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March 7, 2016 - 4:00 p.m.
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
BCC Meeting Room, First Floor
221 Palafox Place
Pensacola, FL 32502
1. Call To Order - March 7, 2016 meeting called to order at 4:06 p.m. by Chairperson, Bentina Terry.
2. Proof of Publication - The meeting was advertised in the Pensacola News Journal on February 27, and March 5, 2016.
3. Attendance
Bentina Terry, Chairman  
Alan McMillan, Vice-Chairman  
Donald McMahon, III, Member  
Alvin Coby, Member  
Tammy Bohannon, Member  
Gregg Beck, Member  
Christian Wagley, Member  
Susan Carleton, Member  
Michelle Inere, Member  
John Soule, Member  
Courtney Peterson, Member  
Staff Present:
Taylor Kirschenfeld, Interim Director, Natural Resources Management
Shelly Marshall, RESTORE Coordinator
4. Approval of Minutes February 29, 2016 RESTORE Advisory Committee Meeting

Motion was made by Alan McMillan to approve the February 29, 2016 Minutes of the RESTORE Advisory Committee Meeting. Christian Wagley seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Old Business
6. New Business
a. Discussion on Final Project Scoring and Comments

The RESTORE Advisory Committee reviewed the final project ranking and comments. Christian Wagley inquired as to why the OLF8 project jumped so high in the rankings. Vice-Chair Alan McMillan replied by stating he felt he had miss-scored the project and rescored the project with the additional clarity given in the review process. Chairperson Bentina Terry called for a motion to approve the RESTORE Project Ranking to send as a recommendation for the Board of County Commissioners. Gregg Beck motioned and Tammy Bohannon seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

The Committee was thanked by Commissioner Robinson, County Administrator Jack Brown and Assistant County Administrator Amy Lovoy for their dedication and countless volunteer hours.
7. Public Comment (limit 3 minutes each)

Dorothy Dubuisson, 1308 North Barcelona Street
Susan Feathers, 802 East Belmont Street, Pensacola
Warren Jernigan, 2210 Warren Jernigan Place
Sherri Myers, 526 Parker Drive, Pensacola
Tony McCray, 1402 East Leonard Street, Pensacola
8. Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm. Note: It is expected that this will be the last RESTORE Advisory Committee Meeting unless otherwise requested by the Board of County Commissioners. The Committee requested to be sunset as soon as the Board decides they have completed their charge.

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