Minutes Packet Return
March 7, 2016– 5:30 p.m.
Escambia County Central Office Complex
3363 West Park Place
Present: Merrick Van Landingham, Member  
  Gabe Jackson, Chair  
  H. Walt Woodfin, Secretary  
  William Myrick, Member  
  Cathy Watson, Member  
  Sidney Jeff Clopton, Member  
  Kerry Freeland, Vice Chair  
  Ed Fish, Member  
Absent: Eilene Beard, Member
  Lynn Laird, Member
  David Dodson, Member
Staff Present: Robert Turpin, NRM/Marine Resources Division Manager
1. Call to Order - Meeting called to order at 5:33 PM
2. Attendance: Quorum Present
3. Minutes Approval:
Merrick Van Landingham made the motion to approve the February minutes. Sidney Clopton made the second. All voted in favor.
4. Wilson B. Robertson Boat Ramp MRD Update: Ramp is open & operational. May be an issue with solar light; contractor looking into why it isn’t staying on until dawn.
  • Gabe Jackson offered a few recommendations as follows.
    • The pull up area in front of the ramp is being used as parking. Robert Turpin commented that signage is being installed to correct.
    • The solar light on the dock is not effective for loading of boats. Robert Turpin will have it evaluated and adjusted as necessary.
5. 10836 Lillian Highway Public Boat Ramp:
MRD Update: FWC grant is executed. Next step is to advertise for bids to perform Design/Engineering/Permitting.
6. Natural Resources Damage Assessment - Oil Spill Restoration & Recovery
MRD Update: MRD working with FWC to develop solicitation for deployment of reefs in Casino Reef permit site. Reviewed MRD Draft Criteria for selecting preferred contractor(s); received public input.
  • Robert Turpin introduced Alex Fogg was introduced at the “NRDA Artificial Reefs” Project Manager and shared a presentation on the Reef Projects and the “Ranking Criterion” to be considered, with the follow feedback and comments provided:
    • Ranking Criterion 1: Module Construction (Durability)
Bryan Clark has noticed some existing modules have subsided.Some have been moved with lift bags etc.…He asked if we could design to prevent or limit these issues.Robert Turpin commented that reef theft is an old issue which is difficult to prevent.
  • Ranking Criterion 2: Habitat Value
Merrick Van Landingham commented on the difficulty of quantifying habitat value given the variations of fishing pressure and the ease of targeting lion fish should be a major consideration in design.
Robert Turpin stated that NOA PRD requires opening diameters to allow for ease of access and/or escape from the interior of the modules.
Merrick Van Landingham would like to see the module design not aggravate the lion fish issue.Kerry Freeland concurs.
Bryan Clark commented that since shovel nose lobster are popular among divers, he would like to look at the possibility of improving the lobster while also discouraging the lion fish.Robert Turpin stated that cubby holes with bottoms may be promising.Bryan Clark noted that the Chevron has features similar to the cubby hole concept and that small diameter tubes may work and that it was common to find lobster and lion fish in the same structures, but never together.
  • Ranking Criterion 3: Stability (Horizontal & Vertical)
No comment or feedback
  • Ranking Criterion 4: Deployment Capability
Gabe Jackson asked if a local business license would be required of the contractor.Robert Turpin commented that the license would not be required, but appropriate insurance would be.The deployment will require a licensed captain.Robert Turpin will confirm with Escambia Risk Management.Merrick Van Landingham asked if there would be clauses in the contract to allow for delays due to weather etc.…Robert Turpin assured that there would be.
  • Ranking Criterion 5: Price
No comment or feedback
7. New Inshore Reefs at Pensacola Beach:
MRD Update: Reviewed reef permitting plan and received public input.
  • Merrick Van Landingham noted that wider spacing of the near shore reef modules would make them easier to locate via the range markers. Robert Turpin commented that secondary range markers may be of benefit as well.
8. Comprehensive Waterways Management:
MRD Update: Invited MAC & public input; no comments.
9. Lionfish Issues/Developments:
MRD Update: Upcoming LRAD event 14-15 May 2016 at Plaza De Luna. FWC’s Meagan Faletti gave update. Escambia County Lionfish Workshop will be held in conjunction with May MAC meeting.
  • Bryan Clark shared, that the Coast Watch Association has received a $106k grant to develop a tourist lionfish awareness program. The CWA’s main focus for 2016 is the commercialization of lionfish products.
  • Ed Fish asked, if there had been any new developments in traps for lionfish. Bryan Clark noted that NOAA wants to test a trap design in the Pensacola area.
  • Kerry Freeland thanked Bryan Clark for the update on the CWA’s efforts concerning the lionfish issue and echoed the need to help promote the consumption of lionfish products.
  • Robert Turpin recognized the guest from Bay County and looks forward to future cooperation on lionfish and other common issues.
10. CCA Reef Partnership:
MRD Update: CCA has expressed interest in funding partnership on one of the planned Pensacola Beach Inshore Artificial Reefs.
11. Old Business - None
12. New Business - None
13. Adjournment - Kerry Freeland made the motion to adjourn. Ed Fish made the second. All voted in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM.

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