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    6. B.    
Board of Adjustment
Meeting Date: 02/01/2018  
CASE:    CU-2018-01
APPLICANT: James Hughs, Agent for Daniel Harrison, Owner
ADDRESS: 1671 Success Rd
PROPERTY REFERENCE NO.: 33-2N-31-1300-000-016  
ZONING DISTRICT: HC/LI, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial district  
FUTURE LAND USE: DSAP Regional Employment  
OVERLAY DISTRICT: Escambia County Sector Plan


The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use to operate a medical heliport from this location.
Land Development Code of Escambia County, Florida (Ordinance 96-3 as amended), Section 3-2.11(c)(7)b. Heliports

Land Development Code of Escambia County, Florida (Ordinance 96-3 as amended), Section 2-6.4
General compatibility.  The proposed use can be conducted and operated in a manner that is compatible with adjacent properties and other properties in the immediate area.

The proposed use can be conducted and operated in a manner that is compatible with adjacent properties. The parcel is located within the boundaries of the designated Escambia County Industrial Park and also under the Regional Employment land use designation of the Escambia County Sector Plan. Within a 1000' of the proposed location, there are currently only three developed parcels with commercial-industrial uses; the surrounding undeveloped parcels, are mostly located under the same industrial category, with small portions on the outer perimeter, across Hwy 29, under the Residential Mixed-Use zoning district. 
Facilities and services Public facilities and services, especially those with adopted levels of service, will be available, will provide adequate capacity to serve the proposed use consistent with capacity requirements.


The proposed development is located at the Escambia County Industrial Park; all facilities and services will provide adequate capacity to serve the proposed use.  
On-site circulation.  Ingress to and egress from the site and its structures will be sufficient, particularly regarding vehicle and pedestrian safety and convenience, efficient traffic flow and control, on-site parking and loading, and emergency vehicle access.


Vehicle and pedestrian safety, traffic flow, on-site parking and emergency vehicle access will meet all of the requirements of the Land Development Code and the design performance standards under the Escambia County Mid-West Sector Plan. The proposed development will be reviewed and must obtain approval thru the Site Plan Review process.  
Nuisances and hazards. The scale, intensity, and operation of the use will not generate unreasonable noise, glare, dust, smoke, odor, vibration, electrical interference, or other nuisances or hazards for adjoining properties and other properties in the immediate area.


All nuisances and hazards will be addressed during the Site Plan Review process. Part of the application process for this type of use requires that the applicant provide a specific operation plan, describing the daily activities in detail. As the proposed use could have an impact on other entities and operational activities, at different levels, the applicant will be required to address all concerns for the proposed use.    
Solid waste.  All on site solid waste containers will be appropriately located for functional access, limited off-site visibility and minimal odor and other nuisance impacts.

The applicant stated that solid waste will be provided on-site. Coordination for hazardous waste will be addressed during the Site Plan Review process. 
Screening and bufferingWhere not otherwise required by the LDC, screening and buffering will be provided if appropriate to the proposed use and site.

All of the requirements for screening and buffering in the LDC and the Sector Plan will be evaluated and implemented as required for the proposed use, to provide protection for surrounding properties, as determined during the Site Plan Review process.
Signs and lightingAll exterior signs and lights, whether attached or freestanding, will be compatible with adjoining properties and other properties in the immediate area, especially regarding glare and traffic safety.

The applicant is not proposing any commercial signs at this time. All on-site lighting will meet current County and Federal Aviation Administration requirements for the proposed use. 
Site characteristics. The size, shape, location and topography of the site appear adequate to accommodate the proposed use, including setbacks, intensity, bulk, height, open space and aesthetic considerations.

Based on the proposed use, the parcel location and size could accommodate the development. The project will be reviewed in detail during the Site Plan Review process. 
Use requirements. The proposed use complies with any additional conditional use requirements of the applicable zoning district, use, or other provisions of the LDC.

All other requirements will be reviewed and applied to the proposed development as directed by current applicable regulations.
The applicant has initially submitted an application for the proposed use thru the pre-application meeting of the Site Plan Review process. Staff has recently received a copy of the Air Methods General operations Manual that describes, in detail, the aeromedical operation. Based on the site visit and evaluation of the proposed use, as presented by the applicant, staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use, with the understanding that the project must receive a final Development Order from the Development Review Committee, prior to any site operations.   

The Board adopted Staff's findings and approved the Conditional Use as requested.

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