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Board of County Commissioners
Regular Meeting – October 6, 2016 – 5:30 p.m.
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building – First Floor
1.   Call to Order.

Please turn your cell phone to the vibrate, silence, or off setting.

The Board of County Commissioners allows any person to speak regarding an item on the Agenda. The speaker is limited to three (3) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the Chairman, to allow sufficient time for all speakers. Speakers shall refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, protests, or other conduct which interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting. Upon completion of the Public comment period, discussion is limited to Board members and questions raised by the Board.
2.   Invocation – Commissioner Barry.
3.   Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
4.   Are there any items to be added to the agenda?

Recommendation: That the Board adopt the agenda as prepared (or duly amended).
5.   Commissioners’ Forum.
6. 11129   Proclamations.

Recommendation: That the Board adopt the following Proclamations:

A. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Jim Brown, Environmental Enforcement Officer, Department of Natural Resources Management, Environmental Enforcement Division, on his selection as "Employee of the Month" for October 2016; and

B. The Proclamation recognizing and congratulating Secretary James T. Barfield, P.E., on his 30 years of faithful service to the public.
7. 11103   Retirement Proclamations.

Recommendation: That the Board adopt the following retirement Proclamations:

A. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Cheryl L. Anderson, Jail Corrections Officer, Corrections Department, on 22 years of dedicated service;

B. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Joseph Edward "Ed" Davison, Storekeeper/Warehouse Technician, Public Works Department, on 35 years of dedicated service;

C. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Michael W. Day, Jail Corrections Officer, Corrections Department, on 27 years of dedicated service;

D. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Bertha L. Fountain, Office Support Assistant, Corrections Department, on 6 years of dedicated service;

E. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Tanja S. Howard, Detention Assistant, Corrections Department, on 14 years of dedicated service;

F. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Dallas R. King, Jail Corrections Officer, Corrections Department, for 26 years of dedicated service;

G. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Kurt A. Klinglesmith, Jail Corrections Officer, Corrections Department, for 28 years of service;

H. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Roger H. Lariviere, Jr., Jail Corrections Officer, Corrections Department, for 15 years of service; and

I. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Sherri W. Sullivan, Jail Corrections Officer, Corrections Department, for 11 years of service.
8.   Written Communication
11067   September 19, 2016, communication from William D. Stokes, Clark Partington Attorneys At Law, Requesting that Escambia County Provide Relief of Code Enforcement Lien Attached to Property Located at 1400 East Nine Mile Road

Recommendation: That the Board review and consider lien relief request made by William D. Stokes against property located at 1400 East Nine Mile Road.

On August 21, 2014, the Board amended the "Guidelines for Relief from Environmental (Code) Enforcement Special Magistrate Liens" Policy, Section III, H2. Staff was instructed to review all requests for forgiveness of Environmental (Code) Enforcement Liens to determine if the request met the criteria for forgiveness and allowing the County Administrator to act on the Board's behalf if set criteria are met.

After reviewing the request for forgiveness of Liens, Staff made the determination that the request does not fall within any of the criteria that would allow the County Administrator to act on the Board's behalf and grant relief, in accordance with the Board's Policy, "Guidelines for Relief from Environmental (Code) Enforcement Special Magistrate Liens" Policy, Section III, H2.

Mr. Stokes is representing Shirley Codrington, daughter of the owners.
9.   Did the Clerk’s Office receive the proofs of publication for the Public Hearing(s) on the agenda and the Board’s Weekly Meeting Schedule?

Recommendation: That the Board waive the reading of the legal advertisement(s) and accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the certified affidavit(s) establishing proof of publication for the Public Hearing(s) on the agenda, and the Board of County Commissioners – Escambia County, Florida, Meeting Schedule.
10. 10913   5:31 p.m. Public Hearing Concerning the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Grant Application for Federal Transit Administration Funding for Bus and Bus Facilities Program: Grant 5307 for Escambia County Area Transit

Recommendation: That the Board take the following action concerning the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5307 Grant Application by Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) for mass transit project funding:

A. Conduct the 5:31 p.m., Public Hearing for the purpose of receiving comments from the general public on the Grant Application for $3,167,710, in Federal Assistance on mass transit projects;

B. Approve, or amend and approve, the Grant Application, after receiving comments at the Public Hearing;

C. Adopt the Resolution authorizing the Chairman to execute all appropriate documents for the processing and receipt of Federal funds from the Federal Transit Administration; and

D. Authorize the ECAT General Manager to file the Grant Application via the Federal Transportation Award Management System (TrAMS).

[Funding: The Grant Application is for a total of $3,167,710. Capital Assistance (1,974,477) requires a local 80/20 match of $479,361, which will be covered by Florida Toll Revenue credits. Operating Assistance ($1,250,265) requires a local 50/50 match of $1,250,265. The local match is included in the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget. Operating Expenses will be reimbursed at 50% up to the allowed maximum of $1,250,265]
11.   Reports:

Backup Not Included With The Clerk's Report Is Available For Review In
The Office Of The Clerk To The Board
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building, Suite 130
  I.  Consent Agenda
1. 11081   Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of the August 2016 Investment Report

That the Board accept, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the Investment Portfolio Summary Report for the month ended August 31, 2016, as required by Ordinance Number 95-13; on August 31, 2016, the portfolio market value was $275,353,851 and portfolio earnings totaled $337,591 for the month; the short-term portfolio yield was 0.51%, which should be compared to the S&P Government Index Pool Index 30 Day benchmark of 0.42%; the enhanced cash portfolio achieved a yield of 0.74%, which should be compared to the Merrill Lynch 1 Year Treasury Index of 0.67%; the long-term CORE portfolio achieved a yield of 1.29%, which should be compared to the Merrill Lynch 1-5 Year Treasury Index benchmark of 0.91%.
2. 11101   Recommendation Concerning Acceptance of Documents

