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  County Administrator's Report     13. 32.    
BCC Regular Meeting Budget & Finance Consent  
Meeting Date: 09/20/2018  
Issue:    Funding Allocation for the Studer Institute in conjunction with the United Way of Escambia County to Develop a Map of the ALICE Households
From: Doug Underhill
Department: Board of County Commissioners  
CAO Approval:

Recommendation Concerning the Funding Allocation for the Studer Institute in Conjunction with the United Way of Escambia County, to Develop a Map of the ALICE Households in Escambia County - Doug Underhill, Commissioner, District 2

That the Board approve Commissioner Underhill’s request to provide $5,000, from the Economic Development fund for the Studer Institute in conjunction with the United Way of Escambia County to develop a map of the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Households in Escambia County.

A master copy of the ALICE report will be available in the County Administrator's Office and in the back of the Board Room for the public to view.

[Funding:  Fund 102, Economic Development; Cost Center 360704; Object Code 55101, Office Supplies and Maps]
ALICE refers to the population in our communities that are Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. The ALICE population represents those among us who are working, but due to child care costs, transportation challenges, high cost of living and so much more are living paycheck to paycheck.
It was noted during the first round of Triumph Proposals that none of our Economic Development projects are focused in the areas of the community with historically high poverty, and it is these same areas that suffer the most from neglected and aging infrastructure. To achieve lasting change, we must first understand the population of families that are working hard but falling short in each of our communities and across Florida. United Way was tasked with preparing the United Way ALICE Report to better understand this challenged and often overlooked population and provide each local United Way with data to promote stronger and more resilient communities.
Local United Ways have long worked with the ALICE population in the areas of education, income and health to build better lives.  The ALICE report clarifies and describes the complex challenges they face and provides invaluable insight regarding how to promote policies and programs that benefit everyone. 
Upon Board approval, $5,000 will come from the Economic Development fund in the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget. 
Upon Board approval, the County Administrator’s Office will work with the Studer Institute and the United Way of Escambia County to obtain the necessary documents to process this payment.

2017 United Way ALICE Project Methodology

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