April 6, 2015 - 4:00 p.m.
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
BCC Meeting Room, First Floor
221 Palafox Place
Pensacola, FL 32502
Present: Bentina Terry, Chairman  
  Gregg Beck, Member  
  Tammy Bohannon, Member  
  Alvin Coby, Member  
  Donald McMahon, III, Member  
  Christian Wagley, Member  
  John Soule, Member  
  Courtney Peterson, Member  
Absent: Alan McMillan, Vice-Chairman
  Michelle Inere, Member
Staff Present: Keith T. Wilkins, Director, Community & Environment Department
Felicia Knight-Marlow, Director's Aide, Community & Environment Department
Shelly Marshall, RESTORE Coordinator
Taylor Kirschenfeld, Division Manager, Water Quality & Land Management
Attendees: Mike Hanson
Stella Wilson
1. Call To Order - The April 6, 2015 meeting called to order at 4:05 p.m., by Chairperson Bentina Terry.
2. Proof of Publication - The meeting was advertised in the Pensacola News Journal on March 28, 2015 and April 4, 2015.
3. Attendance - Quorum Present
4. Approval of Minutes for the March 2, 2015 RESTORE Advisory Committee Meeting

Motion was made by Christian Wagley to approve the March 2, 2015 Minutes of the RESTORE Advisory Committee Meeting. Donnie McMahon seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Old Business
a. Discussion on Draft Weighing of Selection Criteria

The Committee discussed expanding the Tourism and Seafood Criteria but leaving it under the Economic category. It was agreed to take what is already in the criteria guidance and pulling it forward by giving points to be equally weighted. This gives more clarity to those eligible criteria but leaves the category with the same number of total points.

Mike Hanson gave a brief summary of the two scoring options of the Selection Criteria presented to the Committee.
  1. Option 1 – intended to be a balanced approach with equal weighting given across each of the three different pots.
  2. Option 2 – gives recognition based on input from public survey to provide percentage adjustment or weighting to those criteria that were identified to be more important with environmental being number one.

Mike Hanson also mentioned that a third option was provided by the group, RESTORE Escambia, at the last Committee meeting.

Christian Wagley made a motion to support Option 1 with a second by Al Coby for discussion. Gregg Beck made an amendment to the motion to raise all Bonus Criteria by one point. After further discussion, the motion passed unanimously to recommend Option 1 of the Scoring Criteria to the Board of County Commissioners.

There was discussion relating to allocating funding set-asides.
  1. Christian Wagley made a motion to allocate 40% of funds to environmental issues and 30% for both infrastructure and economic. Motion died from lack of a second;
  2. Courtney Peterson made a motion to allocate 35% of funds to environment issues and 32.5% each for infrastructure and economic with a second by Christian Wagley. Motion failed; and
  3. Tammy Bohannon made a motion to have at least 25% funding set aside for environmental projects. Motion failed.
6. New Business
a. Discussion Regarding the Board of County Commissioners Special Meeting Concerning RESTORE on April 16, 2015

Notifying the Committee of this upcoming meeting, the Committee narrowed down the items they would like to bring to the Board of County Commissioners.
  • Approve the selection criteria and scoring recommended.
  • Provide guidance to:
    • Amending the resolution to include Tourism and Seafood Promotion;
    • Determining if all projects are to be scored against each other or only scored within specific categories; and
Allocating funding set-asides for specific categories.
b. Tourism and Seafood Promotion Criteria Regarding the RESTORE Act Language and Omission from BCC Resolution

  1. RESTORE Act Language and Omission from BCC Resolution.

The Committee decided to bring this issue to the Board of County Commissioners on April 16, 2015 for their input.
  1. Removal from Economic Criteria and inclusion in a new category.

Donnie McMahon made a motion to make Tourism a separate category. It was seconded by John Soule for discussion. Motion failed.
c. Tourism and Seafood Promotion Criteria Regarding the Removal from Economic Criteria and Inclusion in a New Category

See Agenda Item 5.a.
7. Public Comment (limit 3 minutes each)

Susan Feathers, 801 East Belmont Street, Pensacola
Beverly Perry, 622 West Belmone Street, Pensacola
Larry Chamblin, 2130 Athens Avenue, Pensacola
Bill Young, 1812 East Desoto Street, Pensacola
Mary Gutierrez, Pensacola
Barbara Albrecht, 1203 North 16th Avenue, Pensacola
Jim Sparks, 9019 Governors Place Court, Pensacola
8. Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 5:54 p.m.

Agendas, minutes and pre-recordings of RESTORE Act Advisory Committee meetings may be viewed at To view supporting documents from the RESTORE Act Advisory Committee meeting on April 6, 2015 and previous meetings, visit:

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