May 12, 2015–5:30p.m.
Escambia County Extension Office
3740 Stefani Road
1.   Call to Order & Opening Remarks - Chairwoman Pat Bush

The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m.
2.   Roll Call & Declaration of Quorum - Chairwoman Pat Bush & Susan Hendrix

Roll was called by Susan Hendrix. Members present during roll call: Jean Yarter, Jeanene Hall, David Fitzpatrick, Charles Woodward, Christine Rodgers, Tina Sellers, Genevieve English-Charles, Pat Bush, Janice Kilgore, and Comr. Steven Barry. Members absent: Gary Purvis, Darrell Black, and Jerry Patee. After roll call, a quorum was declared.
3.   Was the meeting properly advertised? - Chairwoman Pat Bush & Susan Hendrix

The Meeting was properly advertised in the Pensacola News Journal on May 9, 2015, as part of the Board of County Commissioners' Meeting Schedule.
4.   Approval of Meeting Minutes of February 24, 2015 - Chairwoman Pat Bush

One correction to be made to the February 24, 2015, minutes - Item #6 - Jenny Savely needed to be properly identified at that time as a 4-H Youth Coordinator Candidate.

With that correction, the February 24, 2015, meeting minutes were unanimously approved, with Ms. English Charles making the motion and Ms. Rodgers seconding.
5.   Welcome and Introduction of Special Guest(s) - Chairwoman Pat Bush
6.   Budget Process/Update - Pam Allen

Pam Allen gave a budget overview of our Proposed FY 2015-2016 budget. Ms. Allen explained that we start the budget process by looking at last year's budget to see if any needs were not met, which would indicate to us where we needed to add to our proposed budget for the next Fiscal Year. Our submitted budget is reviewed by our Office of Management and Budget and the Board of County Commissioners. At this time of year, the Extension Council members have an opportunity to review our proposed budget and give input or ask questions.

It was noted that our personnel costs are higher due to a new position.

Operations costs are our day-to-day expenses to run Extension Services. Every year we must project our future Operations needs.

4-H and utility expenses have risen due to the new building and new property in Molino. Janice Kilgore asked why the Molino facility wasn't treated as other county properties, i.e. the utilities being paid out of Facilities budget. Pam Allen explained that the Molino facility came under Parks & Recreation, not Facilities Department. The County is paying for the utilities through Extension's budget. Parks & Recreation will mow the property once a month and our Program Assistant will also assist in maintenance.

Jeanine Hall asked if there would be a resident on-site, such as there is on school properties. Pam Allen said that this was not in the plans at this time, that our Program Assistant was onsite during the week and on some weekends, according to programming.

Pat Bush noted that the demo gardens are funded solely by the Master Gardeners. No county funding is used for garden maintenance. Pam Allen noted, also, that all of our volunteer groups are self-funded.

Discussion was had on Extension's Proposed FY 2015-2016 budget. Motion was made by Jeanene Hall to approve the proposed FY 2015-2016 budget and move it forward to the Board of County Commissioners. Janice Kilgore seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
7.   4-H Facilities Update - Pam Allen

*New 4-H Center
*4-H Barns

Pam Allen noted that the Langley Bell Open House and Master Gardeners' Spring Festival was held on Saturday, May 2, 2015, and was a great success. Estimates are that we had close to 500 people attending one or both events. The 4-H Youth did an outstanding job. We had a lot of interest for 4-H shown by students and volunteers. A UF photographer was on-site and we will have pictures for the August meeting. Escambia County Public Information Office was also present, along with WEAR-TV, which made for great outreach to the community.

Pam Allen stated that the April Livestock Show held on the Molino property was a success. The barns are complete and bath houses are in design. Jeanene Hall asked if any parking facilities were planned and Pam Allen stated yes, that grass was being planted for a parking area. No paving is being planned at this point. We want to keep the property as natural and untouched as possible.

Christine Rodgers asked about the storm water drainage at the Langley Bell Center, that she had noticed the property looked like we had some washing going on and asked if it was going to be addressed by the County. Pam Allen advised that the issue was being addressed by the County and the property had already been re-graded. More ground cover is planned to help, also.
8.   Agent Presentations:

*4-H Programming - Hank Bignell & Jenny Savely
*Naturally Escarosa Update - Libbie Johnson, Carrie Stevenson, Rick O'Connor [BP Tourism & Promotion Grant]

Hank Bignell and Jenny Savely gave an update of future programming for 4-H. This summer there will be day camps and the main summer camp at Camp Timpoochee. Discussion was held regarding livestock/small farms and 4-H upcoming programming. Upcoming events are county events, district events, state events, and also leader training.

Comr. Barry asked if transportation was provided for summer day camps. Discussion was held as to whether or not 4-H could hire an off-duty school bus driver and a bus to transport attendees. Pam Allen noted that she is in discussions with Marilyn Wesley about group transportation. Comr. Barry noted that he would also check with Marilyn Wesley about this possibility.

Christine Rodgers asked how the events were being advertised. Hank Bignell noted that all events were advertised through our PIO office and social media. Jeanene Hall stated that the Century Community Center would have a group to attend the day camps if we could find transportation.

Comr. Barry also mentioned that the County could possibly reimburse the School District for transportation costs, which were estimated to be $200-$300 per trip. He also noted that Poarch Creek might also be a good partner for 4-H.

Carrie Stevenson, Rick O'Connor, and Libbie Johnson then gave an overview of the Naturally Escarosa BP Promotion & Tourism Grant Program.
9.   Other Items of Interest -

*Next Meeting Date - August 11, 2015

Tina Sellers noted that she had attended a Beekeepers' class and field trip to the Bee Yard. She found both very informative and enjoyable.

Libbie Johnson mentioned that Small Farms Field Day was planned for May 29, 2015.

Rick O'Connor mentioned to be on the lookout for advertising for the Lionfish Festival, to be held downtown.
10.   Adjournment

Motion was made by Janice Kilgore, seconded by Tina Sellers, and unanimously approved. Meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.

*** Members of the Public Must Sign Up in Order to Speak ***

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