That the Board accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the following documents provided to the Clerk to the Board's Office:

A. The Fiscal Year 2016-2017 adopted budget for the Northwest Florida Water Management District (NFWMD), as provided by Wendy Dugan, Administration Division Director, NFWMD; and

B. The Settlement Agreement, General Release and Hold Harmless Agreement, regarding settlement of Julia Bonner vs. Escambia County, Florida, Case No. 2005 CA 000985"D," executed by Julia Bonner, based on the Board's action of January 4, 2007, approving to settle the lawsuit.
3. 11102   Recommendation Concerning Minutes and Reports Prepared by the Clerk to the Board's Office

That the Board take the following action concerning Minutes and Reports prepared by the Clerk to the Board's Office:

A. Accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Report of the Committee of the Whole Workshop held September 8, 2016;

B. Approve the Minutes of the Second Budget Pubic Hearing for consideration of the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget, held September 20, 2016;

C. Accept, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Report of the Agenda Work Session held September 22, 2016;

D. Approve the Minutes of the Attorney-Client Session held September 22, 2106; and

E. Approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held September 22, 2016.
  I.   Public Hearing
1. 11023   5:45 p.m. - A Public Hearing Concerning the Review of an Ordinance Removing a Parcel From the Escambia County Mid-West Sector Plan, Detailed Specific Area Plan (DSAP)

That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) review and transmit to the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) an Ordinance removing the parcel within Section 3, Township 1N, Range 31W, Parcel Number 1302-000-003, from the Escambia County Mid-West Sector Plan, Jacks Branch Detailed Specific Area Plan.
2. 11024   5:46 p.m. - Cancellation of A Public Hearing Concerning the Review of an Ordinance Amending LDC Chapters 3, 4, and 6

That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) cancel the 5:46 p.m. Public Hearing scheduled for review and adoption of an Ordinance amending the Land Development Code (LDC), Chapters 3, 4, and 6, to modify the permitted and conditional residential uses of the Mainland Zoning Districts and related residential use provisions.
3. 11025   5:47 p.m. - A Public Hearing Concerning the Review of an Ordinance Amending the 2030 Future Land Use Map, LSA-2016-02

That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) review and transmit to the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), an Ordinance to the Escambia County Comprehensive Plan amending Chapter 7, "Future Land Use Element," Policy FLU 1.1.1, to provide for an amendment to the 2030 Future Land Use Map, changing the Future Land Use category of a parcel within Section 02, Township 2S, Range 31W, Parcel Number 3000-002-002 totaling 32 (+/-) acres, located between East Fence Road and Saufley Field Road, from Industrial (I) to Mixed-Use Suburban (MU-S).
4. 11026   5:48 p.m. - A Public Hearing Concerning the Review of an Ordinance Amending the 2030 Future Land Use Map, LSA-2016-01

That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) review and adopt an Ordinance amending Part II of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances, the Escambia County Comprehensive Plan, as amended, amending Chapter 7, "The Future Land Use Element," Policy FLU 1.1.1, to provide for an amendment to the 2030 Future Land Use Map, changing the Future Land Use category of a parcel within Section 11, Township 1N, Range 31W, Parcel Number 1000-004-001 totaling 60.50 (+/-) acres, located North of Beck's Lake Road, from Mixed-Use Urban (MU-U) to Industrial (I).

At the June 7, 2016, Planning Board Meeting, the Board recommended approval to the BCC for transmittal to the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO). At the July 7, 2016, BCC Meeting, the BCC approved the transmittal to DEO.
  II. Consent Agenda
1. 11027   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of Public Hearings

That the Board authorize the scheduling of the following Public Hearings:

November 3, 2016

A. 5:45 p.m. - A Public Hearing to amend the official Zoning Map to include the following Rezoning Cases heard by the Planning Board on October 4, 2016:

1. Case No.: Z-2016-07
Address: 2793 Highway 297A
Property Reference No.: 36-1N-31-1100-000-000
From: LDR, Low Density Residential district (four du/acre)
To: MDR, Medium Density Residential district (10 du/acre, regardless of the future land use category)
FLU Category: MU-S, Mixed-Use Suburban
Commissioner District 5
Requested by: Joe Rector, Agent for Jewell C. Bradfield, Owner
2. Case No.: Z-2016-09
Address: 6883 West Hwy 98
Property Reference No.: 21-2S-31-1310-000-000 & 21-2S-31-1310-000-001
From: LDMU, Low Density Mixed-use district (seven du/acre, regardless of the future land use category)
To: Com, Commercial district (25 du/acre, lodging unit density not limited by zoning)
FLU Category: MU-U, Mixed-Use Urban
Commissioner District 1
Requested by: Wiley C. "Buddy" Page, Agent for Prakash D. Darji, Owner

B. 5:46 p.m. - A Public Hearing - Adding a Definition of "Limited Ag Uses" to the Comprehensive Plan - CPA-2016-03 (first of two public hearings)

C. 5:47 p.m. - A Public Hearing - Amending Chapter 12 of the Comprehensive Plan to Modify Extraction and Reclamation Limitations - CPA-2016-04 (first of two public hearings)

D. 5:48 p.m. - A Public Hearing - Residential Uses in Zoning Districts Ordinance (first of two public hearings)

E. 5:49 p.m. - A Public Hearing - Repealing and Replacing Chapter 5, Article 8 of the Land Development Code and Adoption a New Article 8, Outdoor Signs

