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  County Administrator's Report     12. 8.    
BCC Regular Meeting Technical/Public Service Consent  
Meeting Date: 05/05/2016  
Issue:    CareerSource Escarosa - Local Workforce Development Board Services Plan
From: Tonya Gant
Department: Neighborhood & Human Svcs  
CAO Approval:

Recommendation Concerning the CareerSource Escarosa Local Workforce Development Board Services Plan - Tonya Gant, Neighborhood & Human Services Department Director

That the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the CareerSource Escarosa Local Workforce Development Board Services Plan.  As required by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), all area Workforce Boards are required to submit a Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA) service plan.
In July of 2014, President Obama signed into law the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WOIA) which replaced the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Under WIOA, States and local workforce development boards are required to submit a Services Plan addressing how career services will be delivered as required by federal law. The plan addresses the administrative and fiscal entity for the local area and includes the Interlocal Agreements with Escambia and Santa Rosa counties and the CareerSource Escarosa By-Laws. The plan also details involvement of local elected officials; Escarosa Board of Directors; community organizations; economic development; education; vocational rehabilitation and other related organizations that will be involved in the process. A Draft of the WIOA Plan was posted to CareerSource Escarosa website on February 26, 2016 and made available to our Chief Elected Officials (Escambia and Santa Rosa counties) and CareerSource Escarosa Board of Directors for initial review. The final draft was published on March 11, 2016 and posted to the CareerSource Escarosa website and noticed in the Pensacola News Journal. The final draft was sent to numerous entities to include the Transportation for the Disadvantaged; Early Learning Coalition; Escarosa Coalition on the Homeless and other organizations in the educational and economic development fields. The Board shall be responsible for the approval of the Services Plan as prepared every two to five years as required by United States Department of Labor (USDOL), or Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO). CareerSource Escarosa shall be responsible for any notifications of changes or modifications necessary to keep the plan current to the County Commissioners, as required for information. The plan was available for public comment for thirty (30) days and no comments were received.
The County Attorney’s office has approved the plan as to form and legal sufficiency by Meredith Crawford.
Upon approval by the Board, the plan shall be submitted to the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) by April 30, 2016. CareerSource Escarosa has coordinated with the Department of Neighborhood and Human Services in submission of this request.

Services Plan
Attachment A Interlocal
Attachment B Bylaws
Attachment C Economic Conditions
Attachment D Labor Market Analsys
Attachment E Vocational Rehab
Attachment F Other Partner Agencies
Attachment G Public Comments

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