May 11, 2015– 4:30 p.m.
Escambia County Central Office Complex
3363 West Park Place
Present: H. Walt Woodfin, Secretary, District 5  
  William Myrick, Member, District 1  
  Cathy Watson, Member, District 1  
  Sidney Jeff Clopton, Member, District 2  
  Eilene Beard, Member, District 3  
  Lynn Laird, Member, District 3  
  David Dodson, Member, District 4  
  Kerry Freeland, Member, District 4  
Absent: Merrick Van Landingham, Chair, District 2
  Gabe Jackson, Vice-Chair, District 5
  Ed Fish, Member, County Administrator Appointee
Staff Present: Robert Turpin, CED/Marine Resource Division Manager
Keith T. Wilkins, Director, Community & Environment Department
Shelly Marshall, Marine Resources Division
Attendees: Rick O'Connor
Anna Clark
Bryan Clark
1. 4:30 p.m. - "Meet, Greet, and Learn"
2. 5:30 p.m. - "Lionfish Workshop" with Marine Advisory Committee Meeting to Follow
3. Call to Order - Meeting called to order at 5:25 p.m., and introductions made by Robert Turpin in the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
4. Attendance - Quorum present
5. Minutes Approval
  Motion made by Member, District 1 William Myrick, Seconded by Member, District 3 Eilene Beard to approve previous meeting minutes, with noted corrections. All voted in favor.
6. Florida "Sunshine Law":
Assistant County Attorney Meredith Crawford presented the laws regulating MAC and other governmental bodies. MAC members may contact Meredith via email (
7. Escambia County Lionfish Regional Control Workshop - Presentations as follows:
  • Elizabeth Underwood (Reef Environmental Education Foundation) outlined REEF’s involvement (since 2005) in the collection and research of the invasive lionfish, including the REEF Volunteer Survey Program.
  • Meaghan Faletti (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission) briefed the group on the Statewide Lionfish Rodeo to be held, this weekend, May 16-17. There will be 10 Rodeos across Florida, one of which will be in Pensacola at Plaza DeLuna.
  • Bryan Clark (Coastwatch Alliance) shared their mission of maintaining and improving our reef and fisheries health. They work to share information regarding the lionfish invasion, removal, safety, events and other efforts, which serve to bridge the gap between diver and seafood consumer.
8. Perdido Key Gulf Snorkeling Reef
Marine Resources Division (MRD) Update: Nine remaining modules could not be deployed within the permitted site due to changes in bathymetry. Purchase order canceled.
9. Perdido River Public Boat Ramp
Roads, Inc., has mobilized; 180 days to substantial completion.
10. 10836 Lillian Highway Public Boat Ramp
FWC executing contract with USFWS; then FWC will send Grant Agreement to MRD.
11. Natural Resources Damage Assessment - Oil Spill Restoration & Recovery

FDEP transferring funds to FWC. FWC will execute Agreement with Escambia County.
12. Waterways Access Management

Proposals to be discussed at the next EMAC meeting.
13. Lionfish

Escambia County Commission approved MOA with FWC regarding Inaugural FWC Lionfish Removal & Awareness Day event scheduled for 16-17 May 2015 at DeLuna Plaza. MRD and Fla Sea Grant continue working with stakeholders to increase lionfish awareness, safety, volunteer removal, and market development.
14. Clark Sand Pits
  1. No further MAC discussion or action required, item to be removed from agenda.
15. Perdido River Log Jam

Last information from contractor indicated imminent issuance of permits. Work to begin soon thereafter.
16. Old Business

Ocean Wind - Escambia County executed grant agreement with FWC to fund the cleanup, preparation & deployment of Ocean Wind. Lowest bid awarded to Panhandle Underwater Marine and Salavge (PUMAS). PUMAS working on providing insurance documentation and executing contract with Escambia County. Ocean Wind to be added to agenda for the next EMAC meeting.
17. New Business - None
18. Adjourn
  Motion made by Member, District 1 William Myrick, Seconded by Member, District 3 Eilene Beard to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor.

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