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  County Administrator's Report     15. 21.    
BCC Regular Meeting Budget & Finance Consent  
Meeting Date: 12/14/2017  
Issue:    Locally Funded Agreement - State Road (SR) 742 (Burgess Road)
From: Joy D. Blackmon, P.E.
Department: Public Works  
CAO Approval:

Recommendation Concerning the Locally Funded Agreement for State Road 742 (Burgess Road), from State Road 95 (US 29) to Hilburn Road - Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Department Director 

That the Board take the following action concerning the Locally Funded Agreement Between the State of Florida Department of Transportation and Escambia County, Florida, Project #218429-1-43-01, for State Road (SR) 742 (Burgess Road) from SR 95 (US 29) to Hilburn Road:

A. Adopt and authorize the Chairman to sign the authorizing Resolution; and

B. Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Locally Funded Agreement Between the State of Florida Department of Transportation and Escambia County, Florida, Project #218429-1-43-01, for SR 742 (Burgess Road), from SR 95 (US 29) to Hilburn Road.

[Funding Source:  Local Option Sales (LOST) Tax IV Fund 353, Cost Center 210106, $1M
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is preparing to begin the right-of-way acquisition phase for the SR 742 (Burgess Road) Roadway Widening Project from SR 95 (US 29) to Hilburn Road. This project is #11 (#2 project) on the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Project Priorities Non-SIS List. The project falls entirely in Commission District 3. FDOT will undertake and administer the Project, and Escambia County will contribute a lump sum payment to aid in the costs of the Project. 

Escambia County is prepared to contribute $1M from Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) IV 2018 Allocation to the Department for the Project according to the Board Action at its 10/19/17 regular meeting. 

Originally Section 7 of the Agreement stated, "If the actual cost of the PROJECT is less than the funds provided, the excess will be applied to other phases on the PROJECT." However, staff requested the wording to be changed to state, "If the actual cost of the PROJECT is less than the funds provided, the excess will be remitted back to the County within 60 calendar days of right-of-way phase completion."

FDOT considered county staff's requested changes, but then requested the following, "Per Section 7 of the Agreement, "If the actual cost of the PROJECT is less than the funds provided, the excess will be refunded to the PARTICIPANT, if requested in writing." County staff's reason for the Agreement wording changes is that the county is only obligated to provide a portion of the funding needed ($1M) for the right-of-way phase, and has no funding obligations over and above the $1M or for any other project phase.

The FL-AL TPO 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Cost Feasible Plan shows the construction phase for the project to be funded between the years 2021-2025 at a conceptual estimate of $18M (to be funded with State and/or Federal funds).
Funds for this project are available in Local Option Sales (LOST) Tax IV, Fund 353, Cost Center 210106, $1M.
Kristin Hual, Senior Assistant County Attorney, has reviewed and signed off on the Resolution and the Locally Funded Agreement between the State of Florida Department of Transportation and Escambia County.
Public Works Department staff will continue to coordinate with FDOT and local stakeholders. Once this document is executed, Escambia County agrees it will, within fourteen days of written notice, send $1M to FDOT, using the Florida Department of Transportation Office of the Comptroller Wire and ACH Instruction (details in Agreement).


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