May 16, 2016–5:30p.m.
Escambia County Extension Office
3740 Stefani Road
1.   Election of 2016 Chair and Vice Chair

By motion Christine Rodgers nominated Pat Bush for another year as Chairwoman. The motion was seconded by Jerry Patee and passed without opposition. David Fitzgerald nominated Tina Sellers for Vice Chairwoman. The motion was seconded by Christine Rodgers and passed without opposition.
2.   Call to Order & Opening Remarks

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by Pat Bush, Chairwoman.
3.   Roll Call & Declaration of Quorum - Chairwoman Bush and Susan Hendrix

Roll was called by Susan Hendrix. Members present were: Jean Yarter, Tina Sellers, David Fitzpatrick, Christine Rodgers, Jerry Patee, Janice Kilgore, Pat Bush, and Commissioner Steven Barry. After roll call, a quorum was declared by Susan Hendrix.
4.   Proof of Publication - Susan Hendrix

The meeting was properly advertised in the Pensacola News Journal on May 14, 2016, as part of the Board of County Commissioners' Weekly Meeting schedule.
5.   Approval of Minutes - Chairwoman Bush

The meeting minutes of November 3, 2015, were unanimously approved. Motion by Janice Kilgore and seconded by Tina Sellers.
6.   Welcome and Introduction of Special Guest(s) - Chairwoman Bush and Pam Allen

Pam Allen introduced Dr. Bryan Unruh, with the West Florida Research and Education Center
7.   Sunshine Law Overview - Kristin Hual, Assistant County Attorney

Assistant County Attorney Hual was not able to attend and the item was moved to the next Extension Council Meeting agenda.
8.   West Florida Research and Education Center - Dr. Bryan Unruh, Libbie Johnson, and Dorothy Lee
  • Update on WFREC projects and benefits to Escambia County and the District
  • 2014 Specialty Crop Block Grant: "Connecting Specialty Crop Producers with Consumers - Marketing Resource Development and Maximizing Production Practices"
Libbie Johnson was absent from the meeting. Dr. Unruh and Dorothy Lee made presentations and updated Council Members on current WFREC projects.
9.   UF/IFAS Escambia County Memorandum of Understanding Amendment Discussion - Pam Allen

Motion to approve Chairwoman Bush signing the Amendment to the UF/IFAS Escambia County Memorandum of Understanding was made by Christine Rodgers and seconded by Tina Sellers. Motion passed unanimously.
10.   Budget Update - Pam Allen
  • County Budget
  • State Budget
Discussion was held regarding county and state budgets. Motion to forward the Escambia County Extension budget to the Board of County Commissioners for approval was made by David Fitzgerald and seconded by Tina Sellers. Motion passed unanimously.
11.   Agent Presentation/Update
  • Libbie Johnson
  • Rick O'Connor
  • Dorothy Lee
  • Carrie Stevenson
  • Jenny Savely
  • Beth Bolles
  • Angela Hinkle
Presentations were made by Dorothy Lee, Angela Hinkle, Jenny Savely, and Beth Bolles. Libbie Johnson, Rick O'Connor, and Carrie Stevenson were absent.
12.   New Member Nomination (Zone 6) - Pam Allen

Pam Allen introduced Tammy Penegar, prospective new council member representing Zone 6. Ms. Penegar's name will go to the Board of County Commissioners for approval at their regular meeting on June 16, 2016.
13.   Affirmative Action - Pam Allen

Pam Allen conducted annual Affirmative Action training using the 2015 Affirmative Action Report. She stated that UF performs periodic audits of Affirmative Action compliance and that all materials developed for Extension programs must have the Affirmative Action statement on them.
14.   Dr. Pete Vergot III, UF/IFAS District Director (by phone)

Pam Allen introduced Dr. Vergot over the phone and discussion was had regarding Ms. Allen starting a new position with UF and ending her time as County Extension Director (CED) with Escambia County Extension. Dr. Vergot explained to Council Members that the process to replace Ms. Allen could take 4-6 months. Time would be needed to advertise the position state-wide and nationally, and then additional time had to analyze applicants before bringing anyone forward for interview with the Council Members. It was noted that June 9, 2016, would be Ms. Allen's last day as CED. At that time an interim CED will be appointed to serve until a permanent CED is put in place.
15.   Other Items of Interest

It was decided that the next meeting date would be Monday, August 8 9, 2016.
16.   Adjournment - Chairwoman Bush

Motion by Jerry Patee to adjourn the meeting at 6:57 pm. Seconded by Christine Rodgers and passed without opposition.

*** Members of the Public Must Sign Up in Order to Speak ***

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating

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