F. 5:50 p.m. - A Public Hearing - Issuance of Additional Model Home Permits
  I.   Technical/Public Service Consent Agenda
1. 11110   Recommendation Concerning the Request for Disposition of County Property for the Office of the Court Administrator - Craig Van Brussel, Court Technology Officer

That the Board approve the Request for Disposal of Property Form for one Cisco Catalyst 2950 SX switch for the Court Administrator's Office that was determined to be unfound during an extensive inventory search. This switch was identified during the Escambia 2015 Asset Inventory and only after a diligent search, it was declared to be lost or not-found. However, if said item is located in the future, it will be processed for re-instatement with the Escambia County BOCC.
2. 11087   Recommendation Concerning the Request for Disposition of Property for the Pensacola Bay Center - Amy Lovoy, Assistant County Administrator

That the Board approve the Request for Disposition of Property Form for the Pensacola Bay Center, and authorize the disposition of the following assets that have been described as in unusable, bad condition to be sent for recycling:

A. Latitude E5500 Laptop Computer, Asset ID 58491;
B. Pressure Washer with Access, Asset ID 40923;
C. Cooler Walk In, Asset ID 36462; and
D. Cleaner Carpet, Asset ID 48701.

All of the assets listed are County assets held and utilized by the Pensacola Bay Center, and have been found to be of no further usefulness to the County; thus it is requested that the items be auctioned as surplus or disposed of properly.
3. 11085   Recommendation Concerning the Community Development Block Grant Demolition Assistance Program Modification - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Demolition Assistance Program (Program):

A. Modify the Program eligibility to permit applicants with current Code Enforcement Liens to apply for assistance, provided that a payment plan is established; and

B. Authorize the County Administrator or his designee to execute all Program-related documents as necessary to implement the Program.
4. 11064   Recommendation Concerning the Request for Disposition of Property for the Information Technology Department - Shawn Fletcher, Information Technology Department Director

That the Board approve the six Request for Disposition of Property Forms for the Information Technology Department for all items of equipment, which are described and listed on the Request Forms, with reason for disposition stated. The listed items were not found during the Fiscal Year 2016 physical inventory of capital equipment, inventory retro to September 30, 2016.
5. 11092   Recommendation Concerning the Request for Disposition of Property for the Information Technology Department - Shawn Fletcher, Information Technology Department Director

That the Board approve the two Request for Disposition of Property Forms for the Information Technology Department for all items of equipment, which are described and listed on the Request Forms, with reason for disposition stated. The items are to be auctioned as surplus or disposed of properly.
6. 11051   Recommendation Concerning a Resolution Relating to the Second Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement with Florida Green Finance Authority - J. Taylor "Chips" Kirschenfeld, Director, Department of Natural Resources Management

That the Board adopt and authorize the Chairman to sign a Resolution relating to the Second Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement Forming the Florida Green Finance Authority, providing Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) funding for energy efficiency, renewable energy and wind resistance upgrades to commercial property in Escambia County.
7. 11042   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of a Public Hearing to Consider the Petition to Vacate a Portion of an Alleyway in Englewood Heights - Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Department Director

That the Board authorize the scheduling of a Public Hearing on November 3, 2016, at 5:31 p.m., to consider the Petition to Vacate a portion of an alleyway in Block 58 of Englewood Heights (20 feet x 150 feet), as petitioned by Ronald D. Ramsey.
8. 10533   Recommendation Concerning the Eastern Federal Lands Access Program - Quietwater Beach Ferry Landing Site - Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Eastern Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Project Grant Application for the Quietwater Beach Ferry Landing Site:

A. Authorize the County Administrator or his designee to submit a request for FLAP Funds to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) to request Grant funding for the Quietwater Beach Ferry Landing Site; and

B. Authorize the Chairman and/or the County Administrator, or designee, to sign any other documents related to the request for FLAP Funds, subject to Legal sign-off, and without further action of the Board.

[Funding source: No County funds will be required. The 20% match will be funded by FDOT toll revenue credits]
9. 10987   Recommendation Concerning Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Provision of Advanced Life Support and/or Basic Life Support Services in Escambia County, Florida - Michael D. Weaver, Public Safety Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity:

A. Approve the issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for provision of Advanced Life Support and/or Basic Life Support services in Escambia County, Florida, with noted limitations, to Atmore Ambulance, Inc., Escambia County Public Safety Department, Lifeguard Ambulance Service of Florida, LLC, Rocky Mountain Holdings, LLC, dba Air Methods Corporation, and Sacred Heart Children's Hospital, effective January 1, 2017, through December 31, 2017; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for each Agency.
10. 10679   Recommendation Concerning the Business Sponsorship Agreement between Escambia County and Southpaw Grill - Michael D. Weaver, Public Safety Department Director

That the Board take the following action regarding the Business Sponsorship Agreement between the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners and Southpaw Grill, for the provision of allowing Southpaw Grill, a sponsorship opportunity by donating 15% of their proceeds on Public Safety Day, that would be used to purchase smoke detectors for the Public Outreach Program:

A. Adopt the Resolution approving the “Smoke Detector Business Sponsorship” Proposal and authorizing the Chairman to sign the Business Sponsorship Agreement; and

B. Approve the Business Sponsorship Agreement.
11. 11119   Recommendation Concerning Reappointments to the Board of Electrical Examiners - Donald R. Mayo, Building Official

That the Board take the following action concerning two reappointments to the Board of Electrical Examiners:

A. Waive the Board's Policy, Section I, Part B 1. (D), Appointment Policy and Procedures;

B. Reappoint, retroactively, the following two members for a three-year term, effective October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2019:

1. John D. Scapin II, Scapin Electric Company (State Certified Electrical Contractor); and

2. James E. Simmons, James E. Simmons Electric Co. (State Registered Electrical Contractor).

The responses from John D. Scapin, II, and James E. Simmons were the only ones received after notice was published August 12, 2016, by General Alert on informing the public that the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners was seeking residents interested in volunteering for appointment to the Board of Electrical Examiners.
12. 11105   Recommendation Concerning the Scheduling of a TEFRA Hearing for the Not Exceeding $9,000,000 Florida Development Finance Corporation Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Peachtree Commons Apartments Project) - JoLinda Herring, Shareholder, Bryant Miller Olive P.A.

