Escambia County Central Office Complex
3363 West Park Place Pensacola, FL 32505

Meeting Minutes - June 8, 2015

1. Call to Order - The Meeting was called to order at 5:38 p.m.
2. Attendance - A quorum was present
3. Approval of Meeting Minutes - Bill Myrick made the motion to approve the May 2015 meeting minutes. Eilene Beard seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
4. Perdido Key Gulf Snorkeling Reef
MRD Update: reef is completed. Item to be removed from the agenda, with no objection.
5. Perdido River Public Boat Ramp
MRD Update: construction is underway.
  • Bill Myrick commented that the area between the existing pond and the river bank is very soft and shaky.
  • Robert Turpin commented that geotechnical work will be done to mitigate any site stability issues.
6. 10836 Lillian Highway Public Boat Ramp
MRD Update: awaiting Draft Grant Agreement from FWC for Design/Engineering/permitting.
7. Natural Resources Damage Assessment - Oil Spill Restoration & Recovery
MRD Update: R. Turpin attended public meeting for remaining NRDA Early Restoration projects.
8. Waterways Access Management
MRD Update: MRD Interns have been collecting fees and survey data at Pensacola Bay Fishing Bridge. MRD is seeking MAC input regarding potential changes and improvements to the policy & management of the Fishing Bridge.
  • Graziella Rocha Bareto and Julien Le (interns) gave their presentation summarizing the month and a half surveying the users of the Pensacola Fishing Bridge.
  • Michael Rhodes (EC Parks Deparment) gave an update on the state of the Pensacola Fishing Bridge
    • Portable toilets are serviced twice a week
    • Trash is removed three times a week
    • Re-striping is in the upcoming budget
    • Signage needs revising
    • Rule enforcement is the biggest challenge
  • Gabe Jackson suggested the creation of a towing zone, for unattended vehicles, similar to retail businesses, to be contracted with a towing company to enforce and collect.
  • Eilene Beard asked how economically feasible the bridge is (cost/benefit). Michael Rhodes responded that for the previous three years the operating cost has been $42k/year. The income for 2012 was $54k, for 2013 was $39k and for 2014 was $38k.
  • Julian Le commented that when he and Graziella started surveying, there would be 6+- envelopes in the iron ranger. Towards the end there would be the iron ranger would be full.
  • Earl Rader commented that the bridge is slow until an influx of users is seen at 5:00 to 7:00 pm. After 8:00 pm safety on the bridge becomes questionable.
  • Merrick Van Landingham expressed the following points to consider:
    • The bridge is a communal resource, owned by the tax payers
    • Some users have a sense of entitlement, as “tax payers”
    • A method of determination would be needed to distinguish fishing from camping.
    • Vendor participation is an option. The Vendors would want to attend the bridge during peak usage, which is when compliance assurance is needed most.
  • Robert Turpin commented that a public/private partnership would be a worthy consideration.
  • Michael Rhodes commented that compliance assurance is easier on the front end vs. after the fact.
  • Earl Rader commented that Hots Spots tried the public/private partnership, but found it unprofitable.
  • Michael Rhodes stated that the Parks Department would still like to look into the public/private model.
  • Earl Rader commented that improved lighting at the iron ranger would be a boost to safety and proper attendance and collection would greatly improve compliance.
  • Sidney Clopton commented that a lack of official presence at the bridge causes a rapid deterioration of civility.
  • Eilene Beard commented that towing away of unattended vehicles and making the turning area a no fishing zone could improve safety
  • Kerry Freeland asked if the city had addressed the vagrants staying under the bridge. Michael Rhodes responded that they had.
  • Walt Woodfin commented that it would be a major change, but that limiting the bridge traffic to no motorized traffic could improve safety.
  • Kerry Freeland commented that anything to get the bridge culture back to a family atmosphere would be a positive.
9. Lionfish Issues/Development
MRD Update: Joint FWC-Escambia County Lionfish Removal & Awareness event in Pensacola May 2015 was huge success. MRD continuing to collect data and work with public & private sectors to facilitate removal of lionfish from the invaded habitat.
  • The Fall Lionfish Workshop will be held at the November EMAC meeting.
  • Eilene Beard asked if the BP Restoration Act monies could be used to promote lionfish events. Robert Turpin to update on Restore Act info.
10. Ocean Wind Tug Reefing
MRD Update: Vessel has been towed to dock by contractor. Notice to proceed issued to begin cleaning & preparations for deployment.
11. Perdido River Log Jam
Item to be removed from the agenda, with no objection.
  • Bill Myrick commented that the contractor has begun work on the log jams, beginning at the southernmost jam and working north.
12. Old Business
  • Mike Williamson served on the New Pensacola Bay Bridge Project Committee and shared the following:
    • He initially attempted to save the existing bay bridge as a fishing bridge, which was unsuccessful.
    • He then requested saving the debris from the existing bridge for reefing to be included in the new bridge construction project.
    • He has seen new language in the proposal to save the debris, but not have the reefing as part of the project.
    • He would like Escambia County to apply for a BP Restore Act grant to fund the reefing.
  • Robert Turpin suggested that a funding agreement between the FDOT, Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties to fund the reefing, which would be beneficial to all parties.
  • Mr. Williamson and Mr. Turpin will work together to establish a team effort to seek a BP Restore Act grant.
  • Robert Turpin expressed the need to communicate with Santa Rosa County, educate State level officials on the cost and benefits of artificial reefs and encourage cooperation on funding of the reefing effort.
  • Dave Dodson would like the Committee to support the effort to make a joint grant application between the FDOT, Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties to acquire BP Restore Act funding grant for the reefing efforts. All members in attendance were supportive.
  • Mr. Williamson will be addressing the Santa Rosa County Marine Advisory Committee at their next meeting on the bridge debris reefing issue.
  • Mr. Williamson commented that he would like to see the turrets on the USS Massachusetts marked to prevent future collisions.
  • Eilene Beard commented that the lack of adequate marking of the USS Massachusetts turrets had been presented to the USGC in the past and they declined to address the issue.
13. New Business - None
14. Adjourn - Bill Myrick made the motion to adjourn. Gabe Jackson seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.

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