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Planning Board-Rezoning
Meeting Date: 04/07/2015  
CASE :    Z-2015-06
APPLICANT: Wiley C. "Buddy" Page, Agent for Warren T. Brown & L. Kathleen Horton-Brown, Owners
ADDRESS: 2900 Block Old Chemstrand Rd.
PROPERTY REF. NO.: 14-1N-30-1000-004-001, 1000-005-001, 1000-001-001, 4001-000-000
FUTURE LAND USE: MU-S, Mixed-Use Suburban  
BCC MEETING DATE: 04/07/2015


FROM: V-2, Villages Single-Family Residential, Gross density (two units per acre), VR-2, Villages Rural Residential Districts, Gross density: One unit per 0.75 acre, ID-1.

TO: V-5, Villages Clustered Residential District, Gross Density (four units per acre, if sewered and clustered), Gross Density (one unit per acre, if unsewered).


(1) Escambia County Comprehensive Plan
(2) Escambia County Land Development Code
(3) Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County v. Snyder, 627 So. 2d 469 (Fla. 1993)
(4) Resolution 96-34 (Quasi-judicial Proceedings)
(5) Resolution 96-13 (Ex-parte Communications)
L. Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.

Comprehensive Plan (CPP) FLU 1.1.1 Developmen55.10t Consistency. New development and redevelopment in unincorporated Escambia County shall be consistent with the Escambia County Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Map (FLUM).

CPP FLU 1.3.1 Future Land Use Categories. FLUM Mixed-Use Suburban (MU-S)
General Description: Intended for a mix of residential and non-residential uses while promoting compatible infill development and the separation of urban and suburban land uses.
Range of Allowable Uses: Residential, retail services, professional office, recreational facilities, public and civic.
Standards: Residential Minimum Density: 2 du/acre Maximum Density: 25 du/acre Non-Residential Minimum Intensity: None
Maximum Intensity: 1.0 Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Escambia County intends to achieve the following mix of land uses for new development within ¼ mile of arterial roadways or transit corridors by 2030:
a) Residential 8% to 25%
b) Public/Rec/Inst. 5% to 20%
c) Non-Residential: Retail Service-30% to 50% Office-25% to 50%
In areas beyond ¼ mile of arterial roadways or transit corridors, the following mix of land uses is anticipated:
a) Residential 70% to 85%
b) Public/Rec/Inst. 10% to 25%
c) Non-Residential 5% to 10%

CPP 1.5.3 New Development and Redevelopment in Built Areas. To promote the efficient use of existing public roads, utilities and service infrastructure, the County will encourage redevelopment in underutilized properties to maximize development densities and intensities located in the Mixed Use-Suburban, Mixed Use-Urban, Commercial and Industrial Future Land Use districts categories (with the exception of residential development).


The proposed amendment to V-5 can be consistent with the intent and purpose of Future Land Use category MU-S as stated in CPP FLU 1.3.1. The densities and allowable uses are compatible with those provided for in the Future Land Use category.
Consistent with The Land Development Code.
Whether the proposed amendment is in conflict with any portion of this Code, and is consistent with the stated purpose and intent of this Code.


The proposed amendment is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Land Development Code. While this would create a somewhat isolated district, similarly sized and developed areas with the same FLUM are located to the West of the site. The proposed change would be compatible with the surrounding zonings within the MU-S district.
Compatible with surrounding uses.
Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment is compatible with existing and proposed uses in the area of the subject property(s).


The proposed amendment is compatible with surrounding existing uses in the area. Within the 500’ radius impact area, staff observed properties with zoning districts ID-1, ID-2, VAG-2 VM-2, VR-1, VR-2 and V-2. Staff observed 16 vacant properties, 15 single-family residences, two mobile homes, one industrial plant, one ECUA site, one supply company and one warehouse.
Changed conditions.
Whether and the extent to which there are any changed conditions that impact the amendment or property(s).


The largest of these parcels (46.10± acres) proposed for rezoning was rezoned in 2012. Case Z-2012-24 was approved on Nov. 1, 2012 and rezoned the parcel from VAG-2 to V-2. The current proposed rezoning case would follow the density pattern set forth in the earlier rezoning.
Effect on natural environment.
Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in significant adverse impacts on the natural environment.

According to the National Wetland Inventory, wetlands and hydric soils were indicated on the subject property. When applicable, further review during the Site Plan Review process will be necessary to determine if there would be any significant adverse impact on the natural environment.


Development patterns.
Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in a logical and orderly development pattern.

The proposed amendment would result in a logical and orderly development pattern. The density allowed by this change would be compatible with the surrounding uses and the development pattern called for in the FLUM. Should this amendment be approved, the owner or developer bears the responsibility of meeting all applicable LDC performance standards, including those relating to density, clustering and sewering.


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