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  Written Communication     8. A.    
BCC Regular Meeting   
Meeting Date: 08/04/2016  
Issue:    Environmental (Code) Enforcement Lien Relief- 210 West Hannah Street
From: Chips Kirschenfeld
Department: Natural Resources  
CAO Approval:

June 30, 2016, Communication from Theodore Topouzis, Topouzis & Associates, PC, requesting Escambia County provide relief of Code Enforcement Lien attached to 210 West Hannah Street.

Recommendation:  That the Board review and consider lien relief request made by Theodore Topouzis against property located at 210 West Hannah Street.

On August 21, 2014, the Board amended the "Guidelines for Relief from Environmental (Code) Enforcement Special Magistrate Liens" Policy, Section III, H 2.  Staff was instructed to review all requests for forgiveness of Environmental (Code) Enforcement Liens to determine if the requests met the criteria for forgiveness and allowing the County Administrator to act on the Board's behalf if set criteria are met.

After reviewing the request for forgiveness of Liens, staff made the determination that the request DOES fall within the criteria that would allow the County Administrator to act on the Board's behalf and deny relief, in accordance with the Board's Policy, "Guidelines for Relief from Environmental (Code) Enforcement Special Magistrate Liens" Policy, Section III, H 2.

Topouzis & Associates, PC, has requested relief twice and has been denied twice by County Administrator Jack Brown per Board Policy.  Topouzis & Associates, PC, has requested to appear before the Board to request relief.
The Office of Environmental (Code) Enforcement has three liens attached to 210 West Hannah Street. Two of these liens are Nuisance Abatement Liens and one is a Special Magistrate Lien. The first lien was for CE090704285 against Natasha Bitzer and Jason Weems in the amount of $133.50. The second lien was for CE0904486 against Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage, Corp in the amount of $525.50. The third lien was for CE140100030 against BAC Home Loans Servicing LP who are also the current owners.

Topouzis & Associates, PC has made two prior request for lien relief and was denied by County Administrator per Board Policy. See attached letters.

Topouzis & Associates, PC has requested to appear before the Board to appeal the liens and request relief.

Note that none of the liens have been paid by any prior owners or current owner. See attached liens.
1st Lien CE090704285

Abatement Cost: $133.50

Total Cost:          $133.50

2nd Lien CE110904486

Abatement Cost: $525.50

Total Cost:          $525.50

3rd Lien CE140100030

Fines:               $11,600.00
Court Cost          $1,100.00

Total Cost:       $12,700.00
If approved by the Board, the County Attorney's Office will prepare the release.

210 West Hannah Street

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