May 4, 2015 - 4:00 p.m.
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
BCC Meeting Room, First Floor
221 Palafox Place
Pensacola, FL 32502
Present: Bentina Terry, Chairman  
  Alan McMillan, Vice-Chairman  
  Donald McMahon, III, Member  
  Alvin Coby, Member  
  Tammy Bohannon, Member  
  Christian Wagley, Member  
  Susan Carleton, Member  
  Michelle Inere, Member  
  John Soule, Member  
  Courtney Peterson, Member  
Absent: Gregg Beck, Member
Staff Present: Keith T. Wilkins, Director, Community & Environment Department
Felicia Knight-Marlow, Director's Aide, Community & Environment Department
Shelly Marshall, RESTORE Coordinator
Taylor Kirschenfeld, Division Manager, Water Quality & Land Management
Robert Turpin, Division Manager, Marine Resources
Attendees: Stella Wilson
1. Call To Order - the May 5, 2015, meeting was called to order at 4:01 p.m. by Chairperson, Bentina Terry.
2. Proof of Publication - The meeting was advertised in the Pensacola News Journal on April 25, 2015 and May 2, 2015.
3. Attendance - Quorum Present
4. Approval of Minutes from the 04-06-2015 RESTORE Advisory Committee Meeting
5. Old Business
a. Board of County Commission Meeting Update by Dewberry

Stella Wilson, Dewberry, summarized the decisions and feedback from the county commissioners to the Committee and offered proposed revisions to the Selection Criteria.
  • Selection Criteria: Asked the Committee for consideration of revisions to language and/or point weighting for ADA criteria, Leveraging, and Tourism and Seafood promotion.
  • Amending Resolution R2012-150 to include Tourism and Seafood Promotion language: Passed.
  • All projects to be scored against each other: Passed.
  • Sponsoring or partnering with groups that cannot develop a project on their own: No Action.
  • Offering sub-grant funds: No Action.
  • Allocating funding set-asides: Failed.
b. Federal Procurement Process by Erin Deady, P.A.

Erin Deady, P.A. for Escambia County, presented the General Procurement and Eligibility process to the Committee. Although procurement is not the task set before the Committee, this presentation was given for the Committee to keep in mind as they set the Selection Criteria and develop the application process.
c. Seafood and Recreational Fishing Data Presentation by Robert K. Turpin, Marine Resources Division Manager

Robert Turpin, Escambia County, presented data showing the importance of recreational fishing and seafood to our economy.
d. Discussion on Draft Weighing of Selection Criteria

After consideration of the information above, the Committee voted to approve the Selection Criteria with the following revisions:
  • Total Baseline Points: Dropped from 15 to 12 because it was decided applicants can no longer receive for regulatory compliance.
  • Leverage Funds: Changed from 2 points to 7 points to stress the importance of stretching these dollars.
  • Solidifying wording to ensure points were given for recreational fishing and seafood promotion.
6. New Business - None
7. Public Comment (limit 3 minutes each)
a. List of Speakers

Dorothy Dubuissm, 1308 North Barcelona Street, Pensacola
Gary Sansing, 1517 Jackson Street, Pensacola
Sherri Myers, 526 Parker Drive, Pensacola
Warren Jernigan, 2210 Warren Jernigan Place
Elizabeth Benchley, 2910 Magnolia Avenue
Jessica Koelsch, National Wildlife Federation
Mary Gutierrez, Pensacola
Barbara Albrecht, 1203 North 16th Avenue, Pensacola
Beverly Perry, 622 West Belmone Street, Pensacola
Tony McCray Jr., 1402 E. Leonard Street, Pensacola
Barry Goodson, Pensacola
  SpeakerRequestForms-May 4 2015
8. Adjournment - Meeting was adjourned at 5:54 p.m.

Agendas, minutes and pre-recordings of RESTORE Act Advisory Committee meetings may be viewed at To view supporting documents from the RESTORE Act Advisory Committee meeting on May 4, 2015 and previous meetings, visit:

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