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  County Administrator's Report     13. 14.    
BCC Regular Meeting Budget & Finance Consent  
Meeting Date: 08/04/2016  
Issue:    Escambia Consortium 2016 Annual Action Plan
From: Tonya Gant
Department: Neighborhood & Human Svcs  
CAO Approval:

Recommendation Concerning the Escambia Consortium 2016 Annual Action Plan - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director 

That the Board take the following action concerning the Escambia Consortium 2016 Annual Action Plan:

A. Approve the Escambia Consortium 2016 Annual Action Plan for Housing and Community Development, detailing the use of 2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in the amount of $1,600,170; 2016 HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds in the amount of $920,660; and 2016 Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) funds in the amount of $148,002; and

B. Authorize the County Administrator to execute all Escambia Consortium 2016 Annual Action Plan Forms, Certifications, and related documents, as required to submit the Plans to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and authorize the County Administrator or Chairman, as appropriate, to execute documents required to receive and implement the 2016 CDBG, 2016 HOME, and 2016 ESG Programs.

[Funding:  Fund 129/CDBG, Cost Centers 370226, 370227, and 370228; Fund 147/HOME, Cost Center 370268; and Fund 110/ESG, Cost Center 370293]
With Congressional approval of the National Affordable Housing Act, government grantees are required to prepare and submit for HUD approval a local housing and community development planning document encompassing a five year period known as the Consolidated Plan. Escambia County in conjunction with other members of the Escambia Consortium (comprised of Escambia County, the City of Pensacola, and Santa Rosa County) have prepared the Escambia Consortium 2016 Annual Action Plan, which incorporates the specific funding applications of all member jurisdictions for the CDBG, HOME, and ESG Programs for that fiscal year.

A full copy of Annual Action Plan is attached as Exhibit I, with the funding that will encompass the HUD Program Year extending from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. A summary of annual activities to be financed with 2016 CDBG, HOME and ESG resources is provided in Exhibit II. Activities listed in the Annual Action Plan are also in support of the County's Comprehensive Plan Housing Element and the County's Community Redevelopment Area Plans.

A public notice regarding preparation of the Consolidated Plan and Annual Plan was published in the Pensacola News Journal on March 15, 2016 to initiate the public participation process in order to receive public input, comments and agency proposals or recommendations concerning housing and community development needs and priorities in the area. A public hearing was held in Escambia County on March 29 and a public hearing was held in Santa Rosa County on  March 31. Following the input phase, the Plans were drafted and made available for public review and comment. The CDBG, HOME, and ESG activities proposed for funding through the 2016 Annual Action Plan were prominently advertised in the Pensacola News Journal on May 18, 2015 for a minimum 30 day comment period, and an additional public meeting was held in Escambia County on May 24, 2016 to receive public review, comments and specific input concerning the draft Plans. Finally, as denoted in the public notice, written comments were received by the Consortium through June 3, 2016.  A summary of the Citizen Participation is included in Section AP-10 of the Plan, with copies of ads and written public comments in the Citizen Participation Addendum included in the Plan.

The final step in the process is to obtain approval of the Plans by all governmental bodies within the Consortium. The City of Pensacola, Santa Rosa County, and the City of Milton will approve the Plans during their respective July meetings. Escambia County serves as the lead participating jurisdiction for the Consortium. The Plan is due to HUD on or before August 15, 2016, with HUD approval anticipated October 2016.
The Annual Action Plan does not commit any County General Fund revenue. The County will directly receive the following amounts for uses specified in the Annual Action Plan and summarized in Exhibit II:
CDBG/Fund 129 $1,600,170
HOME/Fund 147 $920,660
ESG/Fund 110 $148,002
TOTALS: $2,668,832

For reference, last year's CDBG allocation was $1,644,103; HOME was $882,771; and ESG was $147,378.
Kristin Hual, Assistant County Attorney, has reviewed and approved the SF-424 and Escambia County Certification forms (Exhibit III) that must be executed in order to receive HUD funds.
There is no new impact on County personnel or positions as a result of the Board's approval of the Escambia Consortium Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. Preparation of the Plans and implementation of the CDBG, HOME, and ESG activities financed hereunder are administered by Neighborhood Enterprise Division staff and/or staff of the Consortium's member jurisdictions.
The Consolidated Plan and the Annual Action Plan requires formal approval by the Board prior to submission to HUD in order to receive CDBG, HOME and ESG funding.
Completion of the Consolidated Plan process has necessitated extensive coordination with many sectors of the local community, such as public and private affordable housing interests; County departments with respect to CDBG activities; non-profit public service agencies; local public housing authorities; homeless organizations; Escambia County, City of Pensacola, and Santa Rosa County administrative staff; interested citizens; and low/moderate income families.

For reference, the use of CDBG funds must be used for activities that primarily benefit lower income families in areas such as: housing rehabilitation and affordable housing development activities, CDBG eligible public infrastructure improvements, and public services. HOME funds are restricted to activities that produce or preserve affordable housing.  ESG funds can only be used to support activities or services for the homeless. 

Ex I-2016 HUD Annual Plan
Ex II-Annual Plan Summary
Ex III-424 and Certifications

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