That the Board authorize the scheduling and advertising of a Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Public Hearing for 5:36 p.m., on October 20, 2016, for consideration of authorizing the issuance by the Florida Development Finance Corporation (the “Issuer”) of not exceeding $9,000,000 in Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (the “Bonds”) on behalf JPC Charities, and/or one or more related and/or affiliated entities (collectively, the “Borrower”). The Bonds will not be issued by the County nor obligate the credit of the County or pose any obligation or liability for the County.
13. 11065   Recommendation Concerning Second Amendment to the Lease for Healthy Start Coalition at 501 North Church Street, Century, Florida - David W. Wheeler, CFM, Director, Facilities Management

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Second Amendment to the Lease Agreement between Escambia County and Escambia County Healthy Start Coalition, Inc. (Healthy Start) for property located at 501 Church Street, Century, Florida.
14. 11090   Recommendation Concerning Hatch Mott MacDonald Florida, LLC, Name Change Amendment of Agreement - Claudia Simmons, Office of Purchasing, Purchasing Manager

That the Board approve and authorize the County Administrator to execute the following Amendments of Agreements between Escambia County and Mott MacDonald Florida, LLC (Consultant), formerly Hatch Mott MacDonald Florida, LLC, to reflect the name change of the Consultant and to provide for various amendments to the Agreements as noted below:

A. Amendment of Agreement for Design Engineering, and Inspection Services PD# 95-96.74) - 1st Amendment to include name change and new public records provision:
B. Second Amendment to the Agreement for Professional Consulting Services (PD 02-03.079) - 2nd Amendment to include name change and new public records provision;
C. Amendment of Agreement for Professional Consulting Services (PD 12-13.063) - 1st Amendment to include name change, new public records provision, AND correct FEIN;
D. Second Amendment of Agreement for Professional Consulting Services (PD 12-13.066) - 2nd Amendment to include name change and new public records provision;
E. Amendment of Agreement for Professional Consulting Services (PD 13-14.030) - 1st Amendment to include name change and new public records provision;
F. Amendment of Agreement for Professional Consulting Services (PD 14-15.028) - 1st Amendment to include name change and new public records provision;
G. Amendment of Agreement for Professional Consulting Services (PD 14-15.052) - 1st Amendment to include name change and new public records provision;
H. Amendment of Agreement for Professional Consulting Services (PD 15-16.021) - 1st Amendment to include name change and new public records provision; and
I. Amendment of Agreement for Professional Consulting Services (PD 15-16.043) - 1st Amendment to include name change only.

[Funding: N/A]
  II.  Budget/Finance Consent Agenda
1. 11135   Recommendation Concerning Extending the Current Pay Ranges to Allow All Employees to Receive the 3% Raise in Fiscal Year 2016-2017 - Jack R. Brown, County Administrator

That the Board approve extending the current pay scale by 3% to insure those employees whose salaries are capped at the top of their current pay range will receive the 3% Cost of Living raise that the Board approved in the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget.
2. 11121   Recommendation Concerning Group Medical Insurance - Thomas G. "Tom" Turner, Human Resources Department Director

That the Board takes the following action concerning the County’s Group Medical Insurance (PD 08-09.042, Group Medical, Life, and Disability Insurance):

A. Approve the provided employee and retiree health insurance premiums which reflects a 14% across-the-board increase for both the County and employees. Attachment 1 shows premiums reflecting a $20 discount for employees who do not use tobacco; Attachment 2 shows the health insurance premiums for the County’s retirees; Retirees will be responsible for paying their full premium, whether they are Medicare-eligible or not; and

B. Authorize staff to deposit $600 into the Health Savings Account (HSA) account of each employee who elects the HSA Plan. This will assist the employee in paying the higher deductible ($2,100 or $4,200). The deposit will be reviewed each year at renewal time, along with monthly administrative fees of $2.50 per member and a one-time start-up fee of $22 for each new employee who enrolls. The cost is included in the total cost estimate.

[Funding Source: Fund 501, Internal Service Fund, Cost Center 150108, Object Code 54501.]
3. 11095   Recommendation Concerning the Purchase of One Brush Chipper, Trailer Mounted, 15 Inch Capacity for the Road Division - Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Department Director

That the Board authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order to Vermeer Southeast Sales & Service, Inc., in the amount of $52,155.58 for one Vermeer BC1500 brush chipper, trailer mounted, 15 inch capacity, for the Road Division, in accordance with the specifications of VE 15-16.024.

The Purchasing Department posted the request on the Escambia County Website for 30 days from August 18, 2016, through September 16, 2016. One additional response was received.

