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Special BCC Meeting   
Meeting Date: 05/30/2017  
Issue:    Pensacola Beach Congestion Management Plan
Department: Public Works  
CAO Approval:

Recommendation Concerning the Pensacola Beach Congestion Management Plan - Joy D. Blackmon, P.E., Public Works Department Director

That the Board take the following action:

A. Review and approve the Pensacola Beach Congestion Management Plan (PBCMP); 

B. Approve allocation of funding from Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) IV for Phase II of the PBCMP - Additional Parking; and/or

C. Approve allocation of funding from LOST IV for Phase III of the PBCMP - Pedestrian Underpasses and Vehicular Roundabouts.

[Funding:  Upon approval, County staff will program the necessary allocation from Local Option Sales Tax IV]
Meeting in regular session on February 18, 2016, the Board approved a contract with Volkert, Inc., to develop a congestion management plan for Pensacola Beach in efforts to identify traffic-related issues, provide recommendations to relieve those issues, and conduct a strong public involvement phase throughout development of the plan.

Dating back to 2010, multiple studies have been conducted on Pensacola Beach, including the plan initiated by the Santa Rosa Island Authority (SRIA) and developed by EDSA (the firm which provided the first Pensacola Beach Master Plan) to address the traffic issues. The Pensacola Beach Congestion Management Plan (CMP) is a separate document from the EDSA Master Plan, which provided an extensive public involvement aspect, provided several recommended transportation-related projects (both short- and long-term improvements) in order to alleviate some of the traffic congestion on the Island, and identified the key factors causing the traffic issues. 

It has been determined that the traffic congestion on Pensacola Beach is primarily caused by three main components during peak times: the existing traffic signal at the Via de Luna Drive/Fort Pickens intersection, vehicular/pedestrian conflicts, and inadequate parking during peak times.

The Pensacola Beach Congestion Management Plan has addressed the key components that are causing the congestion on Pensacola Beach with the understanding that all of the key components are equally important and all must be addressed in the long term to have a positive impact on traffic congestion now and in the future. Based on that understanding, and taking into consideration the feedback received through public involvement and intense evaluation of possible remedies, Volkert recommends the following project prioritization:

1. Long Term Congestion Alternative C - Roundabouts with pedestrian underpasses
2. Transit/Trolley upgrades 
3. Additional Parking Option 4b. Public property near Sheriff’s substation at Casino Beach
4. Additional Parking Option 4c. Public property near old Visitors Center building
5. Additional Parking Option 4a. Public property near the fire station along Via de Luna Drive
6. Additional Parking Option 4d. Public property parking at SRIA office site

Due to the existing constraints on Pensacola Beach (limited land availability and popularity of the area), there are no feasible options that will totally eliminate traffic congestion on the beach, especially during the peak season, but with the proposed improvements we will be able to eliminate a substantial portion of the congestion and make the beach much safer for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists.
Upon approval, County staff will program the necessary allocation from Local Option Sales Tax IV.  
Upon approval, County staff will coordinate with all the appropriate agencies, stakeholders, and individuals for plan implementation.  

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