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  County Administrator's Report     11. 1.    
BCC Regular Meeting Discussion  
Meeting Date: 07/06/2017  
Issue:    West Cervantes Street Corridor Management Plan - BCC Resolution
From: Joy D. Blackmon, P.E.
Department: Public Works  
CAO Approval:

Recommendation Concerning a Resolution from the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners Supporting the West Cervantes Street Corridor Management Plan - Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Department Director

That the Board take the following action supporting the West Cervantes Street Corridor Management Plan and providing local funds to implement plan-recommended short term improvements:

A. Adopt and authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution supporting the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization’s (TPO) West Cervantes Street Corridor Management Plan (CMP); 

B. Direct County staff to coordinate with City staff on the implementation of the short-term recommendations set forth in the West Cervantes Street CMP; and

C. Request that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) implement Option "B" of the West Cervantes Street CMP, West Cervantes Street Lane Elimination, for the long-term roadway design improvements to enhance the community with an attractive streetscape, multi-modal transportation, and safe pedestrian access.

[Funding:  Utilizing external funding sources/Grants will be shared between the City of Pensacola and Escambia County for implementation of the short-term improvements.  The plan is to utilize the City and County respective Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Districts for funding leverage]
The West Cervantes Street Corridor Management Plan was adopted by the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (FL-AL TPO) in December 2016.

In short, a corridor management plan (CMP) is a document or plan that provides a road map for action along a determined roadway corridor. The plans are generated to address issues as diverse as tourism development, roadway safety, highway signs, and/or the preservation of historic or natural features. The plans typically provide a future vision for the corridor, and details goals or methods that will help make the vision a reality. The public participation aspect of a CMP is arguably the most important as it is the public who should provide the necessary input to help drive the vision of the corridor.

Below is the executive summary of the West Cervantes Street CMP:

In 2015, the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) tasked Atkins with completing a corridor management plan for West Cervantes Street/Mobile Highway (SR 10A/US 90) located in Escambia County, Florida. Project limits were from North "A" Street to Dominguez Street. This study looked at numerous corridor characteristics including: traffic data, land use data, crash data, intersection geometrics, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and transit amenities and facilities. By studying these corridor conditions, the project team was able to design a robust corridor management plan that supports all modes of transportation.

As a result of analysis, on-site reviews and discussions with various corridor stakeholders, recommendations have been developed to help solve some of the corridor's most pressing issues.

The primary recommendation is a wholesale reconfiguration of West Cervantes Street, with the intent being twofold- create a more inviting environment for non-vehicular users of the corridor, and help spur revitalization and redevelopment of businesses along the corridor. These primary recommendations are more long-term in nature but they do contain improvements that could be accomplished incrementally in the short-term while building to the final product. Two options were identified:  Option A: Re-balancing of West Cervantes Street and Option B:  West Cervantes Street Lane Elimination. 

Option A:  Re-balancing West Cervantes Street would include narrower lanes, medians, landscaping, pedestrian facilities and lighting. Option A would maintain four travel lanes. 

Option B: West Cervantes Street Lane Elimination would eliminate one travel lane in each direction but would include left turn lanes at select intersections. This lane elimination would allow more space to create bicycle and pedestrian facilities and would allow for on-street parking in front of businesses, which was a recurring comment during public outreach.

At the June 14, 2017, FL-AL TPO Board Meeting, the TPO Board held a lengthy discussion on the potential implementation of the West Cervantes Street CMP, and directed staff from both Escambia County and City of Pensacola to meet, prepare a plan to implement both short-term and long-term recommendations, and present the plan to the TPO at the Board Meeting.scheduled for July 12, 2017.

Since the June TPO discussion, staff from the City of Pensacola and Escambia County have met, and propose that the Board of County Commissioners and City Council adopt Resolutions supporting the CMP, directing staff to coordinate between the agencies to work towards implementation of the short-term recommendations, and request that FDOT begin the process of implementing Option B.
Funding utilizing external funding sources / grants will be shared between the City of Pensacola and Escambia County for implementation of the short-term improvements. The plan is to utilize the City and County respective Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Districts for funding leverage.
The attached Resolution has been reviewed and approved for Legal Sufficiency by Kristin Hual, Assistant County Attorney. 
Upon approval of the Resolution, staff from both Escambia County and City of Pensacola will coordinate efforts on plan implementation. 

Corridor Management Plan

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