[Funding: Fund 175, Transportation Trust Fund, Cost Center 210402, Object Code 56401]
4. 11072   Recommendation Concerning the Volunteer Florida Federal Fiscal Year 2017 Emergency Management Performance Grant Citizen Corps Program Contract - Michael D. Weaver, Public Safety Department Director

That the Board approve and ratify the Chairman's signature on the Volunteer Florida Federal Fiscal Year 2017 Emergency Management Performance Grant Citizen Corps Program Contract, awarding Escambia County $7,000, to implement the Citizen Corps program, to be identified in Fund 110, Other Grants and Projects Fund, Cost Center 330458, Revenue Account 334251

The County Attorney's Office has requested that the Board be made aware of the following language within the contract:

Section (3) MANDATED CONDITIONS, Subsection b, that "This Contract shall be construed under the laws of the State of Florida, and venue for any actions arising out of this Contract shall be in the Circuit Court of Leon County."
5. 11068   Recommendation Concerning the Standard Operating Guidelines for the Administration of the Volunteer Firefighter Stipend Program Policy - Michael D. Weaver- Public Safety Department Director

That the Board adopt the revised Board of County Commissioners' Policy titled "Standard Operating Guidelines for the Administration of the Volunteer Firefighter Stipend Program,“ Section IV, A.3, effective October 1, 2016, to address the following gaps in the Policy: (1) clearly state the stipend amount per rank; (2) allow a stipend, in the amount of $200, for Driver Operator's; (3) align the retention incentive with the monthly participation requirements; and (4) include payments for Volunteer instructors.

[Funding: Fund 143, Fire Services, Cost Center 330206, Fire Rescue/Services]
6. 11082   Recommendation Concerning the Fiscal Year 2016 State Homeland Security Grant Program, Michael D. Weaver, Public Safety Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Fiscal Year 2016 State Homeland Security Grant Program:

A. Approve the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management, Federally-Funded Sub-award and Grant Agreement, providing Escambia County Fire Rescue funding, in the amount of $49,789, through Grant Number EMW-2016-SS00092-S01, for the Hazardous Materials Team; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement.
7. 11066   Recommendation Concerning the Issuance of Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Purchase Orders in Excess of $50,000, for the Facilities Management Department - David W. Wheeler, CFM, Facilities Management Department Director

That the Board, for the Fiscal Year 2016/2017, approve the issuance of blanket and/or individual Purchase Orders in excess of $50,000, based upon previously awarded Contracts, Contractual Agreements or annual requirements for the Facilities Management Department, as follows:

Vendor/Contractor Amount Contract Number
A. Blue Arbor, Inc.
Vendor Number: 023818
Temporary Labor Services

Fund: 001 (General)
Cost Center: 310202 (Facilities Management/Custodial)
Amount: $85,113
$85,113 PD 14-15.041
B. Engineered Cooling Services, Inc.
Vendor Number: 051168
Central Energy Plant Maintenance

Fund: 001 (General)
Cost Center: 310203 (Facilities Management/Maintenance)
Amount: $110,400

Fund: 113 (Library)
Cost Center: 110502 (Library/Maintenance)
Amount: $10,200
$120,600 PD 13-14.058
C. Republic Services, Inc.
Vendor Number: 420244
Refuse and Recycling Container Service

Fund: 001 (General)
Cost Center: 310203 (Facilities Management/Maintenance)
Amount: $129,000

Fund: 113 (Library)
Cost Center: 110502 (Library/Maintenance)
Amount: $7,800

Fund: 501 (Internal Service)
Cost Center: 150108 (Employee Health Clinic/Maintenance)
Amount: $1,000
$137,800 PD 12-13.041
D. American Facility Services, Inc.
Vendor Number: 012106
Contract Custodial Services for County Building

Fund: 001 (General)
Cost Center: 310202 (Facilities Management/Custodial)
Amount: $660,000

Fund: 501 (Internal Service)
Cost Center: 150108 (Employee Health Clinic/Custodial)
Amount: $10,000
$670,000 PD 10-11.049
E. Panhandle Humbaugh Elevators, Inc.
Vendor Number: 160125
Elevator Maintenance

Fund: 001 (General)
Cost Center: 310203 (Facilities Management/Maintenance)
Amount: $58,000

Fund: 113 (Library)
Cost Center: 110502 (Library/Maintenance)
Amount: $7,000
$65,000 PD 12-13.056
8. 11099   Recommendation Concerning the Program Participation Agreement Between Pathways for Change, Inc., and Escambia County, Florida - Chip W. Simmons, Assistant County Administrator

That the Board take the following action concerning the Program Participation Agreement between Pathways for Change, Inc. (PFC), a Florida not-for-profit corporation and Escambia County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (County):

A. Approve the Agreement; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement.

The Center has created an outreach program to assist individuals who have recently been released from a correctional facility in assimilating into society. The County agrees to contribute for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 up to $140,000 to the Program (the "County Contribution"). The County Contribution shall be paid on a reimbursement basis for eligible costs and expenses related to compensation, including full time salary and benefits for the following PFC staff positions:

1. Admissions Specialist/Court Liaison
2. Treatment Program Manager
3. Case Manager
4. Executive Director
5. Mental Health Contract Counselors
6. Office Coordinator
7. Transition Manager
8. After Care Specialist/Director of Alumni

Miscellaneous expenses incurred in the provision of incentives for mentors participating in the program include: cell phones, travel and training for Program staff; miscellaneous expenses such as medications and hygiene items for inmates; transportation of inmates to community services for medical and vocational evaluations; program curriculum; night monitors, aftercare services; and transitional housing.

[Funding Source: General Fund 001, Cost Center 110201, Object Code 58208]
9. 11100  
Recommendation Concerning the New Memorandum of Agreement between Escambia County and the Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office - Chip W. Simmons, Assistant County Administrator

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Memorandum of Agreement between Escambia County and Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office for Temporary Housing of Inmates, replacing the original Agreement and subsequent Amendment thereof that was initially approved by the Board on August 21, 2014.

