May 9, 2016– 5:30 p.m.
Escambia County Central Office Complex
3363 West Park Place
Present: Merrick Van Landingham, Member, District 2  
  Gabe Jackson, Chair, District 5  
  H. Walt Woodfin, Secretary, District 5  
  William Myrick, Member, District 1  
  Cathy Watson, Member, District 1  
  Sidney Jeff Clopton, Member, District 2  
  Eilene Beard, Member, District 3  
  Lynn Laird, Member, District 3  
  David Dodson, Member, District 4  
  Kerry Freeland, Vice Chair, District 4  
  Ed Fish, Member, CA Appointee  
  Merrick Van Landingham, District 2 Member  
  Merrick Van Landingham, District 2 Member  
Staff Present: Robert Turpin, CED/Marine Resource Division Manager
1. Spring Lionfish Expo - 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
  1. “Meet, Greet & Learn” session started a 4:30PM, allowing attendees to walk around and ask questions to subject matter experts. Robert Turpin provided Welcome & Opening Remarks. Meaghan Faletti provided updates regarding FWC and research progress. Rick O’Connor provided an update on lionfish work within Florida Sea Grant.
See Item 11 for discussion notes.
2. Call EMAC Meeting to Order - Meeting called to order at 5:41 p.m.
3. Attendance - A quorum was present
4. Minutes Approval - Eilene Beard made the motion to approve the April minutes.  Sidney Clopton seconded the motion.  All voted in favor.
5. 10836 Lillian Highway Public Boat Ramp MRD Update: Three firms responded to Escambia County Purchasing Solicitation. A Selection Committee will rank and select the preferred firm within the next 30 days.
6. Additional Parcels at Highway 90 and Ruby's Fish Camp Road - Conceptual Design
Discussion tabled until June MAC meeting.
7. Natural Resources Damage Assessment - Oil Spill Restoration & Recovery
MRD Update: MRD monitoring City of Mexico Beach solicitation to determine solicitation approach.
8. New Inshore Reefs at Pensacola Beach

Heather Reed (Ecological Consulting Services) Presented a MS Power Point summarizing their concepts on the inshore reef projects. (See attached) The “Quietwater Youth Marine Education Exhibit” inside of the “T” pier will be a motor exclusion zone. It is the consensus of the EMAC that the signage on the “Education Reef” be duplicated on the “T” pier.

Dr. Austin asked what effect storms may have on the sheet piles being used to construct the “Surf Reef”. Mr. Turpin stated that storms will likely cover the reefing and is not likely to remove the sheet piles. Gabe Jackson asked if these were steel interlocking sheet piles. Mr. Turpin stated that the concept is an underwater sand fence and that the final design and materials of construction would be finalized by “Coastal Engineering”. Questions and/or Comments can be submitted at
9. CCA Reef Partnership
MRD Update: CCA submitted Letter of Intent to Impact 100 for upcoming grant cycle.
10. Comprehensive Waterways Access Management
MRD Update: MRD will invite Marine Contractors to the July MAC meeting to provide their perspective on Comprehensive Waterways Management.
11. Lionfish Issues/Developments

Megan Faletti (FWC Lionfish Outreach) Presented a MS Power Point summarizing FWC Lionfish Outreach efforts. (See attached)

Bryan Clark (Coast Watch Alliance) presented a MS Power Point summarizing CWA Lionfish Outreach efforts. (See attached) He demonstrated different lionfish containment devices, live catch methods and transporting methods using a rapid bubbler. He displayed a Remote Operated Vehicle used to scout reefs for lionfish prior to making dives to remove them. He shared that NOAA is to test “Curtain Trap” effectiveness on trapping lionfish, in the Pensacola area.

Anna Clark (Coast Watch Alliance) shared that the CWA had received a lionfish grant to be used in efforts to: Promote commercialization of lionfish products, Promote eco-tourism and lionfish education, and Support local science educators.

Rick O’Connor (Florida Sea Grant) shared their efforts to market lionfish products.

Robert Turpin (Marine Resources Division) discussed lionfish education efforts.

Shelly Marshall (ESCO Restore) presented and discussed her efforts in lionfish education using her lionfish art at gallery nights and art festivals.

Lionfish Q&A:

Gabe Jackson asked Bryan Clark the status of the lionfish tracking website and reporting. Mr. Clark stated that getting the data entered is challenging, as the commercialization of lionfish products has had the unintended effect of creating an environment of secrecy of good sites for their harvest. The reefs being frequented by dive charters are staying clean, resulting in the commercial harvesting being done on private reefs.
Megan Faletti sees same issues on the FWC/Reef Rangers website. They are looking to revamp their website soon.
Dr. Austin asked that the websites be put into the minutes.
Dr. Austin also asked what bait could be used to catch lionfish with hook and line. Megan Faletti responded any small bait commonly used for reef fish. He asked if the $50 “Saltwater Products License” fee could be waived for commercial lionfish harvest. Ms. Faletti said that it would be difficult as the license covers all saltwater species. Mr. Clark stated that divers harvesting lionfish can get $5/lbs for whole lionfish which quickly offsets the $50 license fee.
Brad ??? asked if the success of all the control efforts could be tracked. Ms. Feletti stated that the best that could be done is to track the success of the removal not the population size as there are too many over too wide a habitat range. Mr. Clark stated that the population is still increasing and elimination is not possible. Control of the lionfish population is the only option. Mr. Clark stated that a 6’ pyramid reef can hold up to 100+ lionfish and the size of the lionfish are increasing as well. Rick O’Connor stated that it may be possible to track the density of lionfish on known sites.
Dr. Jeff ??? stated that he was concerned with the inshore seagrass beds and wrecks. There has been 25+- inshore sites surveyed, with no lion fish observed. Their first surveyed lionfish was in 60’ of water. Lionfish have been caught in the bay but the numbers are very low. Mr. Clark stated that he no longer sees lionfish once the water temperature is below 50F and that the winter temperatures likely keep them pushed out of the bay.
12. Oriskany Issues
MRD Update: MRD will hold a Seafood Safety Symposium at the 13 June 2016 MAC meeting.
13. Old Business - None
14. New Business - None
15. Adjournment - Walt Woodfin made the motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned with no objections.

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