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  County Administrator's Report     12. 10.    
BCC Regular Meeting Technical/Public Service Consent  
Meeting Date: 02/07/2019  
Issue:    Conveyance of a Utility Easement and Deed to Emerald Coast Utilities Authority
From: Joy Jones
Department: Engineering  
CAO Approval:

Recommendation Concerning the Conveyance of a Utility Easement and Deed to Emerald Coast Utilities Authority for Lift Station #106 - Joy Jones, P.E., Engineering Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the conveyance of a Utility Easement and Deed to Emerald Coast Utilities Authority (ECUA) for Lift Station #106: 

A. Approve the 20-foot wide utility easement, beginning approximately 50 feet south of El Dorado Drive and extending 200 feet to the southeast corner of the County-owned parcel (containing 0.26 acre more or less);

B. Adopt the Resolution authorizing the conveyance, by Deed, of the property that surrounds the lift station area (containing 0.05 acres more or less); and

C. Authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to sign the necessary documents granting the Utility Easement and Deed to Emerald Coast Utilities Authority (ECUA).

This parcel is located in Commission District 1.

[Funding source:  All costs associated with accepting and recording all documents will be borne by ECUA]
Emerald Coast Utilities Authority (ECUA) has a lift station located on a County-owned parcel (12-2S-31-2000-004-004) located in Carracres West Unit Two. The parcel was dedicated to the County in the Carracres West Unit Two plat. ECUA has an existing sewer main and lift station located on the parcel, without any recorded Easements. ECUA would like to obtain a 20-foot Utility Easement, 0.26 acres more or less, for the sewer line and a 50-foot x 50-foot area, 0.05 acres more or less, for the lift station.
Per ECUA, the gravity line and lift station reside in the confines of a Gulf Power 200-foot Easement; however, the Gulf Power Easement does not contain any language about being exclusive or having any rights to exclude.
All costs associated with accepting and recording of documents will be borne by ECUA.
The Deed, Resolution, and Utility Easement were approved as to form and legal sufficiency by Stephen West, Senior Assistant County Attorney. 
All work associated with this request is being done in-house and no additional staff is required.
These actions are consistent with the requirements of Section 46-139, Escambia County Code of Ordinances and Section 125.38, Florida Statutes.
Upon Board approval and execution of the documents by the Chairman, county staff will transfer the documents to ECUA for acceptance and recording in the public records of Escambia County, Florida. County staff will continue to coordinate with ECUA in meeting their requirements for this Easement. 

Aerial Map - ECUA Lift Station 106

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