Minutes Packet Return
February 2, 2015 - 4:00 p.m.
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
BCC Meeting Room, First Floor
221 Palafox Place
Pensacola, FL 32502
Present: Bentina Terry, Chairman  
  Tammy Bohannon, Member  
  Michelle Inere, Member  
  Donald McMahon, III, Member  
  Christian Wagley, Member  
Absent: Alan McMillan, Vice-Chairman
  Gregg Beck, Member
  Harlan Butler, Member
  Alvin Coby, Member
Staff Present: Keith T. Wilkins, Director, Community & Environment Department
Felicia Knight-Marlow, Director's Aide, Community & Environment Department
Shelly Marshall, RESTORE Coordinator
Taylor Kirschenfeld, Division Manager, Water Quality & Land Management
Attendees: Mike Hanson
Stella Wilson
Jerri Daniels
1. Call To Order - The February 2, 2015 meeting called to order at 4:01 p.m., by Chairperson Bentina Terry.
2. Proof of Publication - The meeting was advertised in the Pensacola News Journal on January 24, 2015 and January 31, 2015.
3. Attendance - Quorum Present
4. Approval of Minutes for the January 5, 2015, RESTORE Advisory Committee Meeting and the January 20, 2015, RESTORE Advisory Committee Workshop

Motion was made by Christian Wagley to approve the January 5, 2015 Minutes of the RESTORE Advisory Committee Meeting and the January 20, 2015 Minutes of the RESTORE Advisory Committee Workshop. Michelle Inere seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Old Business
a. Schedule February 2015 RESTORE Advisory Committee Workshop

The Committee approved Wednesday, February 18, 2015 for the RESTORE Advisory Committee Workshop at the Central Office Complex.
b. Update on Planning Application

Keith Wilkins updated the Committee on the Planning Application to Treasury consisting of the following items:
  • Dewberry Contract
  • Best Available Science Tool
  • Workforce Development Gap Analysis
c. Dewberry Public Outreach Plan

Jeri Daniels, Dewberry Outreach Team, presented to the Committee regarding the Public Outreach Plan throughout the development of the Multi-Year Implementation Plan. This consisted of items such as the following:
  • Press release
  • RAC presentations
  • Public workshops or training
  • Survey to collect comments
  • Handouts and information sheets
d. Discussion on Draft Project Selection Criteria

Stella Wilson, Dewberry Consulting, presented version 1.4 of the Draft Project Selection Criteria making known the changes that had been made. It was of specific concern to the Committee that we separate project application criteria from procurement processes.
6. New Business - None
7. Public Comment (limit 3 minutes each)

Heather Reed, 385 Blue Angel Parkway, Pensacola
Gary Sansing, 1517 Jackson Street, Pensacola
Tony McCray Jr., 1402 E. Leonard Street, Pensacola
Jennifer Grove, 1 Energy Place, Pensacola
Bill Young, 1812 East Desoto Street, Pensacola
Tim Haag, ECUA, P.O. Box 15911, Pensacola
8. Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 5:51 p.m.

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