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  County Administrator's Report     15. 12.    
BCC Regular Meeting Budget & Finance Consent  
Meeting Date: 02/19/2015  
Issue:    Concerning the United States Department of Homeland Security (USDHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
From: Joy D. Blackmon, P.E.
Department: Public Works  
CAO Approval:

Recommendation Concerning the United States Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program - Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Department Director

That the Board take the following action concerning the United States Department of Homeland Security (USDHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) for the following drainage projects:  Bristol Creek/Bristol Park/Ashbury Hills Area Flood Plain Management, Wetland Restoration, and Regional Pond Plan in the Elevenmile Creek Basin - Property Acquisition Plan; Pin Oak Lane; and Old Corry Field Outfall Property Purchase for Flood Plain Management.

A. Authorize submittal of the following projects and approve the 25% match funding, available in Fund 352, Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) III:

1. Bristol Creek/Bristol Park/Ashbury Hills Area

(Flood Plain Management, Wetland Restoration, and Regional Pond Plan in the Elevenmile Creek Basin - Property Acquisition Plan)

The general intent of this mitigation project is to provide a complete submittal of a HMGP Grant Application for the Bristol Creek/Bristol Park/Ashbury Hills Area. This area flooded as a result of the April 29-30, 2014, storm event, which resulted in negative impacts to public and private infrastructure and private properties, including approximately 160 homes.  This Area, located along and within the FEMA flood hazard zone of Elevenmile Creek, has been flooded in multiple previous severe storm events since development in 1988.
The consultant, Hatch-Mott MacDonald, selected through the abbreviated selection process, is tasked with utilizing existing recorded County data, including the conceptual drainage alternatives presented in the Elevenmile Creek Master Plan Basin Study prepared by Hatch-Mott MacDonald in 1994, the updated Study in 1999 after Hurricane Georges, and the most recently updated information in 2008.
A Property Acquisition Plan for drainage improvements will be prepared with cost estimates and solutions utilizing information provided in the said basin studies, aimed at acquiring funding for the Property Acquisition Plan through the HMGP Grant Program.  The HMGP Application will include this Plan, basin study backup documentation, and any other information necessary to secure the maximum amount of HMGP property-acquisition funding that can be secured within the 3-year cycle of the April 2014 event declaration, along with the 25% matching maximum amount the County can feasibly provide. Due to the large scale of this project, property acquisition must be the first step toward implementing drainage improvements for the area.
HMGP Application deadline constraints do not permit design and construction to be considered under this grant cycle. However, staff will pursue and apply for multiple grant opportunities to secure additional funding for this project.
Estimated Cost:  $5,000,000 with a 25% County match of $1,250,000, with global match possibility for a reduction to 0% match funding and 100% grant funding;

[Funding for the 25% match is available in Fund 352, LOST III, for Bristol Creek/Bristol Park/Ashbury Hills Area Flood Plain Management, Wetland Restoration, and Regional Pond Plan in the Elevenmile Creek Basin - Property Acquisition Plan]

2. Pin Oak Lane

The south end of Pin Oak Lane floods during normal rain events. Jack’s Branch Basin Study provides a solution (Recommendation Q10) to extend an alternate roadway connection to Quintette Road to the north. The Grant Application/funding request for this project should include documentation supporting the north roadway extension, restoration of the flood plain at the south end of Pin Oak, property acquisition of several undeveloped lots, and acquisition of one residential lot at 1000 Pin Oak Lane.  The residential lot has suffered repetitive flooding as shown on documentation provided by the homeowner.  Several other property owners within the flood plain have indicated a willingness to sell their vacant property to the County due to wetland jurisdiction lines and identified flood plain lines that may restrict practical development of these properties.  County staff has also contacted property owners at the north end of Pin Oak Lane to discuss the County’s Grant Application and intent to acquire property for the north roadway extension to Quintette Road.

The FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) does not identify this area as a special flood hazard flood area, because the FEMA study did not extend to the area east of Highway 29.  However, the Jacks Branch Basin Study does indicate that the south end of Pin Oak Lane is located in the flood plain.  FEMA has been notified of this discrepancy through the Water Management District, and the area is currently under study to consider map amendments.

Estimated Cost:  $1,500,000 with a 25% County match of $375,000, with global match possibility for a reduction to 0% match funding and 100% grant funding; and

[Funding for the 25% match is available in Fund 352, LOST III, for Pin Oak Lane (Drainage Basin funds)]

3. Old Corry Field Outfall

(Property Purchase for Flood Plain Management (aka Jackson’s Creek Property Purchase)

This property purchase is for the Jackson Lakes portion of the approved National Fish and Wildlife Federation (NFWF) Grant for Bayou Chico Restoration approved for funding in December 2014.  The NFWF grant does not provide for property acquisition.  The Grant Application/funding request for this project should be to utilize the NFWF Grant funding as the Grant match for property acquisition.  This project is referenced in the NFWF Grant as Jackson’s Creek Stream Restoration and Floodplain Expansion, as it is one of the five projects listed in the Bayou Chico Restoration NFWF Grant. The stream/drainage way is also known as the Old Corry Field Outfall or the Pete Moore ditch. Property immediately adjacent to the north side of the stream/drainage way, located at 121 New Warrington Road, is suitable for restoration and floodplain expansion purposes.

