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Planning Board-Rezoning
Meeting Date: 08/05/2014  
CASE :    Z-2014-12
APPLICANT: Briar Ridge, LLC., Owner
ADDRESS: 100 Isaacs Lane
PROPERTY REF. NO.: 34-1N-31-2101-000-001
FUTURE LAND USE: I, Industrial  
BCC MEETING DATE: 09/04/2014


FROM: VAG-2, Villages Agricultural District, Gross Density (one du/five acres)

TO: ID-2, General Industrial District (noncumulative)


(1) Escambia County Comprehensive Plan
(2) Escambia County Land Development Code
(3) Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County v. Snyder, 627 So. 2d 469 (Fla. 1993)
(4) Resolution 96-34 (Quasi-judicial Proceedings)
(5) Resolution 96-13 (Ex-parte Communications)
Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.

Comprehensive Plan (CPP) FLU 1.1.1 Development Consistency. New development and redevelopment in unincorporated Escambia County shall be consistent with the Escambia County Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Map (FLUM).

CPP FLU 1.1.9 Buffering. In the Land Development Code (LDC), Escambia County shall ensure the compatibility of adjacent land uses by requiring buffers designed to protect lower intensity uses from more intensive uses, such as residential from commercial. Buffers shall also be used to protect agricultural activities from the disruptive impacts of nonagricultural land uses and protect nonagricultural uses from normal agricultural activities.

CPP FLU 1.1.10 Locational Criteria. The LDC shall include locational criteria for broad categories of proposed non-residential land uses. The site criteria for such uses shall address the transportation classification of, and access to, adjoining streets, the proximity of street intersections and large daily trip generators (i.e. college or university), the surrounding land uses, the ability of a site to accommodate the proposed use while adequately protecting adjoining uses and resources, and other criteria that may be appropriate to those categories of uses.

CPP FLU 1.3.1 Future Land Use Categories. The Industrial (I) Future Land Use (FLU) category is intended for a mix of industrial development and ancillary office and commercial uses that are deemed to be compatible with adjacent or nearby properties. Industrial areas shall facilitate continued industrial operations within the County and provide jobs and employment security for present and future residents. Range of allowable uses include: light to intensive industrial, ancillary retail and office, no new residential development is allowed. The minimum residential density is none the maximum residential density is none

CPP FLU 1.5.3 New Development and Redevelopment in Built Areas. To promote the efficient use of existing public roads, utilities and service infrastructure, the County will encourage redevelopment in underutilized properties to maximize development densities and intensities located in the Mixed-Use Suburban, Mixed-Use Urban, Commercial and Industrial Future Land Use districts categories (with the exception of residential development).

OBJ MOB 1.4 Corridor Preservation Provide for the protection of existing and future rights-of-way from encroachment by including appropriate regulations for standard right-of-way, setback regulations, density and intensity regulation, right-of-way, and scenic roadway designation within the provisions of the LDC.

MOB 1.4.1 Proposed Transportation Corridors. Escambia County will make efforts to inform the public about the location of proposed transportation corridors. Such proposed transportation corridors are to be initially designated in this section, the adopted TPO’s Cost Feasible Plan, the proposed or adopted County Capital Improvement Plan, or in any proposed or adopted Development of Regional Impact (DRI) or development plan. Transportation corridor protection regulations will be incorporated in the LDC.

The Beulah Expressway is designated as a proposed transportation corridor. Maps and descriptions of the proposed north/south corridor and the east/west connecting corridors are on file as Exhibits A and B to Ordinance 2007-02D.

The allowable uses under the Industrial FLU category are intended for an intense mix of industrial development, ancillary office and commercial uses that are deemed to be compatible with adjacent or nearby properties. Industrial areas shall facilitate continued industrial operations within the County and provide jobs and employment security for present and future residents. Large Scale Amendment LSA-2014-02 (14-4ESR) was approved for Industrial FLU by the BCC on July 10, 2014. 

