HELD December 1, 2015 AT 3:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order, Chairman Nash Patel

*Proper Advertisement of TDC Meeting was published in the Pensacola News Journal, on Saturday, November 28, 2015
2. Approval of Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Special Tourist Development Council Meeting Minutes.

Nan Harper called for the approval of the October 20th meeting minutes with an amendment per Tina Morrison, Perdido Key Chamber of Commerce.
Shirley Cronley seconded the motion to approve after the amendment and the motion passed unanimously 5-4, with members Brian Spencer, Councilman P.C. Wu and Commissioner Doug Underhill, Denis McKinnon absent.
3. Status of Funds Available, TDC Collections and Receipts, Stephan Hall, Director, Office of Management & Budget
  • Handout of TDC Collections given to the Board as backup
  • Stephan Hall -Fiscal year up 22% this month from last year!
  • Total TDT is up 672K from this time last year.
  • Amy Lovoy-To date there is a 3.9 million Fund Balance carry forward with a 550,000 adjustment for emergency or cash flow carry forward which brings down the balance to 3.3 million
  • Recommendation is that the board set aside funds from this fiscal year to pay next fiscal year debt service as it is a TDT responsibility
  • This would bring an available balance of 1.3 million for debt service and 2.1 million available to spend how the council suggests.
  • The last TDC Boards action was to give it to Visit Pensacola to support their plan which Steve will be presenting shortly.
  • Shirley Cronley-Made a motion to the board to set aside the 1.3 million for debt service and Nan Harper seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
  • Gregory Jones- Asked the TDC if they could address the 550,000 now or wait to hear from Visit Pensacola.
  • Nash Patel, Chairman- We can do it now and work through the process.
  • Amy Lovoy-TDC asked what the 550,000 is set aside for?
  • Amy Lovoy-It is set aside for emergency/cash fund in case of a disaster.
  • Steve Hayes, Visit Pensacola -asked Amy Lovoy is there a reserve policy? If so, what determines what you can tap into the funding for?
  • Amy Lovoy-Emergency funding as a natural disaster and other events may qualify.
  • Steve Hayes- To the TDC board, I am all for saving the funding.
  • Gregory Jones- Made a motion to set aside the 550,000 for emergency reserves/cash flow to use at the councils discretion. Motion was seconded by Shirley Cronley and motion passed unanimously.
  • Nash Patel, Chairman- to make it plain, the 1.3 million as well as the 550,000 will be set aside.

4. Sunshine Law Presentation- Stephen West, Sr. Assistant County Attorney, County Attorneys Office, Escambia County
  • Stephen West, Assistant County Attorney, - It is the policy of the County Attorney’s office to present each year about the sunshine law and public record.
  • To meet the criteria the public has the right to observe per legislative delegation.
  • 1) You have to advertise
  • 2) Have the meeting in a forum to accommodate the public
  • 3)Minutes have to be taken at each meeting
  • Some examples of some sunshine violations are as follows: texting one another, leaning over to whisper to one another or if you recess the meeting you continue to discuss issues of the meeting with one another.
  • If you violate you could be in violation and prosecuted by the State Attorneys office of a 2nd degree misdemeanor with 60 days
  • Inattention-you could also be in violation, so it is best not to talk outside of the meeting as a policy.
  • Public Records Act- To insure the public has the right to inspect any information, electronics, tapes, photos, etc
5. Visit Pensacola Update- Steven Hayes, President, Visit Pensacola
  • Steve Hayes handed out presentation to the TDC Board of the Quarterly Report Committee Report and an article named Tourism tax dollars for public safety floated in Legislature. (Available for review).
  • Good News was given by Stephan Hall, Budget that the TDT is up 22.0% over last year this time.
  • In 9/2015 we are just 50K shy of 1 million, but in 8/2015 we were over 1 million.
  • Per the Quarterly report metrics per page 2 show the TDT is 9.2% up hotel/vs. condos.
  • Research items per pages 20-23
  • Marketing efforts per page 30.
  • Showcase and Visit Pensacola are doing the market area.
  • Steve Hayes, Visit Pensacola- Update on a few legislative items as the session starts in January:
  • House Finance and Tax Committee Report dated November 19, 2015
  • 1) A copy of the bill referencing a TDT tax statute as the session starts in January.
  • This bill could change the makeup of the TDC board and where the money goes.
  • Please review in detail as it may come back before the TDC for a final vote for support or non support, even though I do not believe the FLRA is in support of this and it not set in stone yet.
  • 2) Vacation rental advertising requirement (working with the Clerk of the Circuit Courts office to pass out a pamphlet to citizens regarding collection of the TDT-vacation rentals.
  • 3)Transportation network companies (UBER) they want to get out of the taxi business
  • 3)Medical Tourism
  • Steve Hayes, Visit Pensacola,- I spoke with Amy Lovoy and I know she would appreciate some guidance from the ouncil that she could provide to the lobbyist
2020 Tactical Plan- showcases the strategic plans. For the public: the website Destination is up and running where you can download your own copy.
  • Own It-We finance and back it 100%
  • Collaborate- We work with the entity
  • Advocate- We help to move the project or item forward
  • Hold for 2016-2017- We did not have enough time to work on these items
  • Showcase Update- PowerPoint presented by Liz
  • Top markets presented
  • Touchdown website noted
  • Presentation about a project called Defrost your winter and the outline of the project
  • Participation in the SECC Game and Auburn/Georgia Game where they hosting a sign up participation for a free trip to Pensacola.
  • Pensacola Sports Presentation, Ray Palmer
    Handed out a packet for outside agency requirements and how they are scored to the TDC Board.
  • Talked about the Rebranding and Relogo aof Pensacola Sports nd how proud they are
  • Facility Study report- Received a draft of the first phase of the study which is a
  • Feasibility study of an indoor venue vs. outside venue.
  • There is opportunity in both, but completion is greater for outdoor than indoor.
  • Update on upcoming events:
  • Youth Hockey, Flag Football Tournament
  • Hosting NCA –Two Soccer Championship at Brosnaham Complex
  • Overview of the City of Champion video
  • ACE, David Behr, President Overview of Program
    Previously the Arts Council of Northwest Florida existed from 1969-2007.
  • ACE was created to support local art agencies and is funded through 4 cents TDT/City of Pensacola/Sate Funding grants.
  • ACE has no staff/Jane Birdwell volunteers her time
  • Received interest from 30 grant participants
  • Created a grant program with no restrictions, gave the participants points, tracked their audiences
  • Collaboration improved, started build the community and then the Foo Foo Festival was created (a 12 Festival) to market to the cultural community.
  • Tracked the data through digital marketing
  • So we continue to support the organizations that participated in the 12 day festival
  • The participants collected data to share with Jeff Shusterman.
  • Changed the points towards tourism marketing
  • Nash Patel- Is the criteria the same for all groups?
  • David Behr- I will send a copy of the information to Staff to send out to you and if you have any additional questions, you can contact me.

6. New Business: Election of New Chairman/Vice-Chairman for 2016:
  • Nash Patel, Chairman announced that Audrey Washington staff will hand out a ballot to elect the new chairman/vice-chairman
  • Audrey Washington-The TDC board decided to do a show of hands for the election.
  • It was a show of hands to keep the same Chairman, Nash Patel and Vice-Chairman, Shirley Cronley unanimously
7. Old Business: None
8. Adjournment of Tourist Development Council Meeting:
Member Nan Harper made a motion to adjourn meeting of the TDC and seconded by member Vice-Chair Shirley Cronley.
Chairman Nash Patel adjourned meeting at 4:30 p.m.

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