February 18, 2016
8:45 a.m.


Present: Commissioner, District 3 - Acting Chairman Lumon May  
  Commissioner, District 1 - Vice Chair Wilson Robertson  
  Commissioner, District 2 Doug Underhill  
  Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry  
Absent: Commissioner, District 4 - Chairman Grover Robinson
Staff Present: Jack R. Brown, County Administrator
Alison Rogers, County Attorney
Amy Lovoy, Assistant County Administrator
Chip Simmons, Assistant County Administrator
Clara Long, Division Manager
Melanie Johnson, Administrative Assistant
Tonya Gant, Department Director
Judy Witterstaeter, Program Coordinator
  Call to Order.

8:55 a.m.
  Proof of publication

Escambia County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Meeting was properly advertised in the Pensacola News Journal.
  Motion made by Commissioner, District 1 - Vice Chair Wilson Robertson, Seconded by Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry
  Vote: 4 - 0
Other: Commissioner, District 4 - Chairman Grover Robinson (ABSENT)
  I. Public Forum
  II. Technical/Public Service
1   AI-9755    Recommendation Concerning Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes, February 18, 2016 - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board accept for filing with the Board's Minutes, the February 18, 2016, Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) Meeting Minutes, prepared by Melanie Johnson, CRA Administrative Assistant.
  Motion made by Commissioner, District 1 - Vice Chair Wilson Robertson, Seconded by Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry
  Vote: 4 - 0
Other: Commissioner, District 4 - Chairman Grover Robinson (ABSENT)
  III. Budget/Finance
1   AI-9656    Recommendation Concerning Residential Rehab Grant Program Funding and Lien Agreements – Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director 

That the Board take the following action concerning the Residential Rehab Grant Program Funding and Lien Agreements:

A. Approve the following three Residential Rehab Grant Program Funding and Lien Agreements:
1 . The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Colin West, Brittany Ortega, and Robert E. West, Jr., owners of residential property located at 106 Payne Road, Warrington Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $1,250 representing an in-kind match through the Warrington Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370114, Object Code 58301, for sanitary sewer connection;

2.  The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Mary Miller, owner of residential property located at 702 Roanne Lane, Palafox Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $2,687 representing an in-kind match through the Palafox Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370115, Object Code 58301, to install a new roof; 

3. The Agreements between Escambia County CRA and Robert E. Jr and Sandra L. West, owners of residential property located at 112 SE Kalash Road, Warrington Redevelopment District, each in the amount of $1,250 representing an in-kind match through the Warrington Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Fund 151, Cost Center 370114, Object Code 58301, for sanitary sewer connection; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Funding and Lien Agreements and any related documents necessary to implement the Grant awards.

  Motion made by Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry, Seconded by Commissioner, District 1 - Vice Chair Wilson Robertson
  Vote: 4 - 0
Other: Commissioner, District 4 - Chairman Grover Robinson (ABSENT)
2   AI-9721    Recommendation Concerning the Cancellation of two Residential Rehab Grant Program Liens - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the cancellation of the Residential Rehab Grant Program Liens:

A. Approve the following cancellation of two Residential Rehab Grant Program Liens, as the Grant recipients have met their Grant requirements:

Property Owner Address Amount
Mattie R. Carter 1900 West Maxwell Street  $2,874
Clark Lunt 4 Rowland Court A  $2,401
B. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Cancellation of Lien documents.
  Motion made by Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry, Seconded by Commissioner, District 1 - Vice Chair Wilson Robertson
  Vote: 4 - 0
Other: Commissioner, District 4 - Chairman Grover Robinson (ABSENT)
3   AI-9754    Recommendation Concerning Sponsoring the 3rd Annual Celebrating Brownsville Community Festival - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood and Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action to sponsor the 3rd Annual Celebrating Brownsville Community Festival, in the Brownsville Redevelopment Area, with a budget up to $15,000 to be funded through the Brownsville Tax Increment Financing (TIF). 

[Funding Source: CRA Brownsville TIF Cost Center 370113]
  Motion made by Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry, Seconded by Commissioner, District 2 Doug Underhill
  Vote: 4 - 0
  IV. Discussion/Information Items

To change the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting back to 9:00 a.m. instead of 8:45 a.m.
  Motion made by Commissioner, District 1 - Vice Chair Wilson Robertson, Seconded by Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry
  Vote: 4 - 0
Other: Commissioner, District 4 - Chairman Grover Robinson (ABSENT)
1   AI-9834    That the Board review the Community Redevelopment Agency 5-year Expenditure Report.
  Motion made by Commissioner, District 5 Steven Barry, Seconded by Commissioner, District 2 Doug Underhill
  Vote: 4 - 0
Other: Commissioner, District 4 - Chairman Grover Robinson (ABSENT)
9:25 a.m.

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