lien Agreements:

A. Approve the following eleven Residential Rehab Grant Program Funding and Lien Agreements:
1 . The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Ishmeal T. and Nancy M. Damaso, owners of residential property located at 2502 West Lloyd Street, Brownsville Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $2,185 representing an in-kind match through the Brownsville Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370113, Object Code 58301, for a new roof installation;

2.  The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Linda L. Suermann, owner of residential property located at 3 Northwest Kalash Road, Warrington Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $1,575 representing an in-kind match through the Warrington Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370114, Object Code 58301, for sanitary sewer connection;

3.  The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Winston O. and Susan J. Hanks, owners of residential property located at 211 Sunset Avenue, Warrington Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $2,100 representing an in-kind match through the Warrington Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370114, Object Code 58301, for sanitary sewer connection;

4.  The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Lizzie B. Richardson, Sharon D. Richardson, and Juana L. Richardson, owners of residential property located at 2801 West Jackson Street, Brownsville Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $4,090 representing an in-kind match through the Brownsville Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370113, Object Code 58301, for a new roof installation;

5. The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Floyd and Johnnie Peacock, owners of residential property located at 1952 Gary Circle, Englewood Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $3,262 representing an in-kind match through the Englewood Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370117, Object Code 58301, for a new roof installation;

6. The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and James D. Andrews, owners of residential property located at 118 Southeast Kalash Road, Warrington Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $1,150 representing an in-kind match through the Warrington Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370114, Object Code 58301, for sanitary sewer connection;

7.  The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and John P. Jr. and Lori L. Remich , owners of residential property located at 39 Manor Drive, Warrington Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $5,338 representing an in-kind match through the Warrington Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370114, Object Code 58301, for install new windows;

8.  The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Evan and Michelle Williams , owners of residential property located at 522 Hardy Place, Palafox Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $2,445 representing an in-kind match through the Palafox Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370115, Object Code 58301, for roof replacement;

9.  The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Winifred Wallace, owner of residential property located at 3119 West La Rua street, Brownsville Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $3,799 representing an in-kind match through the Brownsville Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370113, Object Code 58301, for window replacement;

10. The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Litedra Burgess, owner of residential property located at 917 West Michigan Avenue, Palafox Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $5,915 representing an in-kind match through the Palafox Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370115, Object Code 58301, for installation of central heating and air conditioning system and roof replacement;

11. The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Arthur and Mary Jane Moore, owners of residential property located at 617 Lakewood Road, Barrancas Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $2,162 representing an in-kind match through the Barrancas Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370116, Object Code 58301, for storm shutters installation;

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Funding and Lien Agreements and any related documents necessary to implement the Grant awards.

  Motion made by Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry, Seconded by Commissioner, District 4 Grover Robinson, IV
  Vote: 3 - 0
Other: Commissioner, District 3 - Chairman Lumon May (ABSENT)
  Commissioner, District 1 Wilson Robertson (ABSENT)
2   AI-10453    Recommendation Concerning the Cancellation of nine Residential Rehab Grant Program Lien - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the cancellation of the Residential Rehab Grant Program Liens:

A. Approve the following cancellation of nine Residential Rehab Grant Program Liens, as the Grant recipients have met their one-year compliance Grant requirements:

Property Owner Address Amount
Helen Hartung 320 East Winthrop Avenue $337
Linda Y. Kennedy 410 South 1st Street $3,700
Phillip McAdams and Viola Loveless 1301 Dexter Avenue $3,847
Willie Mae West 114 Milton Road $1,850
Lois Merritt 205 NW Syrcle Drive $3,475
Dovie Soloe 108 Jardine Road A $6,000
Ronald and Linda Suermann 221 Sunset Avenue $6,000
Justin Herrington and Angela Vendetti 303 Alba Plena Street $3,602
Velma L. Williams 3409 West Jordan Street $2,590

B. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Cancellation of Lien documents.
  Motion made by Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry, Seconded by Commissioner, District 4 Grover Robinson, IV
  Vote: 3 - 0
Other: Commissioner, District 3 - Chairman Lumon May (ABSENT)
  Commissioner, District 1 Wilson Robertson (ABSENT)
  IV. Discussion/Information Items
  Adjournment.9:05 a.m.

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