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    6. C.    
Planning Board-Rezoning
Meeting Date: 01/05/2016  
CASE :    Z-2015-23
APPLICANT: Escambia County, Owner
ADDRESS: 1200 West Leonard Street, 1211 West Fairfield Drive, Block of "H" Street and Cross Street
PROPERTY REF. NO.: See Rezoning Request under Submission Data
FUTURE LAND USE: MU-U, C, Rec (P, pending state review.)  
OVERLAY DISTRICT: Englewood District
BCC MEETING DATE: 02/02/2016


17-2S-30-5016-000-002 (Leonard Street)
17-2S-30-5016-002-002 (Fairfield Drive)
17-2S-30-5016-001-001 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
17-2S-30-5009-000-062 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
17-2S-30-5009-000-064 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
17-2S-30-5009-000-068 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
17-2S-30-5009-041-041 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
18-2S-30-6000-001-056 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
18-2S-30-6000-004-055 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
18-2S-30-6000-004-056 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
18-2S-30-6000-005-056 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
18-2S-30-6000-002-056 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
18-2S-30-6000-003-047 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
18-2S-30-6000-003-048 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
18-2S-30-6000-003-055 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
18-2S-30-6000-017-047 (N “H” Street and W Cross Street)
FROM: HDMU, High Density Mixed Use district (25 du/acre), HDR, High Density Residential district (18 du/acre), HC/LI, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial district (Dwelling unit density limited to vested residential development.), Rec, Recreation (Dwelling unit density limited to vested development.)

TO: Pub, Public (Dwelling unit density limited to vested residential development.)


(1) Escambia County Comprehensive Plan
(2) Escambia County Land Development Code
(3) Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County v. Snyder, 627 So. 2d 469 (Fla. 1993)
(4) Resolution 96-34 (Quasi-judicial Proceedings)
(5) Resolution 96-13 (Ex-parte Communications)
Criterion a., LDC Sec. 2-7.2(b)(4)
Consistent with Comprehensive Plan
Whether the proposed rezoning is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and not in conflict with any of the plan's provisions.

Comprehensive Plan Policy (CPP) FLU 1.1.1 Development Consistency. New development and redevelopment in unincorporated Escambia County will be consistent with the Escambia County Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Map (FLUM).

CPP FLU 1.3.1 Future Land Use Categories. Public (P) is intended to provide for uses or facilities owned or managed by the Federal, State, or county government or other public institutions or agencies. Residential density within the Public category has no limits on dwelling units per acre.

CPP FLU 2.2.1 Location. Public facilities and services will be located to minimize their cost and negative impacts on the natural environment and maximize their efficiency. Cost alternatives, impacts on the environment, and levels of efficiency will be discussed during the design phase and bid process utilized by the County to accomplish the installation or location of public facilities and/or services. In addition, the County will coordinate with the ECUA, other water and/or sewer providers, and state or federal agencies with facilities located in the County or with plans to expand existing facilities or create new facilities in the County. Among other things, it is the intent of this policy that public facilities and services are available to support the densities and intensities of uses provided by this Plan and the FLUM and that there is adequate and suitable land available for such utility facilities.

CPP FLU 2.2.4 Existing Facilities. Prior to embarking on the construction of new capital improvements, Escambia County will consider the feasibility of upgrading or rehabilitating existing facilities to determine if the rehabilitation of present facilities would be in the best interest of the County and its citizens.

The proposed amendment to Public is consistent with the intent and purpose of Future Land Use (FLU) category Public, as stated in CPP FLU 1.3.1. The location of the existing facilities and services are consistent with CPP FLU 2.2.1 and 2.2.4.  Consistency with other applicable policies of the Comprehensive Plan would be evaluated during review of development for compliance with implementing Land Development Code regulations.
Criterion b., LDC Sec. 2-7.2(b)(4)
Consistent with The Land Development Code
Whether the proposed amendment is in conflict with any portion of this Code, and is consistent with the stated purpose and intent of this Code.

Sec. 3-2.8 High Density Residential district (HDR).
(a) Purpose.
The High Density Residential (HDR) district establishes appropriate areas and land use regulations for residential uses at high densities within urban areas. The primary intent of the district is to provide for residential neighborhood development in an efficient urban pattern of well-connected streets and at greater dwelling unit density and diversity than the Medium Density Residential district. Residential uses within the HDR district include most forms of single-family, two-family and multi-family dwellings. On residential uses within the district are limited to those that are compatible with urban residential neighborhoods.