[Funding: Fund 501, Internal Services Fund, Cost Center 140836]
10. 11031   Recommendation Concerning the Emergency Solutions Grant Agreement with Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen, Inc. - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the Emergency Solutions Grant Agreement with Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen, Inc.:

A. Approve the Emergency Solutions Grant Agreement with Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen, Inc., detailing the use of $88,801, to support shelter operations and essential services at the Loaves and Fishes facility located at 257 East Lee Street; and

B. Authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute the subject Agreement and all related documents to complete the project.

[Funding: Fund 110/Emergency Solutions Grant, Cost Center 370293]
11. 11035   Recommendation Concerning the 2016/2017 Fair Housing Services Agreement with the Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the 2016/2017 Fair Housing Services Agreement with the Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission:

A. Approve the Fair Housing Services Agreement with the Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission (HRC), in the amount of $18,500, for the 2016/2017 Fiscal Year; and

B. Authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute the Agreement and related documents required to implement the program.

[Funding: Fund 129/CDBG, Cost Center 370226]
12. 11036   Recommendation Concerning the 2016/2017 Rural Elderly Assistance Program Agreement with the Council on Aging of West Florida - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the 2016/2017 Rural Elderly Assistance Program (REAP) Agreement with the Council on Aging of West Florida, Inc.:

A. Approve the Rural Elderly Assistance Program Agreement with the Council on Aging of West Florida, Inc., in the amount of $47,000, for the 2016/2017 Fiscal Year; and

B. Authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute the Agreement and related documents necessary to implement the program.

[Funding: Fund 129/CDBG, Cost Center 370228]
13. 11104   Recommendation Concerning Local Government Verification of Contribution Loan Forms for Florida Housing Finance Corporation RFA 2016-109 - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the County Administrator to sign the Local Government Verification of Contribution Loan Forms committing $37,500 for each of the following proposed developments applying for the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) RFA 2016-109 SAIL with Tax Exempt Bonds and 4% Housing Credits:

A. Abbington Oaks;
B. Delphin Downs;
C. Fairfield Commons;
D. Meadowbrook Commons;
E. Patricia Pointe; and
F. The Place @ P Street.

[Funding: Fund 120/SHIP and/or Fund 124/Affordable Housing]
14. 11049   Recommendation Concerning the CareerSource Escarosa Budget for Program Fiscal Year 2016-2017 - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget for Workforce Escarosa, Inc., dba CareerSource Escarosa, in the amount of $6,438,823.
15. 11058   Recommendation Concerning the Agreement between the Board of County Commissioners and Andrea Minyard, M.D., District 1 Medical Examiner - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board take the following action concerning the Agreement between the Board of County Commissioners and Andrea Minyard, M.D., District 1 Medical Examiner:

A. Approve the State of Florida, County of Escambia, Agreement between Board of County Commissioners and District 1 Medical Examiner, Andrea Minyard, M.D., for Medical Examiner Services for Escambia County, Florida, effective for one year from October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017, in the amount of $872,370, to be paid from the General Fund (001), Cost Center 410201;

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement for Medical Examiner Services; and

C. Authorize the issuance of the necessary Purchase Order.
16. 11057   Recommendation Concerning the Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreement for Keep Pensacola Beautiful, Inc. - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board take the following action concerning of the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreement for Keep Pensacola Beautiful, Inc.:

A. Approve the Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreement between Escambia County and Keep Pensacola Beautiful, Inc., in the amount of $40,000, to be paid from the Solid Waste Management Fund (401), Cost Center 230314, Account 53401;

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement and all other necessary documents; and

C. Authorize the execution of the necessary Purchase Orders.
17. 11055   Recommendation Concerning the Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreements for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 for Outside Agencies - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board take the following action concerning the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreements for Outside Agencies:

A. Approve the following Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreements to be paid from the 4th Cent Tourist Development Tax Fund (108), Cost Center 360105:

1. African-American Heritage Society, Inc., in the amount of $25,000;
2. Naval Aviation Museum Foundation, Inc., in the amount of $100,000;
3. St. Michael's Cemetery Foundation, Inc., in the amount of $25,000; and
4. West Florida Historic Preservation, Inc., in the amount of $70,000;

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreements and all other necessary documents; and

C. Authorize the execution of the necessary Purchase Orders.
18. 11054   Recommendation Concerning Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreement for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 between Escambia County and Visit Pensacola, Inc. - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board take the following action concerning the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreement between Escambia County and Visit Pensacola, Inc.:

A. Approve the Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreement between Escambia County and Visit Pensacola, Inc., in the total amount of $5,508,412. The amount of $3,950,492 will be paid from the 3rd Cent Tourist Development Tax Fund (108), Cost Center 360101 and the amount of $1,557,920 will be paid from the 4th Cent Tourist Development Tax Fund (108), Cost Center 360105; and

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement and all other necessary documents; and

C. Authorize the execution of the necessary Purchase Orders.

[Funding: Fund 108, 3rd Cent Tourist Development Tax Fund, Cost Center 36101 - $3,950,492; Fund 108, 4th Cent Tourist Development Tax Fund, Cost Center 360105 - $1,557,920, for a total of $5,508,412]
19. 11053   Recommendation Concerning Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreements for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 for Outside Agencies - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board take the following action concerning the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreements for Outside Agencies:

A. Approve the following Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreements to be paid from the Economic Development Fund (102), Cost Center 360704:

1. Century Chamber of Commerce, Inc., in the amount of $55,000; and
2. Gulf Coast African-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc., in the amount of $50,000;

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreements and all other necessary documents; and