A rezoning must be established for a FLU and Zoning compatibility. The applicant understands that a rezoning approval will be necessary to make the FLU compatible. Any proposed improvements within the parcel will be further evaluated during the Site Plan Review process for overall concurrency. No formal projects have been submitted at this time.

All buffering requirements and locational criteria standards will be addressed under compatibility analysis with the LDC or during the Site Plan Review Process. A rezoning map change will provide compatibility of uses, as stated in CPP FLU 1.3.1, as the Industrial FLU have allowances for light to intensive industrial uses. The proposal is also consistent with CPP FLU 1.5.3, as the parcel will be accessed using the existing public roads and if development occurs, the applicant may expand the use of existing utilities and service infrastructure.

MOB 1.4 The proposed rezoning change is within the protection area, but the actual location, layout, and description of the Beulah Expressway are unknown at this time.  Based upon the requirement for extensive public involvement as determined by Florida Statues, consistency with MOB 1.4.1 will be met. The protected area does not include the whole 93.01 acre parcel for rezoning.  The proposed Beulah Expressway is only a conceptual drawing of the proposed road.
Consistent with The Land Development Code.
Whether the proposed amendment is in conflict with any portion of this Code, and is consistent with the stated purpose and intent of this Code.

The proposed amendment is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Land Development Code. The ID-2 zoning is designed to accommodate manufacturing, processing, fabrication, and other activities which can only comply with minimal performance standards. No residential development is permitted in this district, thereby insuring adequate area for industrial activities. Community facilities and trade establishments that provide needed services to industrial development also may be accommodated in this district. The buffering requirements specified in Article 7, Section 7.01.06. of the Land Development Code may be required and will be addressed during the Site Plan Review Process. It's staff's opinion that the proposed amendment meets the locational criteria for new industrial uses, as it's situated on a parcel of land that's large enough to adequately support the type of industrial development proposed. The locational setting of the proposed amendment should minimize any adverse impacts upon surrounding properties.
Compatible with surrounding uses.
Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment is compatible with existing and proposed uses in the area of the subject property(s).

The proposed amendment is compatible with surrounding existing uses in the area. Within the 500’ radius impact area, staff observed properties with zoning districts V-2A VR-2, VAG-1, and P. Within the zoning districts there are two non-agriculture, two large parcels that are timberland, two cropland parcels, twenty-three single-family residences, and two vacant parcels. In reviewing ELU Map Exhibit, there are no existing industrial type land uses within the 500' radius, furthermore the zoning categories range from residential to public. However, it must be noted that proposed rezoning request is in close proximity to the Sector Plan Area. The corresponding maps and regulations to the Sector Plan were approved by the BCC to expand future growth as a corridor to the Escambia County.
Changed conditions.
Whether and the extent to which there are any changed conditions that impact the amendment or property(s).

Staff found no changed conditions that would impact the amendment or property(s).
Effect on natural environment.
Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in significant adverse impacts on the natural environment.

According to the National Wetland Inventory, wetlands and hydric soils were indicated on the subject property. The applicant has provided a wetlands survey that identifies and delineates existing wetlands within the site. The applicant is also in the process of obtaining all required permits and implementing all necessary mitigation activities as dictated by the responsible Federal and State agencies. When applicable, further review during the Site Plan Review process will be necessary to determine if there would be any significant adverse impact on the natural environment.


Development patterns.
Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in a logical and orderly development pattern.

Based on the location of the parcel, the current zoning maps and the surrounding existing land uses, the proposed amendment would result in a logical and orderly development pattern.  The large 93.01 acre parcel would allow for a large continuous section of industrial to develop along Isaacs Lane and Interstate-10 giving it a close proximity to the interstate maximizing the use of existing roads and infrastructure.  With the DSAP area north of the interstate and zoned for industrial type uses already, the rezoning would add to the corridor trend of good development that is close to the interstate to maximize economic development.


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