Sec. 3-2.9 High Density Mixed-use district (HDMU).
(a) Purpose.
The High Density Mixed-use (HDMU) district establishes appropriate areas and land use regulations for a complimentary mix of high density residential uses and compatible non-residential uses within urban areas. The primary intent of the district is to provide for a mix of neighborhood retail sales, services and professional offices with greater dwelling unit density and diversity than the Low Density Mixed-use district. Additionally, the HDMU district is intended to rely on urban street connectivity and encourage vertical mixes of commercial and residential uses within the same building to accommodate a physical pattern of development characteristic of village main streets and older neighborhood commercial areas. Residential uses within the district include all forms of single-family, two-family and multi-family dwellings.

Sec. 3-2.11 Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial district (HC/LI).
(a) Purpose.
The Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial (HC/LI) district establishes appropriate areas and land use regulations for a complementary mix of industrial uses with a broad range of commercial activities. The primary intent of the district is to allow light manufacturing, large-scale wholesale and retail uses, major services, and other more intense uses than allowed in the Commercial district. The variety and intensity of non-residential uses within the HC/LI district is limited by their compatibility with surrounding uses. All commercial and industrial operations are limited to the confines of buildings and not allowed to produce undesirable effects on other property. To retain adequate area for commercial and industrial activities, other uses within the district are limited.

Sec. 3-2.13 Recreation district (Rec).
(a) Purpose.
The Recreation (Rec) district establishes appropriate areas and land use regulations for outdoor recreational uses and open space. The primary intent of the district is to preserve and maintain parcels of land necessary or used for a system of public and private parks providing both active and passive recreational activities and amenities. Indoor recreation facilities are allowed within the Recreational district if customarily incidental to the principal outdoor uses. Non-recreational uses are severely limited to ensure the preservation of district lands and provision of adequate areas for public recreation. New or expanded residential development is generally prohibited.

Sec. 3-2.15 Public district (Pub).
(a) Purpose.
The Public (Pub) district establishes appropriate areas and land use regulations for publicly owned parcels with public uses generally having greater potential for adverse off-site impacts.

The proposed amendment is consistent with the stated purposes and intent of the Land Development Code (LDC) and meets the location criteria. The current site is already developed, any new development will have to meet all the requirements of the LDC and be evaluated for consistency during the Site Plan Review process.
Criterion c., LDC Sec. 2-7.2(b)(4)
Compatible with surrounding uses
Whether all land uses, development activities, and conditions allowed by the proposed zoning are compatible with the surrounding conforming uses, activities and conditions and are able to coexist in relative proximity to them in a stable fashion over time such that no use, activity, or condition negatively impacts another. The appropriateness of the rezoning is not limited to any specific use that may be proposed but is evident for all permitted uses of the requested zoning.

The proposed amendment is compatible with surrounding existing uses in the area. Within the 500' radius impact area, staff observed properties with zoning districts HDR, HDMU, Com, HC/LI, and Rec. Within the 500' radius there is one public school, one nursing home, one repair shop, one multi-family property, one utility property, two county owned properties, three bakery properties, four restaurants, six churches, seven offices, eight store properties, 50 vacant properties, and 151 single-family properties.
Criterion d., LDC Sec. 2-7.2(b)(4)
Changed conditions
Whether the area to which the proposed rezoning would apply has changed, or is changing, to such a degree that it is in the public interest to encourage new uses, density, or intensity in the area through rezoning.

Staff found no changed conditions that would not impact the amendment or properties.
Criterion e., LDC Sec. 2-7.2(b)(4)
Development patterns
Whether the proposed rezoning would contribute to or result in a logical and orderly development pattern.

The proposed amendment would result in a logical and orderly development pattern. The proposed Public district amendment would not change any logical or orderly development pattern, for that the properties are currently used as a Public established zoning district, as well as owned by local government. The zoning amendment proposed is to make existing county government or other public institutions or agencies on already Escambia County owned property compliant with the Land Development Code and 2030 Future Land Use.  

Criterion (f) LDC Sec. 2-7.2(b)(4)
Effect on natural environment
Whether the proposed rezoning would increase the probability of any significant adverse impacts on the natural environment.

According to the National Wetland Inventory, wetlands and hydric soils were not indicated on the subject property. When applicable, further review during the Site Plan Review process will be necessary to determine if there would be any significant adverse impact on the natural environment.


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