C. Authorize the execution of the necessary Purchase Orders.
20. 11052   Recommendation Concerning the Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreements for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 for Outside Agencies - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board take the following action concerning the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Miscellaneous Appropriations Agreements for Outside Agencies:

A. Approve the following Miscellaneous Appropriation Agreements to be paid from the General Fund (001), Cost Center 110201:

1. Another Chance Transitional Services (ACTS), in the amount of $20,000;
2. Community Organizations Active in Disaster, Inc., D/B/A BRACE (Be Ready Alliance Coordinating for Emergencies), in the amount of $81,250;
3. Council on Aging of West Florida, Inc., in the amount of $41,000;
4. Escambia Community Clinics, Inc., in the amount of $455,160;
5. Escambia County School Readiness Coalition, Inc., d/b/a Early Learning Coalition of Escambia County, in the amount of $238,875;
6. Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission, in the amount of $84,265;
7. Lakeview Center, Inc., in the amount of $33,659;
8. Pensacola Caring Hearts, Inc., in the amount of $13,000;
9. Pensacola's Promise, Inc., d/b/a Chain Reaction, in the amount of $19,000;
10. United Way of Escambia County, Inc., (211 Program), in the amount of $36,250; and
11.Wildlife Sanctuary of Northwest Florida, Inc., in the amount of $35,000;

B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreements and all other necessary documents; and

C. Authorize the approval of the necessary Purchase Orders.
21. 11060   Recommendation Concerning the Issuance of Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Purchase Orders in Excess of $50,000 for Contracts Managed by Management and Budget Services - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board, for Fiscal Year 2016/2017, approve the issuance of individual Purchase Orders, for Contacts managed by Management and Budget Services, based upon previously awarded annual requirements as follows:

A. Warren Averett, LLC - $215,612
Vendor Number: 230810
Audit Services
Fund 001; Cost Centers 140201 / 140701; Account Code 53101
Board Approved: 7/10/2014

B. SMG - $275,000
Vendor Number: 190107
Bay Center Management Fee
Fund 409; Cost Center 360401; Account Code 53401
Board Approved: Agreement dated February 16, 2012; Amendment dated 5/21/2015

C. Florida Department of Health d/b/a Escambia County Health Department - $337,649
Vendor Number: 051513
Health Services
Fund 001; Cost Center 360301; Account Code 58101
22. 11088   Recommendation Concerning the Interlocal Agreement between Escambia County and the City of Pensacola - Amy Lovoy, Assistant County Administrator

That the Board take the following action regarding the Interlocal Agreement between Escambia County and the City of Pensacola:

A. Approve the Interlocal Agreement between Escambia County and the City of Pensacola Relating to the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Funding of Pensacola-Escambia County Promotion and Development Commission (PEDC), the first quarterly draw in the amount of $137,500, to be paid from the Economic Development Fund (102), Cost Center 360704, for a one-year period, from October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017;

B. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Interlocal Agreement; and

C. Authorize approval of the necessary Purchase Order.
23. 11071   Recommendation Concerning Budget Amendment #286 - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board approve Budget Amendment #286, Escambia County Restricted Fund (101), Code Enforcement Fund (103), Tourist Promotion Fund (108), Development Review Fund (116), in the amount of $57,850, to cover personnel shortages in several cost centers. Funding is available within each of the listed funds, and there is no change to the total budget.
24. 11097   Recommendation Concerning Supplemental Budget Amendment #291 - Stephan Hall, Budget Manager, Management and Budget Services

That the Board adopt the Resolution approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #291, Disaster Recovery Fund (112), in the amount of $12,500,000, to recognize State and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proceeds, to establish an appropriate revenue/expenditure budget for financial reporting, and to appropriate these funds for continuing necessary repairs and response, due to the April 2014 Flooding Disaster.
25. 11089   Recommendation Concerning Contract Award for Caro Pond Expansion & Drainage Improvements - Claudia Simmons, Office of Purchasing, Purchasing Manager

That the Board approve and authorize the County Administrator to sign the Agreement between the Board of County Commissioner of Escambia County, Florida, and Roads, Inc., of NWF, per the terms and conditions of PD 15-16.093, Caro Pond Expansion & Drainage Improvements, for a lump sum of $1,453,000.

[Funding: Fund 352, LOST III, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Project Code 08EN0313]
26. 11078   Recommendation Concerning the Reallocation of Capital Improvement Program Funds - Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Department Director

That the Board approve the reallocation of funds from the Capital Improvement Program to fund other priority infrastructure projects, totaling $341,206, as follows:

Description District Amount Description
E Street 3 $125,000 Estimate for Design and Construction of this project is $275,000; Current Project balance $400,000; Remainder is $125K
Animal Shelter 3 $96,747 Project complete
Lincoln Park 3 $10,126 Project in construction; balance in project not needed
Maplewoods Drainage 3 $9,431 Project complete
Wingfoot 3 $1,815 Project complete
Sidewalks 3 $13,535 This box fund is utilized for Sidewalks throughout the County
Third and Winthrop 2 $84,552 Project complete.

Description District Amount Description
Ensley Drainage - Caro Pond 3 $256,654 The low bid for this project came in at $1,453,000. Current balance in Project is $1,196,346. The project involves drainage improvements to the existing Caro Pond (aka Mayflower Pond) basin located in the Ensley community in Escambia County. The main project area consists of the existing Caro Pond, Caro Street from Caro Pond east to Palafox Street, a small segment of Orange Avenue just south of Caro Street, Rawls Avenue from Caro Pond south to Ensley Street, Ensley Street from Rawls Avenue to Pond Avenue, and Pond Avenue from Ensley Street to Devane Street.
Gulf Beach Highway 2 $84,552 FDOT Local Agency Program Agreement. Additional funding needed to account for FDOT's portion of the project costs. This project consists of repairing failures along a storm pipe route on Gulf Beach Highway between Ponte Verde Road and Longwood Drive that occurred during the April 2014 flood event. This project is ready for construction to begin.

