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Escambia County
 Enterprise Zone Development Agency Meeting
October 28, 2015 – 12:00 pm CST
Greater Pensacola Chamber, Boardroom
117 West Garden Street, Pensacola, Florida  32502
Present: Danita Andrews, Vice Chair  
  Jaunita Williams  
  Larry Strain  
  Nita Freeman  
  Peggy Fowler  
  Rebecca Hale  
  Ruth McKinon  
  Steve Littlejohn, Chair  
  Teresa Frye  
Absent: Commander Dale Tharp
  Susan Nelms
Staff Present: Clara Long, Division Manager
Victoria D'Angelo, Enterprise Zone Coordinator
Nick Jordan, Safe Neighborhoods Coordinator
Attendees: Eldric Connors
Dottie Dubinson
1. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 12:00 p.m.
2. Proof of Publication

Meeting was published in the Pensacola News Journal on Saturday, October 17, 2015 and Saturday, October 24, 2015.
3. Determination of a Quorum

A quorum was present.
4. Approval of Minutes- April 22, 2015 & July 22, 2015
  Motion By: Larry Strain, Seconded By: Rebecca Hale
  Vote: 9 - 0
5. Approval of EZDA Report- 3rd Quarter & FY2015 Annual Report
  Motion By: Rebecca Hale, Seconded By: Teresa Frye
  Vote: 9 - 0
6. Old Business- Program Expiration Updates

Victoria D'Angelo, Enterprise Zone Coordinator, presented documentation provided by the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) regarding the expiration of the Florida Enterprise Zone Program on December 31, 2015. Ms. D'Angelo explained that the application deadline had been extended for the Building Materials and Business Equipment Sales Tax Refund incentives. She explained that to be eligible to receive the Building Materials and Business Equipment incentives after the program expiration date, applicants must provide proof of Certificate of Occupancy, or invoice, respectively, dated by December 31, 2015 and applications for these incentives must be postmarked to the Department of Revenue no later than six (6) months following December 31, 2015.
7. New Business- BCC Board Recognition

Ms. D'Angelo announced that the current Enterprise Zone Development Agency (EZDA) Board Members would be formally recognized for their service to the EZDA Board at the January 7, 2016 Escambia County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Meeting at 5:30 p.m.
8. Public Comment

Public comment was provided by Ms. Dottie Dubuison.
9. EZDA Board Appreciation Ceremony

Ms. D'Angelo thanked EZDA Board Members on behalf of the Escambia County Community Redevelopment Agency for their service on the EZDA Board. She acknowledged the following years of service for each Board Member:
  • Rebecca Hale, One (1) year of service
  • Commander Dale Tharp, One (1) year of service
  • Peggy Fowler, One (1) year of service
  • Danita Andrews, One (1) year of service
  • Ruth McKinon, Four (4) years of service
  • Nita Freeman, Four (4) years of service
  • Larry Strain, Eight (8) years of service
  • Teresa Frye, Eight (8) years of service
  • Susan Nelms, Eight (8) years of service
  • Steven Littlejohn, Nine (9) years of service
  • Jaunita Williams, Twelve (12) years of service
10. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.

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