The HMGP Application will focus on securing funding for property acquisition located at 121 New Warrington Road, to support the NFWF Grant for flood plain expansion.  The property of interest is owned by the Pugh Family Limited Liability Company, and currently operates as Pensacola Storage Inn, a storage rental facility. This property has flooded repeatedly and is located within the calculated 100-year flood plain.

Estimated cost:  $750,000 with a 25% County match of $187,500. However, NFWF funding is expected to be used as a Grant match for a reduction to 0% match funds and HMGP providing for 100% of the project funding.

[Funding match will be leveraged utilizing the NFWF funds for Bayou Chico Restoration as a global match, for Old Corry Field Outfall Property Purchase for Flood Plain Management]
B. Authorize the Chairman to execute, subject to Legal review and sign-off, any subsequent Agreements and program-related documents for these three projects;

 C. Authorize the County Administrator or his designee, subject to Legal review and sign-off, to execute the subsequent Grant Applications for these three projects; and

 D. Accept, subject to Legal review and sign-off, Agreements, Easements, Hold Harmless Agreements, and other documents of conveyance as may be required from property owners of Escambia County, whose properties are designated as HMGP sites.
The April 2014 storms produced floodwaters throughout Escambia County. Swollen streams caused excessive flooding and erosion that damaged many roadways, dams, culverts, and bridges. The work associated with these grant applications will assist us to acquire the funding to mitigate flooding of waterways, associated roadways, and properties. This will improve stormwater management systems in three separate drainage areas.

An abbreviated A&E selection process was completed for all three projects the week of February 2, 2015, to provide scopes of work and fees for task orders to be processed to HDR, Inc., for Pin Oak Lane and Old Corry Field Outfall Property Purchase HMGP grant applications, and to Hatch-Mott MacDonald consulting firm for the Bristol Creek/Bristol Park/Ashbury Hills Area Flood Plain Management, Wetland Restoration, and Regional Pond Plan in the Elevenmile Creek Basin - Property Acquisition Plan.

The HMGP program reimburses 75% of the actual eligible construction costs, in addition to 75% of eligible design and property acquisition costs. Escambia County’s obligation for the Bristol Creek/Bristol Park/Ashbury Hills Area Flood Plain Management, Wetland Restoration, and Regional Pond Plan in the Elevenmile Creek Basin - Property Acquisition Plan project is estimated at 25%, which is $1,250,000 of the $5,000,000 total project cost. The County’s 25% match for the other two projects is expected to be $375,000 of the $1,500,000 total project cost for the Pin Oak Lane Project, and $187,500 of the $750,000 total project cost for the Old Corry Outfall Project.

Fortunately, NFWF funding is expected to be used as a grant match for a reduction to 0% matching county funds for the Old Corry Field Outfall Property Purchase. Additionally, it is expected the NFWF funding may also be used as a global match, as allowed by HMGP, providing for 100% of all three projects, creating a 0% match for the county. The total county obligation expected for all three projects is $1,625,000, but has the potential to be reduced to $0 in match funds provided that Florida Department of Emergency Management (FDEM)-FEMA accept the NFWF funding as a global match.
$500,000 is currently allocated to the Elevenmile Creek Restoration Project for a portion of the funding of the 25% match available in Fund 352, LOST III, for Bristol Creek/Bristol Park/Ashbury Hills Area Flood Plain Management, Wetland Restoration, and Regional Pond Plan in the Elevenmile Creek Basin - Property Acquisition Plan. The additional $800,000 may be appropriated from by budget amendment from the Old Corry Field Outfall project, if the HMGP grants are approved, since HMGP approval should include NFWF funding as a leveraged matching fund.

Funding for the 25% match is available in Fund 352, LOST III, Pin Oak Lane (Drainage Basin funds).

The funding match will be leveraged utilizing the NFWF funds for Bayou Chico Restoration Grant funding, as a global match for Old Corry Field Outfall Property Purchase for Flood Plain Management. Not only will the county not be required to provide a match for the Old Corry Field Outfall Property Purchase, the NFWF funds allocated by the Bayou Chico Restoration Project grant funding may also be used as match funding for all the HMGP projects, if approved.
All documents requiring legal sign-off including the grant applications, grant agreements, easements, Hold Harmless Agreements, and other documents of conveyance as may be required from property owners of Escambia County whose properties are designated as HMGP sites will be routed to for legal sign-off prior to signatory approval by the County Administrator or Chairman, as specified in this recommendation.
Public Works Department, Engineering Division staff will manage this grant.
Board policy Section 11.A requires Board approval of grants.
Public Works Department, Engineering Division staff will also administer the grant, as
required by the contract agreement.

Bristol Oaks Scope
NFWF Approval
Global Match Guide

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