
February 1, 2016–1:00 p.m.
221 Palafox Place
Pensacola, Florida
1.   Call to Order, Chairman Nash Patel

2.   Approval of Tuesday, December 1, 2015 Tourist Development Council Meeting Minutes approved 8-1 with member Nan Harper absent.

3.   Status of Funds Available, TDC Collections and Receipts, Amy Lovo Office of Management and Budget)
Handout of TDC Collections given to the Board as backup (available upon request)
Fiscal year up 21% which is about 15% over last years' budget.
4.   Visit Pensacola Update: Steve Hayes, President, Visit Pensacola

Steve Hayes- Handed a copy of the Legislative Position from the Florida Association of Destination Marketing Organizations to the TDC Board A copy of the bill referencing a
  • This bill will not take any of the current uses of the TDT
  • The bill did add local law enforcement for 10%
  • Added advertising requirements for vacation rentals to disclose their Florida sales tax number in advertising.
  • Denis McKinnon- What can we do as a board?
  • Steve Hayes- We created a brochure to be given by the Clerk of the Circuit Court and they do a great job assisting us with this process.
  • Update on new ventures is: the Train Wrap in Chicago is active; you will be hearing more about this soon.
  • Working on Spring-Beach Life and Fall-SECC Zone
5.   Pensacola Sports Update, Ray Palmer, Director, Pensacola Sports//Representatives of Crossroads Consulting Services
  • Ray Palmer introduced Cross Roads Consulting Services and Convergence Design hired by Escambia County BCC last summer to do a Sports Tourism Facilities Feasibility Study in the amount of $102,300 and to report back with the preliminary findings and scope of work.
  • Market Research indicated demand for Sports Tourism if new constructed or enhancements to existing facilities.
  • Proposed facility is 8 basketball (or 16 volleyball) courts to bring in out of town guest
  • Structure size: 121,300 square feet
  • Land 14 acres
  • Bay Center is large, but does not have the floor space needed.
Site Analysis Indicated these site preferences:
  • 1)ECUA /Studer property on West Main
  • 2)Port Site
  • 3)US Highway 29, 63 acre owned by Gulf Power
  • 4)Gimble Street
  • 5)Hall School Property, E Street
Preliminary cost projections:
  • Construction: 27.6 million
  • Site Work: $1.7 million
  • Project costs: 6.93 million
  • Total: 36.2 million
  • Attendance Days is about 2.5 Days
  • 222-255 attendance
  • Room Nights: 44,500-51,100
Economic Impact:
  • $24.8 million to the County
  • 450-520 total new Jobs annually
  • Annual tax revenues:$2.6 million to 3.0 million
  • Source: Crossroads Consulting Services, Convergence Design.
  • Next Step: Form a Steering Committee from different entities.
  • Underhill-How much is the DMO in for Private Sector?
  • Susie, Crossroads Consulting- Preliminary study showed there are a large supply of facilities that are used primarily for the city and county Parks and Recreation.
  • Underhill- We have the same issue with the Southwest Sports Complex
  • You mentioned Foley, Destin and Panama City
  • Susie- Panama City actually just started their study and Foley would not really comment.
  • Underhill- Can we look at this again to see if you are competing for the same geographical area?
  • Shirley Cronley- Can you tell us if a community our size has a similar complex?
  • Susie-Hampton,Va- Looking mostly at Basketball
  • Round Rock Texas and Myrtle Beach has one open for 1 year right next to the convention center.
  • Gregory Jones- Could you outline an established year for year?
  • PC Wu- Is the West Main property able to be paid for with bed tax?
  • Ray Palmer- Yes under the current statutes
  • PC Wu- Are there more uses you can get out of this because as an elected officials, we will take the heat.
  • Brian Spencer- Competition is okay to let the region know we are ahead. With my experience as an architect you cannot have too many personalities.
  • The steering committee will need to vet.
  • Nash Patel- It seems the Ice was left out of the plan, you are the experts and if we are spending almost 42 million on a facility would it be feasible to look at adding 2 sheets of ice.
  • Immediate return would be cheerleading and dance, Hockey you would have to build it.
  • Underhill- Short term recommendation- gymnastics, volleyball, cheerleading. I would like to look at new sports in the final draft document.
  • Susie- Is your thought Water Sports?
  • Ray Palmer- I am all for diversifying, but building a skateboarding venue is more of a citizen driven project.
  • Sports Tourism can be two fold; however the private investors deserve an explanation.
  • Nash Patel- What is the next step?
  • Ray Palmer- Take the proposal to the Board of County Commissioners and if the council has some direction for us that would be beneficial in creating the Steering Committee.
  • Nash Patel- Will the committee be the same?
  • Ray Palmer- There may be some cross over from the private owners of the proposed sites, city and major corporations.

6.   Old Business/New Business:
  • Nash Patel, Chairman- Do we need a March Meeting? If not we will schedule one for May or June?
  • Staff member Audrey will get in contact with you about a date.
  • Is there is no other business to come before the Board?
  • Shirley Cronley, Vice-Chair- Being none, I make a motion to adjourn the meeting
  • Denis Mckinnon- Seconded the motion to adjourn
  • Chairman Nash Patel- TDC Meeting adjourned at 2:30p.m.

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