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  Growth Management Report     11. 4.    
BCC Regular Meeting Public Hearing  
Meeting Date: 05/04/2017  
Issue:    5:47 p.m. - A Public Hearing Concerning the Review of an Ordinance Amending Ch. 4, Art. 2, Floodplain Management Definitions
From: Horace Jones
Department: Development Services  

5:47 p.m. - A Public Hearing Concerning the Review of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 4, Article 2, Floodplain Management Definitions

That the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) review and adopt an Ordinance to the Land Development Code (LDC) Chapter 4, Article 2, Section 4-2.10, Definitions, amending the definition for Coastal High Hazard Area to include specific areas in Perdido Key.
Escambia County adopted minimum floodplain management requirements in order to provide for the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens and to minimize private and public losses due to flooding, as part of the County's acceptance into and participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The National Flood Insurance Program recognizes that while it helps reduce the risks to development from flood related hazards, it does not make development “safe” from flooding. Regulations that go beyond the minimum requirements of the NFIP are encouraged and higher State and local regulations take precedence over the minimum NFIP requirements.

Santa Rosa Island, the other barrier island in Escambia County, adopted V zone construction requirements and has implemented those requirements for the past few years. Barrier islands absorb the energy from the open ocean and thereby reduce the wave fetch and protect mainland development and wetlands from wave attack.

By designating properties on Perdido Key fronting the Gulf under the Coastal High Hazard Areas definition, velocity zone (V zone), construction requirements will apply resulting in enhanced protection for the citizens, businesses, and structures on Perdido Key. Implementation of the V zone standards would provide for the reduction of effects derived from reflection and channelization of flow thus minimizing erosion and scour around the structure and mitigating impacts to adjacent properties; it may also result in improved flood insurance rates, by implementing higher community standards and contributing to a potential rating increase under the Community Rating System (CRS) ranking.
No budgetary impact is anticipated by the adoption of this Ordinance.
The attached Ordinance has been reviewed and approved for legal sufficiency by Meredith D. Crawford, Assistant County Attorney. Any recommended legal comments are attached herein.
No additional personnel are required for implementation of this Ordinance.
The proposed Ordinance is consistent with the Board’s goal “to increase citizen involvement in, access to, and approval of, County government activities.”
This Ordinance, amending the LDC, will be filed with the Department of State following adoption by the board.

Implementation of this Ordinance will consist of an amendment to the LDC and distribution of a copy of the adopted Ordinance to interested citizens and staff.

The proposed Ordinance was prepared by the Development Services Department, in cooperation with  the County Attorney’s Office and all interested citizens. The Development Services Department will ensure proper advertisement.

Draft Ordinance
Clean Ordinance

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