[Funding Source: Fund 352, "Local Option Sales Tax III," Account 210107]
27. 11093   Recommendation Concerning the Purchase of Three 1/2-Ton Extended Cab 4x4 Pickup Trucks for the Road Division - Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Department Director

That the Board authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order to Hub City Ford, Inc., in the amount of $85,689, for three 2017 Ford F150 1/2-Ton Extended Cab 4x4 Pickup Trucks for the Road Division, in accordance with the specifications of VE 15-16.023.

The Purchasing Department posted the request on the Escambia County Website for 30 days from August 18, 2016, through September 16, 2016. No additional response was received.

[Funding: Fund 175, Transportation Trust Fund, Cost Center 210402, Object Code 56401]
  III. For Discussion
1. 11114   Recommendation Concerning a 4th Cent Funding Request for the 2016 Pensacola-Gulf Coast REAP Community and Economic Development Summit - Jack R. Brown, County Administrator

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve the funding request from Tony R. McCray, Jr., Program Manager, of the 2016 Pensacola-Gulf Coast REAP Community and Economic Development Summit, in the amount of $6,000, to be funded from the 4th Cent Tourist Development Tax allocation of the following Commissioners: Commissioner Lumon J. May - $2,000, Commissioner Doug Underhill - $2,000, and Commissioner Steven Barry - $2,000; and

B. Approve the issuance of a Purchase Order for this expenditure.
  I.   For Action
1. 11106   Recommendation Concerning Adopting a Resolution Requesting a Full Release of Lease Agreement relating to the parcel located on Old Highway 90/StateRoad 10.

That the Board take the following action:

A. Adopt a Resolution requesting a full release of the Lease Agreement entered into with the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida, Lease Number 4269, relating to a 6.52 acre parcel located on Old Highway 90/State Road 10 (Mobile Highway); and

B. Authorize the Chairman to execute the Resolution.
2. 11098   Recommendation Concerning the Settlement of the lawsuit of Jody P. Nix v. Escambia County, Case No.: 3:15-cv-00379-MCR/CJK.

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve a settlement of payment of $20,000.00 to Jody P. Nix in final settlement of the case styled: Jody P. Nix v. Escambia County, Florida, Case No.: 3:15-cv-00379-MCR/CJK pending in the Northern District of Florida, U.S. District Court; and

B. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to accept a general release and hold harmless agreement executed by Jody P. Nix; and

C. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to move for dismissal with prejudice of the pending lawsuit upon receipt of the executed general release and hold harmless agreement.

[Funding: Fund 501, Balance Sheet Account 239898]
3. 11107   Recommendation Concerning the Settlement of the lawsuit of Retha Milstead v. Escambia County, Case No.: 3:15-cv-501-RV/CJK.

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve a settlement of payment of $1,250.00 to Retha Milstead in final settlement of the case styled: Retha Milstead v. Escambia County, Florida, Case No.: 3:15-cv-501-RV/CJK pending in the Northern District of Florida, U.S. District Court; and

B. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to accept a general release and hold harmless agreement executed by Retha Milstead; and

C. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to move for dismissal with prejudice of the pending lawsuit upon receipt of the executed general release and hold harmless agreement.

[Funding: Fund 501, Balance Sheet Account 239898]
4. 11109   Recommendation Concerning the Settlement of the lawsuit of Caleb Dennis v. Escambia County, Case No.:3:15-cv-00446-MCR/EMT.

That the Board take the following action:

A. Approve a settlement of payment of $1,250.00 to Caleb Dennis in final settlement of the case styled: Caleb Dennis v. Escambia County, Florida, Case No.: 3:15-cv-00446-MCR/EMT pending in the Northern District of Florida, U.S. District Court; and

B. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to accept a general release and hold harmless agreement executed by Caleb Dennis; and

C. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to move for dismissal with prejudice of the pending lawsuit upon receipt of the executed general release and hold harmless agreement.

[Funding: Fund 501, Balance Sheet Account 239898]
5. 11096   Recommendation Concerning Scheduling an Attorney/Client Session on October 20, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. to Discuss Pending Litigation in the Case of Ronald Daw as Personal Representative of The Estate of Sara Daw v. Escambia County, Case No.: 2014 CA 001903.

That the Board take the following action:

A. Schedule a private meeting with its attorneys to discuss pending litigation, in accordance with Section 286.01(8), Fla. Stat. for October 20, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.; and

B. Approve the public notice printed below to be published in the Pensacola News Journal on Saturday, October 8, 2016.
Public Notice
IT IS THE INTENTION of the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, Florida, to hold a private meeting with its attorneys to discuss pending litigation in the case of Ronald Daw as Personal Representative of The Estate of Sara Daw, Case No.: 2014 CA 001903, in accordance with Section 286.01(8), Fla. Stat. Such attorney/client session will be held on Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 4:00 p.m., in the Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building, Board Chambers, 221 Palafox Place, Pensacola, Florida. Commissioners Grover C. Robinson, IV, Wilson B. Robertson, Douglas B. Underhill, Lumon J. May, and Steven Barry, County Administrator Jack R. Brown, County Attorney Alison P. Rogers, Deputy County Attorney Charles V. Peppler and a certified court reporter will attend the attorney/client session.
12.   Items added to the agenda.
13.   Announcements.
14.   Adjournment.

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