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  County Administrator's Report     12. 22.    
BCC Regular Meeting Budget & Finance Consent  
Meeting Date: 06/06/2019  
Issue:    Change Order to B&W Utilities, Inc. on Contract PD 17-18.048 - East Carver Park Drainage Improvement Project
From: Joy Jones
Department: Engineering  
CAO Approval:

Recommendation Concerning Issuance of a Change Order on Contract PD 17-18.048, to B&W Utilities, Inc., for the East Carver Park Drainage Improvement Project - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the Interim County Administrator to execute the following Change Order to B&W Utilities, Inc., on Contract PD 17-18.048, for the East Carver Park Drainage Improvement Project:

Department: Engineering
Division: Construction Management
Type: Addition
Amount: $50,547.20
Vendor: B&W Utilities, Inc.
Project Name: East Carver Park Drainage Improvement Project
Contract: PD 17-18.048
PO#: 181426
CO#: 4
Original Contract Award: $1,291,129.48
Cumulative Amount of Change Orders Through this CO: $202,471.40
New Contract Amount: $1,493,600.88

This project is located in Commission District 5.

[Funding Source:  Fund 352, Local Options Sales Tax III, Transportation and Drainage, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Project Number 14EN2605 and 13EN2395]
Meeting in regular session on August 16, 2018, the Board awarded Contract PD 17-18.048 - East Carver Park (which was platted in 1943) Drainage Improvement Project to B&W Utilities, Inc. The scope of the project includes installation of a new stormwater conveyance system along Washington, Lincoln, Webb, Griggs, and Ransom Streets. The new system will outfall to a new stormwater pond located east of Ransom Street. Work includes but is not limited to the construction of shallow roadside swales, ditch bottom, curb inlets, approximately 4,900 LF of reinforced concrete and high-density polyethylene stormwater transmission pipes, and a single dry detention pond. The project also includes the relocation/installation of approximately 1,900 LF of 4” and 6” PVC water main and appurtenances, segments of full-depth roadway reconstruction, milling and overlay of affected area roadways, and final site dressing and restoration.

To date, three Change Orders have been issued to the contractor to address unforeseen conflicts and issues for this 75 year old subdivision, in the amounts of $68,778.11, $34,913.41, and $48,232.68, totaling $151,924.20 as follows:

Change Order #1, in the amount of $68,778.11, provided funding for the removal and replacement of additional asphalt roadway, base, and curbing necessary to install a proposed 60" stormwater pipe 15' deep under the roadway; upsizing of an 18" pipe to a 24" pipe and a 24" pipe to a 36" pipe to accommodate additional stormwater coming off of Highway 297; modification of structures and pipe required to change the alignment of the pipes running through the park to decrease impact to the existing heritage oaks; installation of a swale through the park to channel stormwater to the new conveyance system; installation of a berm around the south side of the pond top to help channel stormwater to the outfall ditch; installation of a 6" concrete weir wall within Structure S-65; installation of a concrete flume with a splash pad and rip-rap in the pond to prevent erosion and backflow from the outfall ditch; and the additional liability insurance premium required to meet minimum insurance requirements specified by International Paper for the permanent easement that required renewal. 

Change Order #2, in the amount of $34,913.41, was for a full reconstruction (in lieu of milling and resurfacing) of the roadway on a section of Washington Street due to the depth of the proposed adjacent stormwater pipe. The proposed pipe is 8' deep and is close to the roadway causing portions of the roadway to collapse. Also, additional quantities for waterline work were required to reroute the water line in conflict with the proposed stormwater pipe on Webb Street.

Change Order #3, in the amount of $48,232.68, added funding for additional de-watering work required to install the proposed stormwater pipe per plan, the contractor’s original bid on de-watering was based on a geotechnical report from 2014 which stated that perched groundwater may be encountered at a depth of 10’ or less. The proposed stormwater pipe was eventually designed to a depth of 16’ and the contractor encountered groundwater from the groundwater table, not perched groundwater. County staff ordered a new geotechnical report which confirms that the contractor is in fact below a defining layer and working in the groundwater table.  

This Change Order, #4, in the amount of $50,547.20 is required to perform the following:
  1. Full reconstruction of the roadway at the intersection of Washington Street and Griggs Street in lieu of milling and resurfacing. Failure of the entire depth of the existing asphalt occurred during de-watering operations;  
  2. Mill and resurface Booker Street, the southern perimeter road;  
  3. Clear and grade a new ditch while the contractor is on site to allow conveyance of stormwater to the newly installed stormwater system. This ditch will provide relief for and reduce staging of stormwater in the roadside swales.
A time extension of 6 additional days for weather days incurred from 3/14/2019 thru 4/9/2019 is also requested with this Change Order. Upon approval of this Change Order, the contract completion date will change from 09/30/2019 to 10/06/2019.

This project is located in Commission District 5.
Funds for this project are available in Fund 352, LOST III, Transportation and Drainage, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Project Number 14EN2605 and 13EN2395.
This recommendation is in compliance with the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of Escambia County, Florida, Chapter 46, Finance, Article II, Purchasing and Contracts.
Upon approval of this recommendation, a Change Order will be transmitted to the Office of Purchasing for processing.

Original Purchase Order
Change Order 1
Change Order 2
Change Order 3
Change Order 4
Change Order Recap

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