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  County Administrator's Report     11. 5.    
BCC Regular Meeting Budget & Finance Consent  
Meeting Date: 07/06/2017  
Issue:    Authorization for Acquisition of Real Property for the Jackson Creek Restoration Project
From: Joy D. Blackmon, P.E.
Department: Public Works  
CAO Approval:

Recommendation Concerning Authorization for the Acquisition of Real Property for the Jackson Creek Restoration Project - Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Department Director

That the Board take the following action to give further direction regarding the acquisition of real property located in Wesleyan Terrace Subdivision, 1st Addition, at the end of Idlewood Drive, owned by Katherine M. Grant, for the Jackson Creek Restoration Project:

A. Authorize staff to make an offer to property owner Katherine M. Grant for the real property located in Wesleyan Terrace Subdivision, 1st Addition, at the end of Idlewood Drive, totaling approximately 1.56 acres, for the appraised value of $26,000. Any counteroffer will be brought back before the Board for approval; 

B. Authorize staff to draft the Contract for Sale and Purchase for the acquisition of real property (approximately 1.56 acres), located in Wesleyan Terrace Subdivision, 1st Addition, at the end of Idlewood Drive, and bring the executed Contract back before the Board; and

C. Authorize the County Attorney's Office to prepare, and the Chairman, or Vice Chairman to execute, subject to Legal review and sign-off, any documents necessary to complete the acquisition of this property without further action of the Board (if the contract is approved).

 [Funding Source:  Fund 352, "LOST III," Account 210107/56301, Project #13EN2382] 
In 2015, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) officially awarded Escambia County over $11 million in RESTORE funding for construction of five projects within the Bayou Chico Watershed. Funds were awarded through NFWF to improve water quality and enhance wildlife habitat. Projects are located in all three of the main freshwater tributaries to Bayou Chico, including a floodplain restoration/expansion project to be located along Jackson Creek, which will likely require acquisition of one or more properties. Meeting in regular session on July 23, 2015, the Board authorized staff to begin the process of obtaining necessary easements, parcels, and permits to complete the NFWF-funded restoration projects.

Natural Resources Management Staff has since completed an evaluation of potential project sites located along the creek to prioritize properties according to the specified restoration goals and grant-related metrics. Wesleyan Terrace Subdivision, 1st Addition, was one of the recommended projects (item J in attachment - Jackson Creek Potential Projects.)

An appraisal performed on this parcel, located in the 4200 Block of Idlewood Drive in Wesleyan Terrace Subdivision, 1st Addition, was returned with a final estimate of value of $26,000.

Funding for this project is available in Funding Source:  Fund 352, "LOST III," Account 210107/56301 Project #13EN2382.

All documents will be reviewed by the County Attorney's Office for approval.
All work associated with this request is being done in-house and no additional staff is required.
These actions are consistent with the provisions of Section 46-139 of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances.
Upon Board approval, staff will maintain compliance with Section 46-139 of the County Code of Ordinances.

Summary Appraisal
Map - Grant
Jackson Creek Potential Projects
BCC July 23, 2015
Bayou Chico Restoration Map

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